
  1. 我国国有企业现行业绩考核评价体系即《中央企业负责人经营业绩考核暂行办法》,尚存一些问题,应结合EVA绩效评价和激励理论对现行评价体系进行改进。

    This paper analyzes the drawbacks of present performance evaluation system of Chinese enterprise Temporary regulations of performance evaluation On the central state enterprise legal person .

  2. 2010年国务院国资委发布了最新的《中央企业负责人经营业绩考核暂行办法》,在中央企业第三任期(20102012年)全面推行经济增加值(EVA)考核。

    In the year of 2010 , SASAC issued a new " Interim measures for the assessment of management performance of Heads of Central enterprises " to fully implement EVA evaluation on the heads of central enterprises in their third terms ( 2010-2012 ) .

  3. 2003年11月25日,国务院国有资产监督管理委员会颁布了《中央企业负责人经营业绩考核暂行办法》(以下简称《办法》),2006年12月30日对《办法》进行了修订。

    On November 25 , 2003 , State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission promulgated the " Interim Measures for Performance Evaluation of the Central Enterprise Executives ", Hereafter , on December 30 , 2006 , the " Interim Measures " was revised .