
  • 网络Social Environment Analysis
  1. 我国非营利组织发展的社会环境分析

    The Social Environment of the Development of Non-profit Organizations

  2. 中国电子商务的社会环境分析

    Research on social environment of Chinese electronic business

  3. 从家庭环境、学校环境、社会环境分析在新课程改革中转变学生学习方式的难度。

    From the family environment , school environment , social environment of change in the new curriculum reform in the way students learn more difficult .

  4. 滋生司法腐败的社会生态环境分析

    An Analysis to the Social Ecological Environment for Cultivating Judicial Corruption

  5. 影响河北省体育竞赛表演市场发展的社会环境因素分析

    Social Factors Affecting the Market Development of Competition Demonstration in Hebei Province

  6. 吉首市城市社区体育发展的社会文化环境分析

    An analysis on social cultural environment of the urban community sports development in Jishou

  7. 大学生极端心理问题的社会环境因素分析及对策研究

    Social Environmental Factor Analysis and Countermeasure Study of Extreme Mental Problems of College Students

  8. 投资的社会文化环境分析

    An Analysis of Social Cultural Environment of Investment

  9. 中国网络营销的社会环境现状分析

    Social Environmental Present Situation of Chinese Network Marketing

  10. 包括政治与法律环境分析、经济环境分析、社会物质环境分析、技术环境分析。

    Including political and law Analysis , economical analysis , social analysis and technology analysis .

  11. 我国开展面向公共决策技术评价的社会制度环境分析

    Social and Institutional Environment for Public Decision-making Oriented Technology Assessment Risk Analysis for IDSS Development Project

  12. 因此,在分析一名正值青春期的少年时,对其所处的学校和社会环境的分析是必不可少的。

    Thus , the factors about schools and society can not be ignored when analyzing adolescents .

  13. 中小煤矿城市发展及其经济、社会、环境分析评价的方法研究

    Development of small and medium sized coal cities and the methodology study for their social-economic and environmental analysis

  14. 民初政党政治的社会生态环境分析

    An analysis of the social eco-environment of the political activities of political parties in the early period of the Republic of China

  15. 本文从哥萨克阶层的特点和当时历史社会环境来分析葛利高里的悲剧因素和葛利高里的悲剧爱情。

    This text analyse Ge tragedy factors and tragedy love from Brother the characteristic of stratum and the historic social environment at that time .

  16. 易地劣性参赛环境对足球运动员竞技状态影响的研究影响河北省体育竞赛表演市场发展的社会环境因素分析

    Research on the Soccer Players Competitive Performance in Badly Matching Environment in Strange Land ; Social Factors Affecting the Market Development of Competition Demonstration in Hebei Province

  17. 在天池区域自然社会环境因素分析研究的基础上,总结了天池地区自然社会环境特征。

    On the basis of analysis of natural and social environmetal factors at Tianchi region , the features of natural and social environmental at Tianchi scenic spot were described .

  18. 第二章是对四川纺织服装中小企业进行外部环境分析,首先进行国际环境分析,包括国际政治、经济、技术和社会文化环境分析,入世的影响和国际贸易格局的变化;

    Chapter 2 analyzes the thorough outer environment , including International and Chinese Political , economic , Technological and Cultural environment , as well as internal competition of textiles and apparel industry .

  19. 公路项目路线选择与社会/环境影响分析

    Routine Choice and Social , Environmental Influence Analysis on Highway Project

  20. 公路建设项目沿线区域社会环境调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis for Social Environment Influence of the Region along the Highway

  21. 在调查结果的基础上,从考试、青春期心理变化、学生人际关系、学校教育和社会环境等因素分析学生产生心理健康问题的原因,并相应提出针对性的教育对策。

    , and proposes corresponding educational solutions to the existing psychological health problems .

  22. 第二章是针对狄更斯在《远大前程》中描述的社会环境进行的分析,将影响主人公性格发展的环境因素归结为七大类;

    Chapter Two discusses the seven factors of social circumstances on the development of Pip 's character .

  23. 在外部环境方面,对A大学的所面临的政策法律、经济环境、技术环境和社会环境进行综合分析。

    A university faced by policy and law in the external environment , economic environment , technological and social environment , a comprehensive analysis .

  24. 通过对她所经历的历史年代和她所处的社会历史环境的分析,力图揭示她的人文教育思想所孕育的过程。

    By the analysis of the history of her age and her social and historical environment , try to reveal her formation of humanistic education .

  25. 概述了辽宁省气候、地质构造、地形、地貌、土壤及社会人文环境,分析了这些环境因素对辽宁省土壤侵蚀与侵蚀沟发展的影响。

    The relationships between soil erosion and erosion gully in Liaoning province and climate environment , geological structure , terrain and landforms , human activity have been analyzed .

  26. 从传统思想观念、认识误区、社会环境等方面分析了影响高校后勤社会化改革的因素。

    From aspects of traditional ideological concept , cognitive erroneous area , social environment , etc. , this paper discusses on the factors of restricting university 's logistic socialization reform .

  27. 因此,有必要对犯罪个体的主观状态和社会环境进行深入分析,探求其重新犯罪的原因,构建相应的预防应对体系,以期减少并预防刑满释放人员和解除劳教人员重新犯罪。

    Therefore , it is necessary to deeply analyze criminal 's subjective state and social environment for searching re-criminal reasons and building relevant defending systems in order to reduce and prevent re-criminal phenomenon basically .

  28. 近年来产业集群研究的一个重要特点是由对运输成本、企业间投入产出关系的关注转向对集群相关经济制度、社会文化环境的分析(stroper,1997)。

    Recently , studies on industrial cluster have switched from emphasizes of transport costs and input-output techniques to the analysis of the institution and social milieu within which economic action occurred ( Storper , 1997 ) .

  29. 结合当时复杂多变的社会环境,着重分析归纳卢卡奇思想衍变过程以及与马克思主义、西方马克思主义发展的关系,并对其思想做进一步的探讨。

    Combined to the complex and changing social environment , this paper focuses on the analysis of the induction of Lukacs ' thinking evolution process and relationship with Marxism , Western Marxism , and does further study of his thinking .

  30. 在理论层面,侧重对档案鉴定主体组织结构与职能划分模式的理论基础的分析,并尝试从历史背景与社会环境的角度分析其进步意义与历史局限性。

    At the theoretical level , focus on the theoretical basis of the organizational structure and functions of the division mode and try to analyze the significance of their historical limitation from the view of the historical background and social environment .