
  1. 2008年1月1日,《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》(以下简称《劳动合同法》)正式颁布实施,以国家立法的形式倾斜保护劳动者、规范企业行为。

    On January 1st , 2008 , " Labor Contract Law ," the official promulgation and implementation of national legislation to protect workers in the form of law , standardize enterprise behavior .

  2. 因此,在立法实践中,《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》及其《实施条例》在确立劳动关系方面,采用的是一重劳动关系学说,但是在雇主责任承担方面则采用了双重劳动关系学说。

    Therefore , in the legislative practice , PRC Labor Contract Law and its implementing regulations used one-dimension labor relationship theory in establishing labor relationship , while used two-dimension labor relationship theory in terms of accountability .

  3. 于2008年1月1日生效的《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》希望通过进一步扩大对无固定期限合同条款的签订,使无固定期限劳动合同方式作为劳动关系的基本形式。

    January 1 , 2008 " Labor Contract Law of the PRC " entered into force , which aims to enable No-fixed-term Labor Contract as the main form of employment by expanding the signing of No-fixed-term Labor Contract .