
  • 网络user value;customer value
  1. 信息用户价值的确定、分析与交付流程研究

    Study on Information Customer Value Determination , Analysis , and Delivery

  2. 通过在每次迭代发布递增的用户价值获得反馈。

    Enable feedback by delivering incremental user value in each iteration .

  3. 本文认为基于用户价值进行差别定价将成为目前ERP软件定价的趋势。

    This thesis supposes that customer value-based difference pricing will be the present ERP pricing trend .

  4. 而Facebook自身的估值为每个用户价值100美元,或者说总金额为800亿美元(公式为:100美元/用户×8亿用户=800亿美元)。

    Facebook is valued at about $ 100 per user or $ 80 billion ( $ 100 / user x 800m users = $ 80bn ) .

  5. 在构建以用户价值观理论为核心的低端产品设计方法体系的基础上,提出了低端家电产品设计的策略、方法以及设计的具体原则。

    And proposed to the low-end appliances design strategies , methods and principles .

  6. 基于服务成本和对用户价值的分布式存储系统机制设计

    Mechanism design of distributed storage system based on service cost and value for customers

  7. 高校图书馆重点用户价值及服务模式分析

    Research on the Value and Service Mode of the Important User in University Library

  8. 其他流行的社交应用的价值大概是每个用户价值约20美元到50美元不等。

    Other popular social apps are valued around $ 20 to $ 50 per user .

  9. 它主要表现为企业开发独特产品、发展独特技术和发明独特营销手段的能力,具有用户价值性、独特性、延展性和价值可变性等特点。

    It mostly involves competence of corporation exploiting unique production , developing unique technology and inventing unique distribution means .

  10. 而图书馆服务的最终目的就是满足用户价值需求,为用户创造价值。

    The ultimate goal of library services is to meet the needs of users ' value , creating value for customers .

  11. 人们通过用户价值、独特性、延展性、难以模仿和替代性来识别企业的核心能力。

    People identify enterprises core ability through their user value , uniqueness , extendibility , and impossibility to be imitated and replaced .

  12. 企业的竞争优势要成为其核心竞争力必须具备用户价值性、延展性、独特性和动态性四个条件。

    Competition advantage of enterprise is it become core competence their must possess user value , prolong malleability , uniqueness , dynamics four terms to want .

  13. 全面创新,提高企业核心竞争力,以用户价值为依归,建立面向用户需求的快速高效、灵活多变的开发体系和运营体系,已经成为互联网企业当前所关心的重要课题。

    Making innovation to enhance competitiveness and establishing the efficient and flexible development system based on user values has became the most important issue for these enterprises .

  14. 目前对于图书馆用户价值的研究已经得到了图书馆界的关注和重视,取得了较显著的学术成果。

    At present , for the research of the value of library users has got the libraries ' concern and attention and made some significant academic achievements .

  15. 根据对上述专业的理解和凝练,本文提出了图书馆用户价值的定义,并对图书馆用户价值的特征和表现形式做了详细的说明。

    According to the professional understanding and summary , this paper presents the definition of the value of library users , and makes detailed description of the characteristics and manifestations of the value of users .

  16. 最后,从图书馆工作的实际情况出发,并运用了市场营销等商业行为中对于提高用户价值的方法措施,对图书馆应该如何提高用户价值提出了实现策略。

    Finally , it raises realization strategy about how to improve user value from the reality of library work , using the methods and measures about elevating the user value in marketing and other business practices .

  17. 研究结果表明,移动互联网产业链从诞生起,产业链的演变表现为产业链重心从网络一枝独秀,网络、内容和终端三元竞合,到用户价值至上三个阶段的迁移。

    The results show that , alone with the development of mobile Internet industry chain , the gravity of industry chain moves from network to concurrence of network , content and terminal , and finally move to user value .

  18. 结果从胶合板缺陷检测数据中挖掘出对用户有价值的决策规则,并将其用IF-THEN语句表达出来,以便指导以后的决策过程。

    As a result , the method discovers valuable rule from the data of the defect inspection of wood veneer , which is expressed by the pattern " if-then " for users , so as to instruct the later decision process .

  19. 要交付能真正为您的终端用户带来价值的DBaaS,最关键的一步是提前决定应该在云环境上提供哪些类型的数据库模板和映像。

    The most critical step toward delivering DBaaS that truly brings value to your end users is to decide ahead of time what type of database templates and images should be made available on the cloud .

  20. 所以,如何获得对用户有价值的信息就变得至关重要。

    How to get valuable information is becoming more and more important .

  21. 树立为用户创造价值的质量观念

    Set a quality conception of creation of value for consumers

  22. 百度只收录对用户有价值的网页。

    Baidu is only valuable to your user page .

  23. 这些免费用户的价值在哪里呢?

    What is the value of the free users ?

  24. 推特每位用户的价值为105美元。

    Twitter 's users are worth $ 105 each .

  25. 图书馆用户感知价值的提升策略

    Strategies of Improving Library User 's Perceived Value

  26. 额外进程就是对向用户交付价值不会产生作用的多余进程。

    Extra processes are additional processes that do not help in delivering value to the customer .

  27. 企业要么能以最低的成本为用户创造价值,要么就必须能提供用户不可替代的价值。

    It can create either the value at a lowest cost , or an unparalleled value .

  28. 基于用户感知价值为中心的手机交互设计

    Perceived-Value-Centered Mobile Interaction Design

  29. 因此如何能够从如此众多的信息中获取到对用户有价值的信息已经成为了当今重要的研究课题。

    So how can the users access to valuable information that has become an important research topic today .

  30. 用户的价值方面,包括操作的便利性、舒适性、安全性、易用性、通用的功能等;

    User 's value , including convenience , comfortableness , security , usability , general function and so on .