
  1. 建筑劳务用工制度改革与构建和谐社会

    The Reformation of the Construction Employment System and Building a Harmonious Society

  2. 第一阶段建议以推行人事用工制度改革;

    Stage ⅰ , suggest to implement reform on personnel employee mechanism ;

  3. 规范劳动合同制是地勘单位用工制度改革的关键

    Standardization of Labour Contract is the key for Restructuring the System of Recruitment in Geological Exploration Organization

  4. 企业进行劳动用工制度改革后,出现了外来工与正式工并存的双制式用工方式。

    After the reform of employment system , dual modes of employment - " foreign workers " and " formal workers " co-exist , appeared .

  5. 整体人事用工制度改革分四个阶段,第一阶段:设计银行卡中心的组织结构框架;

    The reform of the personal system includes four stages , that is to say , the first is to design the organizational frame of the central banking cards ;

  6. 随着经济改革与开放的不断深化,特别是用工制度改革的引入与推广,中国的劳动力市场逐步得以建立并日益成熟。

    Because of the continuous economic reform and opening up especially the introduction and deepening of employment system reform , labor markets in China have been gradually established and matured .

  7. 国有企业用工制度改革三十年,从固定工制转向劳动合同制,这是历史的进步。

    The employment system reform of the State-owned enterprises ( SOE ) in the past thirty years , from fixed labor system to labor contract system , this is a historical progress .

  8. 企业用工制度改革后,外用工越来越多,给企业安全管理带来了许多新的问题。

    After the reform of labour power employment system of enterprises , more and more external labour power were used by enterprises , thus caused a lot of new problems in safety management .

  9. 近年来,随着市场经济的日益成熟以及用工制度改革的深度推进,劳务派遣作在我国迅速发展。

    In recent years , with the increasing maturity of the market economy as well as the propulsion of the employment system , the labor dispatch mode is developed rapidly in our country .

  10. 但近几年,随着我国市场经济结构的调整和劳动用工制度改革的深入,现行的劳动争议处理机制存在的问题越来越明显地凸现出来。

    With the deepening of the changed in the market economy structure and reforms in the working system , the existing problems of the nowadays labor dispute settlement system are becoming more and more protrusive .

  11. 县乡公路养护管理体制及用工制度的改革探讨

    The Reform of Maintenance Management System and Employment System of County and Country Highways

  12. 随着我国用工制度的改革,劳动争议纠纷呈上升趋势。

    With the reform of our labor system , labor disputes are in a rising tendency .

  13. 具体介绍了东安公司在干部人事制度、分配制度、劳动用工制度的改革举措。

    Detailed description has been given to the reforming measures for cadre personnel system , distribution system and labor system .

  14. 随着我国建筑企业改制和用工制度的改革,建筑工人队伍发生了根本变化,管理层与劳务层两层分离,使建筑企业一线工人由原来的固定工自有职工,转变为现在的临时工农民工。

    As the employment system and building enterprises ' system reform are constantly on the way , fundamental changes have taken place in construction workers ' body .

  15. 形成企业二元结构的原因主要有:用工和劳动制度改革中的歧区,农村剩余劳动力的大量涌流和企业既得利益团体的形成。

    The main reason of this " dualistic structure " is the disagreements in the employment and labor system reform , large scale immigration of the redundant rural labors and the vested interest group in the enterprises .

  16. 第二阶段各医院完成后勤管理体制、资产制度、劳动用工制度等方面的改革;

    In the second stage , each hospital should complete reform in its systems of logistics management , properties , and labor employment .

  17. 积极推进企业劳动用工和工资分配制度改革;全面加强煤炭企业劳动保障队伍建设。

    Vigorously pushing forward enterprise labour / wages system reforms and enhancing the organiza-tion work for a special contingent of labour security in coal enterprises .

  18. 结论聘用制的用工制度是人事制度改革的必然趋势,21世纪护理人力资源管理应予以足够重视,以适应社会变革的需要,促进专业的发展。

    Conclusion The system of employing is an inevitable trend because of the reform of personnel system . The management of human resource should be emphasized in 21st century in order to meet the reform of society and promote the development of specialty .

  19. 竞争上岗作为用工形式上的变革,代表了市场经济条件下用工制度改革的发展方向。

    Going to work by competition , as a reform in labor using , stands for the developing direction of labor-using reform under marketing economy .