
  • 网络User Profile;user configuration file;httpd.conf
  1. 若要恢复隔离的邮件,必须使用垃圾邮件隔离邮箱用户配置文件登录到垃圾邮件隔离邮箱。

    To recover a quarantined message , you must log on to the spam quarantine mailbox using the spam quarantine mailbox user profile .

  2. 获取或设置一个值,该值指示是否从注册表中加载windows用户配置文件。

    Gets or sets a value indicating whether the windows user profile is to be loaded from the registry .

  3. Twitter将公开能够检索用户配置文件的location属性的API。

    Twitter exposes an API that provides the ability to retrieve the location property of a user profile .

  4. 并将整个网关程序分三个进程讨论,以分别负责PLC通信、网络接口通信与用户配置文件下载。

    Then we discuss the whole gateway software from three processes : PLC communication process , network communication process and user configuration file download process .

  5. 为每个用户配置文件创建一个此类的实例,并且您可以通过profile属性以代码访问各个配置文件值。

    An instance of this class is created for each user profile , and you can access the individual profile values in your code through the profile property .

  6. 除了便于创建配置文件之外,在更改了服务器设置或用户配置文件之后,自动发现服务还可以修复任何exchange连接设置。

    In addition to facilitating profile creation , the autodiscover service also repairs any exchange connection settings after a change has been made to the server settings or the user 's profile .

  7. ServerStudio利用用户配置文件安全地储存个人信息,比如用户连接、登录参数、数据、首选项和系统配置等。

    Server Studio employs user profiles to securely store personalized information such as user connections , log-on parameters , data , preferences , system configurations , and more .

  8. 如果guest用户配置文件处于启用状态且口令为空,则登录到该服务器的任何尝试都将成功。

    If the guest user profile is enabled and has a blank password , any attempt to log in to the server will be successful .

  9. 可能您需要选中outlook的“将此文件夹显示为电子邮件通讯簿”属性,或者需要更改outlook用户配置文件。

    You may need to turn on the show this folder as an e-mail address book property in outlook , or you may need to change your outlook user profile .

  10. 例如,如果您正在显示一个有关作业信息的图表,就可以通过ChangeContext指定只在图表中显示带有特定名称或用户配置文件的作业。

    For example , by using Change Context , if you were displaying a chart that graphed information about jobs , you could specify only jobs with a particular name or user profile are displayed in the chart .

  11. 目前的稳定版本SambaV3.x包括与Windows中使用的ActiveDirectory系统的兼容性,以便共享和提供用户配置文件和授权支持。

    The current stable release , Samba V3 . x , includes compatibility with the Active Directory system used in Windows to share and provide user profile and authorization support .

  12. 检查用户配置文件,并从中获得CCSID。

    Check the user profile and get the CCSID from there .

  13. 如果该场为其他门户场提供用户配置文件、访问者、搜索、订阅和sso等共享服务,请选择此选项。

    Select this option if this farm provides shared services of user profiles , audiences , search , subscriptions and SSO to other portal farms .

  14. 当前任务或事务userid需要保护替代userid的替代用户配置文件的UPDATE访问权权限,以便获得使用它的授权。

    The current task or transaction userid needs UPDATE access to the alternate user profile that protects the alternate userid , in order to be authorized to use it .

  15. 通过向您的用户配置文件中添加一个简单的模板{{subst:wikEd}},您可以支持能简化良好wiki标记输入的编辑器。

    By adding a simple template { { subst : wikEd } } to your user profile you can enable an editor that makes it easier to enter good wiki markup .

  16. 出现这些错误是因为服务器端代码在没有用户配置文件的情况下运行,或者为启动上下文指定的用户身份没有正确的dcom权限。

    These errors appear because the server-side code is running without a user profile or the user identity that is specified for the launching context does not have proper DCOM permissions .

  17. 多种加密技术(包括DPAPI)可能需要使用用户配置文件。

    Various encryption techniques ( including DPAPI ) may require user profiles .

  18. 比如,您可能想要支持您自己的查询语言或想要将Solr与您的用户配置文件相集成来提供个性化的效果。

    For instance , you may want to support your own query language or you may want to integrate Solr with your user profiles to provide personalized results .

  19. 完成更改之后,删除登录、用户配置文件或任何启动脚本中对ulimit命令的引用。

    Once the changes have been made , remove references to the ulimit command in the login , user profiles or any startup scripts .

  20. 如果用户配置文件未指定CCSID,就通过系统值QCCSID确定该值。

    If the user profile does not specify a CCSID , the value is determined from the system value QCCSID .

  21. 不要在“mqsiprofile”中设置环境配置相关信息,而要在用户配置文件中进行设置。

    Do not set environment configuration related information in " mqsiprofile ", rather set it inside a user profile .

  22. 您不具有编辑此用户配置文件的权限。

    You do not have access to edit this user profile .

  23. 访问用户配置文件数据库时出现错误。

    There has been an error accessing the user profile database .

  24. 用户配置文件(即在系统级)

    User profile ( that is , at the System level )

  25. 利用自适应用户配置文件提供个性化服务。

    An adaptive user profile is used to provide personalized service .

  26. “将管理员安全组添加到移动用户配置文件”

    " Add the Administrators security group to roaming user profiles "

  27. 您已决定将这些设置应用于默认用户配置文件。

    Are you sure you want to change the default user settings ?

  28. 只为当前用户配置文件保存这些设置。

    Save these settings for the current user profile only .

  29. 替代用户配置文件和客户端连接管理器向导的设置

    Override settings from user profile and Client Connection Manager wizard

  30. 因为用户配置文件和用户操作各不相同。

    The user profile and user actions are quite different .