
  • 网络online trading;online transaction;on-line transaction
  1. 随着Internet的不断发展,越来越多的企业通过Internet开展业务,尤其是网上交易业务方兴未艾。

    With the development of the Internet , more and more companies are moving their businesses onto the Internet , especially the online trading .

  2. 伴随着互联网技术和Web技术的发展,涉及电子政务、网上交易、虚拟社区、企业办公等服务的Web应用系统不断出现。

    Along with the development of Internet technology and Web technology Web applications about e-government , online trading , virtual communities , corporate office services continue to emerge .

  3. 然后,这些电子货币就会被存储在用户的账户中,这个账户也被称为电子钱包,而钱包中的比特币就可以在任何接受该币种的地方被用于网上交易。

    This electronic cash is then stored in a user account , often described as a digital wallet , which can then be used to make online purchases anywhere where Bitcoins are accepted .

  4. 基于多Agent的网上交易模型的研究

    Research on online trade mode based on Multi - agent

  5. 基于CA的粮食网上交易系统

    Grain Online Trade System Based on CA

  6. 探讨了网上交易的过程,给出了一个基于SET协议和CA认证的税收征管方案。

    This paper discussed the trade process on Internet , and provided a plan of tax-management based on SET protocol and CA.

  7. 基于PKI的网上交易安全中间件的研究与实现

    An Online Exchange Secure Middleware and Its Implementation Based on PKI

  8. 随着现代信息技术及网络技术的发展,基于Internet及其他计算机技术的网上交易模式-电子商务应运而生,并且迅速发展壮大。

    With the development of modern information technology and network technology , the online trade mode based on Internet and other computer science technology-E-commerce arises and develops rapidly .

  9. 基于MAS的智能网上交易系统设计与实现

    Design and Implement the Model of Intelligent Network Trade System Based on MAS

  10. 电子商务的进行需要公共信任的第三方CA的参与,以保证网上交易活动的安全性。

    Trusted third party called Certificate Authority ( CA ) offers a secure way to implement the commercial transactions on the internet .

  11. 基于CORBA的网上交易应用

    CORBA-based Online Exchange Application

  12. 这里详细介绍了SET的基本概念、所使用的主要技术以及运行的过程,同时分析了SET是怎样解决网上交易安全性的。

    This paper introduces the basic concepts of SET , the primary technologies involved and the running procedure , at the same time it analyses how SET implement the security of e - commerce .

  13. 美国政府虽然关门,但是这并没有阻止周二该法中被称作exchanges的网上交易市场的推出。

    The shutdown did not stop Tuesday 's launch of online marketplaces , called exchanges , at the center of the law .

  14. 文中,基于CORBA的事务服务和安全服务构建了一个网上交易的应用。

    In this paper , based on CORBA transaction service and security service , we design an online exchange application .

  15. 由于Internet的开放性和电子商务支付系统的安全要求之间的矛盾,我们需要借助特别的网络安全协议来保障网上交易的安全。SET协议和SSL协议是目前世界上广泛使用的两种安全协议。

    Because of the conflict between the opening of Internet and security requirement of e-commerce , we need to ensure security of online trade by special network safety protocol .

  16. 随着电子计算机和Internet网络技术的飞速发展,电子商务作为一种新的商务模式变得非常引人注目,越来越多的商品将通过网上交易的形式进行流通。

    With the rapid development of electronic computer and Internet , electronic commerce has attract more attention as a new commerce mode , more and more merchandise will circulate through the online transaction .

  17. 电子商务(Electroniccommerce)是一种以电子数据交换EDI和Internet网上交易为主要内容的全新商务模式。

    E-commerce ( Electronic Commerce ) is a kind of brand-new commercial mode taking electronic data inter - change EDI and Internet online trade as main content .

  18. SET是目前在电子商务中一种安全电子交易协议,尤其在网上交易中有着广泛地应用,是大多数在线支付所采用的交易协议。

    SET is a kind of safe electronic trade protocol in e-commerce at present , especially it is extensively applied in the trade on the net , and it is the majority which was adopted in the trade online protocol .

  19. 文中采用了敏捷开发的设计思想,结合J2EE相关组件技术,为一个大型钢铁物流中心设计了网上交易的平台。

    Used an agile development design ways , along with the module technology related to J2EE , developed an exchange platform on Internet for a large-scaled steel center .

  20. 随着我国加入WTO,电子商务作为一种以电子数据交换和网上交易为基础的全新商务运作模式,给传统企业带来了新的机遇。

    Following China 's WTO entry , the electronic commerce taken as a brand-new mode for commercial operation based on exchanging electronic data and trading on internet , brings new opportunity to traditional enterprises .

  21. 随着Internet的迅速发展和用户量的急剧增加,网络对企业和事业单位的运营和发展日益重要,对需要网上交易或传递重要数据的企事业单位,面临的安全问题也日益严重。

    With the rapid development and the increase of user in Internet , network becomes more and more important to enterprise . The Security problem becomes more and more grave to the enterprise needing to deal or translate important data on network .

  22. 架构分析是围绕密钥管理机制与证书管理机制这两大PKI核心管理内容进行的,每一阶段的分析都针对网上交易的特点提出了PKI体系建设应该考虑的问题。

    Infrastructure analysis mainly discusses key management and certificate management . The analysis of each stage talks about the issues that should be considered when deploying a PKI system .

  23. 国内ASP一般都会向客户提供多种功能不同的软件,从较为基本的域名注册、电子邮件到客户关系管理、网上交易系统。

    Generally speaking , ASP in Chinese mainland offers several types of software with different functions including services from basic domain registration , email to complex customer relation management and Internet business system .

  24. 509权限管理模型及怎样来实现RBAC,以及如何用XML设计网上交易系统权限管理的RBAC策略模型。

    509 privilege management model , and how it can be used to realize RBAC , and how RBAC policy based privilege management model of electric transaction system is designed in XML .

  25. 如您已成为永丰证券之网上交易客户,即可利用现有之登入名称及密码登入「WFTRADER」。

    For existing Wing Fung Securities online trading clients , can simply logon to this " WF TRADER " with your existing user name & password .

  26. 在此之外,外商投资公司将收取VIE公司一笔服务费,以弥补为其开发和维护网上交易平台的费用。

    On top of that , the WFOE will charge the VIE for a technical service charge to compensate for developing and maintaining the internet trading platform .

  27. 在一些好的电话信号网络下,短信交流很快,比多媒体或者Email更值得信赖。这会增加你网站的可信度和被信赖程度,这两项可是网上交易的重要因素。

    They are quicker on some phone networks , and more reliable than multimedia and e-mail messaging ( at least at the time of this writing ) This adds to your credibility and trust , 2 essential factors for doing business online .

  28. 本文主要从技术层面上研究网上交易平台的实现方法,比较了JSP、ASP、PHP、CGI、J2EE、.NET等当前各种电子商务网站建站技术,最后选型较有优势的J2EE构架技术。

    This paper mainly focus on studying the implementation method of the online trading platform from technological aspect , compared various kinds of e-commerce websites station building technical including JSP , ASP , PHP , CGL . NET .

  29. 未来的几年里,网上交易的市场规模仍将稳步增加,由于业务转型的要求和面临加入WTO的新形势,竞争将日趋激烈,券商面临的挑战将是前所未有的。

    In future several years , the market of online trading still steady increment , under the demand of finance reforming and while China has joined in the WTO , competition will gradually be vigorous , the challenge that Chinese securities firms face will be unprecedented .

  30. 特别是随着电子商务的盛行,越来越多的企业、机构接入网络,B2C、B2B的网上交易已经成为企业发展的必然趋势。

    Especially , with the prevailing of e-commerce , more and more enterprises and organizations connect to network , and online transaction by B2C or B2B has become the inevitable trend of development of enterprises .