
  • 网络Retrieval speed;Time ratio
  1. 它的默认值是Integer.MAXVALUE,将这个参数设置为比较大的值可以提高索引效率和检索速度,由于该参数的默认值是整型的最大值,所以我们一般不需要改动这个参数。

    The default value is Integer.MAX_VALUE.Large values are better for batched indexing and speedier searches .

  2. 另外为提高了图像的检索速度,采用K均值聚类索引建立数据库。

    To improve the speed of image search , K-means Clustering is used to create the image database .

  3. 该子系统采用PPR降维方法、R树多维索引结构,克服了区域重叠,提高了检索速度。

    The sub-system employs PPR dimensionality reduction technology , R-tree multi-dimensional index , which eliminates zone overlapping and increases search speed .

  4. 将来自Nagios的信息存储到数据库能加快检索速度。

    Storing information from Nagios in a database will allow for quicker retrieval .

  5. 通过事例聚类和属性约减,CBR系统的检索速度可以得到较大的提高。

    Because of the case classification and at - tributes reduction , the CBR system 's case retrieval speed can be highly accelerated .

  6. 由于XML的诸多优点,本文用XML来存储兴趣信息,并利用倒排索引结构来提高检索速度。

    Thirdly using the VSM describes the user interests . ( 4 ) Because of the advantage of XML , the paper uses the XML to save user interests . The inverse index improves the speed of retrieval .

  7. 分段和PDQ优先级也对于数据的检索速度有极大的影响,并有助于表扫描。

    Fragmentation and PDQ priority also have a huge effect on the speed of data retrieval and will help table scans .

  8. 实验表明,此方法既有较高的检索速度,又有较高的检索精度。

    The experiment shows this method is rapid and accurate .

  9. 数据在服务器与服务器群中检索速度的分析

    Retrieval Speed Analysis for Data in the Server or the Server Group

  10. 已有的全局索引分配策略,具有检索速度慢、可扩展性不强的缺点。

    Thirdly , Global inverted file has disadvantages on retrieval speed and scalability .

  11. 聚类分析具有压缩搜索空间、加快检索速度等多方面的作用。

    Clustering analysis assists in reducing search space and decreasing information retrieving time .

  12. 该方法能大大提高检索速度并节省存储空间。

    This method can increase retrieval speed greatly and save storage space . 3 .

  13. 二是检索速度慢;

    , the speed of searching is slow .

  14. 该系统具有可靠性高、检索速度快、界面友好,操作方便等特点。

    The system has high reliability , the retrieval speed , friendly interface , easy operation , etc.

  15. 在特征匹配时通过快速去除不相关候选图像来提高检索速度;

    The retrieve speed is improved by eliminating the irrelevant candidate images in the course of feature match .

  16. 应用文本挖掘可以更好地组织搜索引擎的返回结果,可以进一步提高信息检索速度。

    The application of wed text mining will bring us good organization of search results and quick retrieval procedure .

  17. 这么做的好处是减小了索引的尺寸,从理论上来说,这会提升数据的检索速度。

    The advantage achieved is reduced index size which , in theory , provides faster retrieval rates for data .

  18. 数字图书馆的快速发展带来了馆藏数字资源的飞速增长,而海量的数字资源导致了检索速度的下降和检索结果准确度的降低。

    One disadvantage of the fast growth of digital resources in digital libraries is the decrease of retrieval speed and result accuracy .

  19. 实验验证,算法较好地利用了模型局部信息,检索速度快,在相同查全率下具有较高的查准率。

    Using partial information effectively the methord can obtain more precision on the same recall and improved the retrieval speed . 3 .

  20. 实验表明该方法提取的特征维数少,聚类时间短,检索速度快,具有良好的检索性能。

    Experiments indicate the proposed method has superb retrieval function with less feature dimension , shorter clustering time and quicker retrieval speed .

  21. 实验证明,该算法实现简单,检索速度、查全率、准确率均高于一般累积直方图法。

    This algorithm 's realization is simple , and the speed of retrieval , recall and precision are higher than general accumulation histogram .

  22. 实验结果表明,在基本不影响精度的情况下,这两种方法在检索速度方面有了很大的提升。

    The experimental results show that these two methods greatly improve the retrieval speed , and nearly have no influence to the retrieval accuracy .

  23. 专利分类可以加快对专利文献的检索速度,并方便对专利文献的管理,有着十分重要的作用。

    Patent Classification can accelerate the speed of retrieval of patent documents and facilitate the management of patent literature , which plays quite an important role .

  24. 为了提高查询速度,需要对系统中的数据集进行索引结构的建立,一个好的索引结构可以大幅度提高系统检索速度。

    In order to speed up the search , the construction of the index structure for the dataset in the system after the preprocessing is required .

  25. 对排样图形进行了编码研究,利用(2)所获得的图形匹配的有效特征,在排样数据库中补充了排样图形的特征信息,提高了排样图形的检索速度。

    Coding of packing graphics is studied and applying the graphics characteristics results gotten from ( 2 ) to add features information of packing graphics into packing-database .

  26. 通过与传统的局部分析方法、全局分析方法的实验对比,结果表明新算法具有更快的检索速度和更高的查准率。

    Experimental results indicate that the new method costs less retrieval time and gets higher precision compared with traditional methods such as global analysis and local analysis .

  27. 另一方面通过对图象分块保留了颜色的空间信息并能够有效地将目标从背景中区分出来,从而有效地提高了检索速度和检索精度。

    It is proved that this method is more effective to distinguish the object from the background and improves both the retrieval speed and the retrieval precision .

  28. 如何构建有效的图像库结构,提高图像检索速度是基于内容的图像检索所需要解决的关键问题之一。

    One of the most important issues in the content-based image retrieval ( CBIR ) is how to construct effective organization of image database to enhance image retrieval speed .

  29. 实验结果表明,采用粗糙集和范例推理技术的结合对相似天气范例的检索速度快,成功率高。

    The experimental result indicated that , uses the roughest and the CBR technology to the similar weather retrieval . the speed is quick , the success ratio is high .

  30. 该方法提取了主颜色特征信息和两种纹理特征信息,实验表明该方法有更好的查准率和查全率,具更快的检索速度。

    The method extract the main color features and two texture features , experimental results show that the method has better precision and recall rate , with faster retrieval speed .