
  • 网络Network sharing;tethering;Internet sharing;web sharing
  1. 基于SVG的地理信息网络共享与发布技术研究

    Research of Internet Sharing and Publishing Technology Based on SVG for Geographical Information

  2. 高校大型科学仪器设备网络共享平台的开发

    Developing an Internet Sharing Platform of Large Device in University

  3. Internet是一种开放和标准的面向所有用户的技术,其资源通过网络共享。

    Internet is a technology which is open and standard for all users through its network sharing .

  4. IP别名技术及其在网络共享中的应用

    IP Aliasing and Its Applications on Sharing Broadband Access

  5. Windows应用软件的网络共享

    Sharing the applied software of windows in networks

  6. 整个设计利用TCP/IP协议和有限的存储资源较好的实现了单片机资源的网络共享。

    The design uses TCP / IP protocol and limited buffer to share MCU on network .

  7. 通过该系统可以实现浏览器端和GIS服务器端的空间信息进行各种交互操作,达到空间信息发布的实时化、可视化和地理空间信息的网络共享。

    Using this system , we can achieve interoperability , visualization , real-time and network sharing between browsers and servers .

  8. 为了实现三维GIS数据网络共享和互操作,研究了构建三维GIS数据发布服务的方法。

    To implement interoperability and data sharing in network environment , approaches for 3D GIS data publication are studied . 3 .

  9. 然而,在当前的Internet环境下,依赖传统网络共享技术很难实现如此大规模的数据集中与分析。

    However , in the current Internet environment , convergence and analysis of so large quantities data is almost infeasible relying on traditional network sharing techniques .

  10. 地理信息Web共享为地学研究提供了崭新的形式。地理信息网络共享的最终形式是基于互联网的分布式地理信息系统。

    Geographic information web sharing provides a new form study for the Geography Internet-based distributed geographic information systems is the ultimate form of geographic information network sharing .

  11. 欧洲如何看待3G网络共享

    Europe Attitude Toward 3G Networks Sharing

  12. 3GWCDMA网络共享的关键技术

    Key Network Sharing Technologies for 3G WCDMA Networks

  13. 国内3G网络共享问题之研究

    3G Network Sharing Issues

  14. 实现宿主机Windows系统和客户机Linux系统(虚拟机)之间的网络共享功能是考试系统实现的关键技术,两种系统必须进行正确的网络设置才能实现该功能。

    The key technology in the examination system implementation is the network sharing function between the host Windows system and the guest Linux system .

  15. 打包后,您可以通过将它们发布到internet或网络共享上,或者通过电子邮件形式发送来与其他开发者共享社区组件。

    After packaging , you can share community components with other developers by posting them on the internet , posting them on a network share , or sending them by e-mail .

  16. 该保护终端装置采用模块化结构,每个终端都配置了GPS信号模块和远程通信模块,可通过专用的通信网络共享电网广域信息。

    It adopts modularized structure , each terminal equips with GPS signal module and telecommunication module , and shares the wide-area information of power network via special communication network .

  17. 随着互连网的发展,嵌入式系统与Internet的结合越来越紧密,如何通过网络共享嵌入式应用系统的信息已经成为业界研究的热门课题,嵌入式Web服务器便应运而生。

    With the development of internet , the combination between embedded system and internet is getting inseparably associated . How to share the informations of embedded application system through internet , the hot subject has been researched .

  18. 多Agent智能制造系统由逻辑或物理位置上分布的多组Agent构成,通过网络共享资源,相互协作完成一任务。

    Multi-agent manufacturing system is composed of multi-set of agent that was distributed in logic and physics position , and resource is shared through network connections , a task is accomplished together by each other cooperation .

  19. CD刻录机可以跨越网络共享,还可用于自动备份;mkisofs和cdrecord也能用于DVD。

    CD recorders can be shared over networks and used in automated backups ; mkisofs and cdrecord also work with DVDs .

  20. 从应用程序运行位于其他计算机上的SQLite的惟一方法是从网络共享运行。

    The only way to run SQLite on a different machine from the application is to run it from a network share .

  21. 然而,adhoc网络共享无线信道,无线资源十分有限,如何合理、高效使用紧缺的无线资源,提高网络传输性能,为高层业务提供QoS保障,一直是人们研究的热点。

    However , Ad Hoc networks use shared wireless channel , the resources are limited , how to use the scarce wireless resources more effectively to improve network performance , and how to provide QoS for high-level services , has been a research hotspot .

  22. 教育学院系统网络共享信息资源建设探讨

    Study on Building Shared Information Resource of Network in Education Institutes

  23. 面向设备资源信息的网络共享系统研究与应用

    Research and Application of Equipment Resource Infomation - based Network Share System

  24. 安全高效的传感器网络共享密钥发现协议

    Efficient and Resilient Shared-key Discovery Protocol in Wireless Sensor Network

  25. 使用一个到广播站信息文件的网络共享路径

    Use a network share path to the station information file

  26. 海量遥感影像数据的网络共享与服务

    Sharing and Service of Remote Sensing Data via Internet

  27. 生产过程信息的采集与实时网络共享技术研究

    Technology Research for Obtained Information of Product Process and Share of Real-time Net

  28. 网络共享打印设备的作业管理及信息查询

    Job Management and Information Query of Shared Printers on the Network Doing Homework

  29. 他们询问了团队领导者的做法,并通过网络共享这些信息。

    Team leaders were asked what they did and the information shared online .

  30. 黄土高原植被资源数据网络共享系统

    Information Sharing System of Vegetation Resource on Loess Plateau