
  • 网络privileges;User;Permissions;User Privileges;user rights
  1. 一个setuid进程(如启动top)是用拥有该文件的用户权限运行的。

    A setuid process , such as launching top , runs with the privileges of the user who owns the file .

  2. 若要登录到您拥有用户权限的ftp站点,请单击“用户”,然后键入口令。

    To log on to an FTP site that you have user privileges for , click user , and then type your password .

  3. POWERBUILDER应用中用户权限管理

    Design of user authority in Power Builder application programs

  4. 最后,完成了针对不同用户权限的基于Web的免费机场接送服务软件系统。

    Finally , the Free Pickup & Delivery Service to Airport System Based on Web is accomplished considering different authorities .

  5. ERP系统用户权限分配问题的实现

    The Realization of User Rights Allotment in ERP System

  6. CRM系统中一种管理用户权限的方案及其实现

    A Solution and Implementation of User Power Management in CRM System

  7. 电厂MIS中用户权限管理的探讨与实现

    Discussion and Realization of User Power Management in Equipment MIS of Electric Power Plant

  8. 用户权限管理是管理信息系统(MIS)设计中的重要环节,是系统安全运行的有力保证。

    User-privilege management is very important in design of MIS and is safe assurance of system .

  9. CSCW集成系统中用户权限安全管理方法的研究

    Research of User Privilege Security Management in Integrated System Based On CSCW

  10. 作为Intranet上的企业管理软件,安全性的设计至关重要,文中也对系统安全性的设置及用户权限控制策略进行了讨论。

    As working at Intranet , the setting of security and the authority control strategy are also introduced .

  11. 针对B/S系统中的用户权限访问控制的问题,提出了一种基于角色访问控制和WebServices技术的用户权限设计。

    The design of authority control based on user access control and Web Services is put forward to avoid the problems which are aroused by the user access control in B / S system .

  12. 阐述了在VFP中使用权限数据表设计用户权限表单的方法。

    Discuss the methods of applying the VFP table design of the power limit form .

  13. 这了实现对某ERP系统的用户权限分配问题,给出了一种分配策略,并利用基于角色的访问控制技术实现了这一策略。

    In order to realize user rights allotment in ERP system , gives an assign tactics , and implements it by using role-based access control model .

  14. Novell教学网目录结构的规划及用户权限的控制

    The planning of directory structure and the setting of users'right in Novell teaching net

  15. 在分析了Eclipse平台特点的基础上,提出了一种用户权限管理插件的设计模型,该模型重点考虑了通用性的设计。

    On the base of analyzing Eclipse , an design model of user right manager plugin based on is proposed which puts emphasis on general .

  16. 而授权管理基础设施PMI解决是用户权限访问方面,主要通过给用户颁发属性证书AC来实现。

    Yet , Privilege Management Infrastructure ( PMI ) mainly solute the user rights which primarily through the attribute certificate issued to the user .

  17. 对一些操作,fink需要有超级用户权限。

    For some operations , Fink needs super user rights .

  18. 如果要使用这个页面上描述的任何特性(比如惟一性检查),那么要确保选中对应的框,并输入对ContentManager具有超级用户权限的用户ID和口令。

    If you are using any of the features described on that page ( such as uniqueness checks ), make sure to check the box and enter a user ID and password that has superuser authority for Content Manager .

  19. 为了更具可选性,您可以给模式描述加前缀u来设置用户权限,g来设置组权限,还有o为其他人设置。

    To be more selective , you may prefix the mode expression with u to set the permission for users , g to set it for groups , and o to set it for others .

  20. 用户权限管理模块应用MVC、Role模式,结合应用系统的功能模块和为其附加的操作约定码,做到了统一管理和细粒度的访问控制。

    The module of user authority management applies MVC and Role pattern , and adopts the business module of application system and the attached operation appointed code . So it can accomplish united management and scrupulous access control .

  21. 数据字典和权限平台是单独的系统,数据字典用于对数据库中的表和字段进行描述进而生成XML的描述文件,权限平台用于对用户权限及数据权限进行配置管理。

    Data dictionary and permissions platform is a separate system , data dictionary used to describe the database tables and fields and then generate the XML description file , permissions platform for configuration management of user rights and data rights .

  22. 针对系统帮助功能,实现了:报表输出、数据备份与恢复、用户权限设置、信息压缩、操作日志、与excel交换数据等功能。

    Help function for the system to achieve : the report output , data backup and recovery , user permissions , information compression , operation logs , to exchange data with excel functions .

  23. 开发并执行标准,并根据内部用户权限定制hris报告;

    Develop and execute standard and customized HRIS reports according to internal user authorization levels .

  24. 智能化专用刀具CAD系统具有用户权限设置功能,保证了系统的安全管理;基于Windows2000环境开发,具有较好的人机界面,操作方便。

    The intelligent special cutting-tool CAD system is provided with the functions on user priority setting , assuring the CAD system 's safety , and it has good user interface and convenient operation due to being exploited based on Windows 2000 .

  25. 该文探讨了Web页面的安全问题,利用ASP&SqlServer技术,提出了构建Web页面防火墙的IP地址过滤法和用户权限验证法,并给出了实现过程。

    In this paper , We discussed the safe problems of Web pages , Using the ASP & SQL Server techique , gave the methods of IP address filtering and user 's right checking to construction of firewall for Web pages , and give the processing .

  26. 跨站点请求伪造(CSRF攻击)是利用用户权限执行攻击的结果。

    Cross-Site Request Forgeries ( CSRF attacks ) are exploits that take advantage of user privileges to carry out an attack .

  27. 如果用户权限过去是设计者,然后更改为编辑者,那么离开办公室代理可能是由导致AdminP失效的ID进行签名的。

    If the user 's access used to be a Designer and then was changed to Editor , the Out of Office agent may be signed by an ID that causes AdminP to fail .

  28. 在分析原有网络存在问题的基础上,从NetWare网络的目录结构规划和用户权限结构设计入手,阐述了在NetWare4.10网络环境下实现多用户无盘自启动的设计与实施的方法和步骤。

    Based on analyzing problem of original network , from the directory structure and the design of user purview of NetWare network , expatiates the method and process of implementing multi-user without tray self-startup design and implementary in NetWare 4.10 network environment .

  29. 其次采用X3技术架构平台,实现系统的开发;重点探讨了贯穿于整个业务的计划管理的流程模型,并对系统中的红冲管理和用户权限设置两个业务的关键技术作了详细地阐述。

    Secondly , the paper uses the X3 technical architecture platform to develop the system . The paper focuses on the flow model of plan management which is throughout the business . Then the paper describes the key technologies in the system-user permissions setting and modify management in detail .

  30. 广州地铁自动售检票系统用户权限划分的实现方式

    Solutions for User Purview Partition in AFC System of Guangzhou Metro