- 网络statistics;test statistic

The test statistic of the method is called Z statistic .
Expectation and Variance of Durbin Watson Test statistic DW
Group sequential statistics : The formulations of statistics for different type of clinical data are given .
Based on the MLE . of N , t he interval estimation and test statistics of N are given .
Some PP test statistics and their properties
The pairwise u-tests are constructed on the natural logarithmic scale so as to improve the normal approximation .
This paper obtains the walsh characteristic function and moment of the distribution of Durbin-Watson test statistic DW in econometrics .
To accommodate fMRI ( functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging ) data analysis , we extend GLM and induce the test statistics and degree of freedom .
According to the thought of W testing statistics for Normal Distribution , we deduce a R2 testing statistics for Pareto Distribution .
Covariance parameters are estimated by means of REML and Score test statistics is derived .
We also obtain a modified score statistic based on the method of Cox and Reid ( 1987 ) in which the orthogonality between parameters of interest and nuisance parameters is used .
The Design and Realization of Highly Availability Distributed System of CORBA It can be derived by Newton 's iteration method and can be realized by recursion .
The paper developed the ADF-type statistic for testing of cointegration with coefficients shift and associated modeling procedure .
The purpose is to compute all pairwise μ - tests , and then declare as significant those that exceed an appropriate significant probability percentile adjusted for the number of u-tests .
In addition to comprehensive statistics of goodness of fit , analysis of fitting conditional logistic regression models should includes residual analysis and influence diagnosis for each macthed set and every individuals within sets .
The approximate distribution of Nair test statistics of detecting Outlier for normal sample
This paper gives a thorough discussion on the issue using LSTR model and LM test statistics .
Based on the parameter orthogonality transformation , both the modified likelihood ratio test and the modified Score test are derived . The results are an extension of the works of Wei and Hu ( 1994 ) and Wei ( 1995 ) .
Based on a 2 × 2 contingency table , indices including variance ratio ( VR ), association coefficient ( AC ) and test were used to determine the interspecific association of dominant species in Sassafras tzumu community .
To illustrate the use-fulness of our proposed statistics , we use the SD test statistics to study the preferences of investors with the corresponding S-shaped and reverse S-shaped utility functions vis-a-vis returns of traditional stocks and Internet stocks before and after the Internet bubble and subprime crisis .
Applying Schwarz information criterion , we respectively derive the corresponding test statistics in terms of the principle of minimum information criterion , as redundant parameters are known and unknown . The asymptotic problem is considered with test statistic in the case of redundant parameters unknown .
At last , a practical example was presented to verify the effective of the two functions and robust property of F statistics . Then we introduce the applications of GLM to SPM and extned the GLM when analyzing fMRI data ;
GP method premises the hypothesis that random error follows an independently and identically distribution , and the asymptotic distribution of the test statistic is dependent on variance-covariance matrix ( in relation to data generation process ) . Then , critical values cannot be tabulated .
We deduce a statistics based on Bartlett testing statistics to test the hypothesis that all shape parameters are equal . And we give the statistics a refusal area and study its effect by simulations .
For the third type of cointegration with structure change , we developed Chow-type test statistics for testing cointegration with dimensional changes and the modeling procedure when the structure changes occur , and also , studied the asymptotic properties of the statistic .
In this paper , a clear expression of the null distribution function of the likelihood ratio test statistics U that is considered by Hawkins ( 1977 ) is derived when σ 2 is known . The numerical tables of the distribution funtion are given .
These statistics are the multivariate counterparts of the J-function for point of a single type , introduced by Lieshout & Baddeley ( 1996 ) .
The third chapter presents the robustness of the test statistic under the volatility changes ( GARCH ), the drift rate changes ( AR ), and the volatility and drift rate changes ( AR-GARCH ) with the corresponding correction test statistics .
Simulation results show that the empirical unit-root testing statistics have different statistical characteristics if the data generating processes are AR-GARCH-GED types processes . The reasons for those have been explored .
This paper gives the percentage points of Irwin type test statistics for outliers in the sample of type ⅰ extreme value distribution and its powers by means of simulated experiments on a computer Some of the results have been adopted in National Standard GB 6380-86 .