
wén yì
  • literature and art;writing technique;article
文艺 [wén yì]
  • (1) [literature and art]∶文学和艺术,有时指文学或表演艺术

  • 文艺作品

  • 文艺演出

  • (2) [writing technique]∶指写作技巧

  • (3) [article]∶经术

  • 文艺日进

文艺[wén yì]
  1. 文艺对人们的思想起着潜移默化的作用。

    Literature and art exert an imperceptible influence on people 's thinking .

  2. 关于文艺人民性的思考

    Reflection on the affinity to the people in literature and art

  3. 文艺的潮流总是昙花一现。

    Fashions in art and literature come and go .

  4. 有三个酒吧每周七个晚上都有现场文艺节目。

    There are three bars , with live entertainment seven nights a week .

  5. 科学在文艺复兴时期发生了新的转变。

    Science took a new and different turn in the Renaissance .

  6. 他精力旺盛,坚毅顽强,已经成为英格兰文艺复兴的一个象征。

    His bristling determination has become a symbol of England 's renaissance .

  7. 大会的主题是文艺复兴时期的欧洲。

    The theme of the conference is renaissance Europe

  8. 文艺复兴时期的文学巨擘:斯宾塞、莎士比亚、多恩与弥尔顿

    the titans of Renaissance literature : Spenser , Shakespeare , Donne and Milton .

  9. 一些文艺复兴时期的建筑美得令人惊叹。

    Some of the Renaissance buildings are gorgeous .

  10. 有关亨利·普赛尔生平的可靠资料可能比任何其他文艺复兴以来的伟大作曲家都要少。

    There are probably fewer hard facts about the life of Henry Purcell than that of any other great composer since the Renaissance .

  11. 这是一部为群众所喜闻乐见的文艺作品。

    This is a literary and artistic work loved by the masses .

  12. 文艺创作的繁盛时期已经来到。

    The period of literary and artistic efflorescence has come .

  13. 文艺复兴是一个文化上取得空前成就的时代。

    The Renaissance was an epoch of unparalleled cultural achievement .

  14. 他的艺术才能使他蜚声文艺界。

    He acquired an enviable reputation in literary and art circles for his artistic ability .

  15. 我们不赞成低估文艺的重要作用。

    We don 't favour underestimating the importance of art and literature .

  16. 他是一位意大利文艺复兴以前的艺术家。

    He was an Italian primitive .

  17. 文艺作品所反映的生活可以比实际生活更典型。

    Life as depicted in works of art and literature may be more representative than real life .

  18. 在19世纪50年代,人们认为列奥纳多·达·芬奇无法与提香和拉斐尔等文艺复兴时期的艺术巨擘相比,他们的作品价值几乎是《蒙娜丽莎》的十倍。

    In the 1850s , Leonardo da Vinci was considered no match for giants of Renaissance art like Titian and Raphael , whose works were worth almost ten times as much as the " Mona Lisa " .

  19. 一切文艺创作都来源于生活。

    All works of art have life as their source .

  20. 一些文艺复光时期的弥撒的选节被不适当地加入到了格鲁克平淡无味的唐璜音乐中

    Some excerpts from a Renaissance mass are spatchcocked into Gluck 's pallid Don Juan music .

  21. 当你读懂一个小故事、一篇课文,甚至更长篇的英语文艺作品时,总会让你沉醉入迷。

    It is always fascinating to realize that you understand a short story , a text or even longer pieces of art in English .

  22. 例如,白金汉宫蜡烛以其“清香的茉莉花香”而闻名,据说其设计“灵感来自法国文艺复兴时期花园呈几何分布的种植”,售价115英镑(约合人民币1017元)。

    For instance , the Buckingham Palace Candle , noted of delicate jasmine ’ and whose design is said to be ‘ inspired by the geometric planting of gardens of the French renaissance ’ , costs £ 115 .

  23. 笔者认为,作为历史分期的概念,现代早期(earlymodern)比文艺复兴更适宜。

    In my view , as a conception of periodization , Early Modern is much better than the Renaissance .

  24. 2009年6月,酝酿已久的SCG公司成立,文艺路改造成为公司的首个重点项目。

    June 2009 , long-awaited SCG was founded , the company transformed into a literary way the first major project .

  25. 早期的欧洲艺术:古代,中世纪,文艺复兴。

    Early European Art : Antiquity , Middle Ages , Renais .

  26. 成功的设计和制作各类型文艺晚会服装。

    The success design and manufactures various types cultural show clothing .

  27. 心路历程:巴尔扎克文艺思想的发展过程。

    Soul course : the development of Balzac 's literary ideology .

  28. 文艺生态与文艺理论的非经典转向

    The Non - Classical Turn in Literary Ecology and Literary Theories

  29. 围棋与中国文艺精神

    The Game of Wei Chi and the Spirit of Chinese Arts

  30. 文艺是引导国民精神的前途的灯火&文艺与生活的关系的再认识

    Literature : A Light Illuminating the Future of the National Spirit