
  • 网络literature database;CBM;PubMed;CBMdisc
  1. 面对Internet上丰富的生物医学资源,详细介绍了搜索引擎的查询技巧,然后又对医学文献数据库的检索方法和内容进行了简述。

    Facing the abundant biomedical resources on Internet , this paper introduces in detail the query skills of using the search engine , and expounds the retrieval methods and contents of the medical literature databases .

  2. 首先,论述了网络免费学术资源的获取问题。其获取可以通过利用搜索引擎、免费网络文献数据库、新闻组、BBS或电子邮件等途径获取。

    First of all , the libraries can get the network free academic resources through search engines , free literature databases , newsgroups , BBS , e-mail and so on .

  3. 基于Web的高句丽电子文献数据库平台的构建

    The Construction of Koguryo Electronic Document Database Platform Based on Web

  4. 基于WEB的高校图书馆文献数据库建设问题

    Investigation on Web-Based Literature Database Construction for College Libraries

  5. XML文献数据库检索系统的建立与实现

    Establishing and Realization of XML Literature Database Retrieval System

  6. NET开发文献数据库知识化标引加工与发布系统,论述了系统的结构和主要功能模块。

    NET , it also discusses the structure and function of the software system .

  7. 基于ASP技术的WEB地方文献数据库管理系统的构建研究

    The study on the construction of WEB local documental data bank system based on ASP technology

  8. 应用ASP技术实现对科技文献数据库的动态查询

    Implementation of the Scientific and Technological Literature Database Dynamic Search Based on ASP

  9. 该体系拥有PE、PP、PS等5个专题文献数据库;

    This system includes five document databases suchas PE , PE , PS and so on .

  10. 介绍了利用ASP技术实现专题文献数据库的步骤、查询过程的实现及检索结果显示的方法。

    This paper describes the realization of the Web database retrieval function and the displaying way of the retrieve results .

  11. 基于Win32平台的通用文献数据库系统的研制

    Development of General Document Database System for Win32

  12. 根据高校文献数据库以及Internet上文献资源的使用情况,提出基于代理的,对专业数据库、搜索引擎进行集成式检索的检索系统设计构想。

    Based on the utilization of document databases and documents on the Internet , the author comes up with an idea of integrated retrieval system through the agency about professional databases , and searching engine .

  13. 在福州大学访问电子文献数据库(EI美国工程索引)的日志基础上,设计开发了一个Web日志挖掘系统。

    Lastly , we design a web log mining system base on the access log of EI ( Ei Village 2 ) visited by user from Fuzhou University .

  14. 在对科技文献数据库的分类特点及其存储方式进行分析的基础上,主要阐述了如何利用ASP技术,采用三层结构来实现对科技文献数据库的动态查询,以满足用户的检索需求。

    This paper mainly introduces how to use the technology of ASP based on three-layer structure to design a dynamic search interface of the Scientific and Technological Literature Database .

  15. 本文主要论述如何建立和为什么要建立一个完全基于XML的文献数据库检索系统,并就XML数据库的一些相关问题作了简单讨论。

    The paper mainly discusses how to establish a literature database retrieval system completely in view of XML and why do so , at the same time , it briefly discusses some correlated problems of XML database .

  16. 利用ILAS系统建立特色专题文献数据库的方法

    The Method of Utilizing ILAS Systems to Set Up the Characteristic Document Database on Special Subject

  17. MEDLINE是该馆编制的著名的生物医学文献数据库,隶属于美国国立医学图书馆的国家生物技术中心并且在因特网上提供免费数据库使用,该数据库在2000年进行了改版,提供了强大的检索功能。

    National center for biotechnology information provide free MEDLINE service on INTERNET and it has powerful function .

  18. 检索策略检索Medline,Cochrane图书馆,Embase和中国生物医学文献数据库。

    Search strategy We searched Medline , Cochrane Library , Embase and Chinese Biomedical Database .

  19. CABI农业生物文献数据库及其光盘检索方法

    Data base of CABI for agriculture and biology and its discs ' searching way

  20. CALIS高校专题特色数据库建设及实践&以潮汕文献数据库为例

    University Libraries Characteristic Special Subject Database Construction and Practice in CALIS Projects & Testing for the construction of " Chaoshan Documentation Database "

  21. 从数据库的开发方案、数据组织、结构设计、安全控制等方面介绍了利用ADO技术与ASP技术建设高分子材料特色文献数据库的过程。

    This paper introduces the course of building the polymer material characteristic database by using ADO technique and ASP technique from aspects of the developing scheme , data organization , structure design , and security control , etc.

  22. 世界农业文献数据库AGRIS中云南农业大学科技论文分析

    An Analysis of the Scientific and Technological Treatise of Yunnan Agricultural University in AGRIS

  23. 目的:建立药品不良反应(ADRs)文献数据库,配合ADRs监测工作的开展,以防止药害事件的发生。

    OBJECTIVE : To establish the document database of adverse drug reactions ( ADRs ) and cooperate with ADR monitoring , so as to prevent the harm of occurrence of ADRs .

  24. 本文阐述了CALIS各种文献数据库资源在文检课机检教学实践中的应用,并提出利用CALIS需要注意的几个问题。

    This paper discusses the applications of all kinds of document database resource of CALIS in the teaching practice of the computer document retrieval curriculum , and proposes a few notice items .

  25. 阐述了中文生物医学期刊文献数据库(CMCC)产生的历史背景、研制的目标与方向、生产管理、产业化道路及发展前景。

    The paper described the background , aim and target , system design , production management , product commercialization and development prospect of CMCC ( Chinese Medical Current Contents ) .

  26. 同时,进入多种数字技术文献数据库,如中文的中国期刊网全文数据库等,外文的ABI/ARL数据库等;在互联网上使用Google和Baidu搜索引擎,查找相关发展动态与研究评论。

    At the same time , access to a wide range of digital technical literature databases , such as the China Journal Full-text database , and the Foreign ABI / ARL databases . I also use Internet search engines , such as google and Baidu .

  27. 本文介绍了引进IRRD文献数据库在国内建立的综合情报处理和检索系统。

    This paper introduces an integrated information processing and retrieval system which has been built at home , and which is based on IRRD documentation database introduced from abroad .

  28. 灾害文献数据库管理系统(DLDBMS)是这一咨询信息系统的知识基础和信息来源。

    The Disaster Literature Database Management System ( DLDBMS ) is the knowledge foundation and information source of this consultation information system .

  29. 方法:检索Cochrane图书馆,Cochrane协作网肌骨专业试验数据库,Medline,荷兰医学文摘,中国生物医学文献数据库,手工检索中文文献。

    Methods : RCTS were identified from specialized trials registered in Cochrane muscle bone group , the Cochrane library additional electronic search ( including MEDLINE , EMBASE and CBM ), referance lists of articles , we hand search some Chinese Journals .

  30. 本文以实例介绍目前国际上常用的专门用于科技文章中管理参考文献数据库的软件EndNote的基本用法。

    In this article , some simple examples are shown to introduce the basic functions of " EndNote ", a tool software popularly used for reference management and citation in scientific and technological paper writing .