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  • file directory
  1. corepath&核心文件目录路径启用/禁用

    Core_path & Core file directory path enable / disable

  2. 介绍Novel网络系统的站点限制、文件目录管理、文件服务器的维护和网络应用软件在运行中的问题及解决办法。

    This paper discusses some problems in running the Novell network system : station restriction , file directory management , file server protection of the NetWare , and the possible solutions to them .

  3. 用箭头键滚动文件目录。

    Use the arrow keys to scroll the list of files .

  4. 用箭头键把文件目录滚动一遍。

    Use the arrow keys to scroll through the list of files .

  5. 如果概要文件目录没有被存储在WASHOME下,那么您也需要删除这个目录。

    If your profiles directory is not stored under WAS_HOME then you need to delete this directory as well .

  6. 该数据在恢复过程中是必须的,用于将文件目录映射到DocumentLibrary模型的一个文档中。

    This data is required during restore to map the file contents to a document in the Document Library model .

  7. 这些二级TOC条目中的每一个在项目中都有对应的XML文件目录。

    Each of these secondary TOC entries has a corresponding table of contents XML file in the project .

  8. 在一般情况下,Bazaar管理完整的文件目录。

    In general , Bazaar manages entire directories of files .

  9. 文件目录中未找到unc映射。

    No UNC map was found to the file 's directory .

  10. 该小BUG可以不经入侵者同意而上传攻击代码,甚至可以写入到他的自动运行的文件目录中。

    That hole allowed him to upload an attack file the hacker hadn 't asked for , and even write it into the server 's autostart directory .

  11. 两个子目录都包含一个src源文件目录以及一个构建文件和一个依赖描述符(ivy.xml)。

    Both the subdirectories contain a src directory for the source files as well as a build file and a dependency descriptor ( ivy . xml ) .

  12. 创建ssvnc概要文件目录

    Create the ssvnc profile directory

  13. 我们首先简介了XENIX下的DOS实用程序及其使用方法,然后讨论并提供了在XENIX下把MS&DOS文件目录递归地传送到XENIX文件系统的SHELL程序。

    The DOS utilities of XENIX and their usage are briefly introduced first , and then a Shell grogram is presented which transfers files , directories and even a whole file system of DOS to XENIX file system .

  14. 主要阐述BLOB数据类型,并利用该类型来完成图像数据在数据库中的存储和查询操作,从而解决了传统的图像数据存储在数据库服务器的文件目录下的管理模式。

    This paper mainly expounds the forms of BLOB data , which is used to implement the storage and inquiry of the picture data in the database and to solve the managerial mode for storing the traditional picture data in the database server under the file catalogue .

  15. 必须为数据和日志都指定文件目录。

    You must specify file directories for both data and log .

  16. 无法定位或创建自定义配置文件目录。

    Could not locate or create the custom profile directory .

  17. 说明书以外的先有技术文件目录

    List of prior art documents separating from descriptive text

  18. 表1显示了文件目录的结构。

    Table 1 shows the structure of the files .

  19. 选项,必须对指定的文件目录位置拥有写入权限。

    Options , you must have write permissions to the specified file directory location .

  20. 不能应用日志文件目录。

    Cannot apply log file directory .

  21. 然后对遥感卫星地面处理系统的文件目录数据管理进行分析,最后提出了文件目录数据的访问策略。

    Then , the paper analyzes file index management and put up an approach to accessing file index database .

  22. 如果您的文件目录在“位置”弹出式菜单中不可见,请点按“存储为”栏位右侧的显示三角形。

    If your file directory isn 't visible in the where pop-up menu , click the disclosure triangle to the right of the save as field .

  23. 本文介绍利用非标准格式磁盘对文件目录加密的原理和方法,并在微机DOS3.31环境下对1.2MB软盘上的文件目录实现了加密。

    This article introduces the principle and method of the encryption of file directory by using a diskette of nonstandard format . It has been implemented on a 1.2 MB diskette in a microcomputer under DOS 3 . 31 environment .

  24. 用这个选项你可以创建新的文件或目录。

    This option lets you create new files or directories .

  25. corepathname&生成核心文件的目录

    Core_pathname & Directory to generate core files

  26. 还必须创建它们各自的run脚本,并为日志文件创建目录。

    And you must create run scripts for each of them and create a directory for the log files .

  27. shift从参数列表中删除所有已处理的参数,保留待处理的文件和目录列表。

    Shift removes all the processed arguments from the argument list , leaving the list of files and directories to process .

  28. 通过单击Add按钮选择一个或多个csv文件或目录。

    Select one or more csv files or directories by clicking the Add button .

  29. du工具用于确定文件和目录的磁盘使用情况。

    The du tool is used to determine the disk usage for files and directories .

  30. 就其本身而言,tar是一种非常有用的工具,可用于复制文件和目录结构。

    On its own , tar is a very useful tool for copying files and directory structures .