
  1. 有些课程,比如数学、物理和英语,本系学生都是必修的。

    Some subjects , such as mathematice , physics and English , are compulsory for the students in this department .

  2. 系主任对本系的管理非常严格。

    The Dean ruled his department with a rod of iron .

  3. 她的教学评估在本系是居最受颂扬者之中。

    Her teaching evaluations are among the most laudatory in this department .

  4. HACCP(?)本系不能代替现行医疗规章制度。

    The HACCP systems can either not replace the current medical rules and regulations .

  5. 可移植性肺腺癌LA(795)瘤株,是1979年5月在近交系小鼠T(739)上一自发瘤,经在本系小鼠上移植成功后而获得。

    In May 1979 , a new strain of lung adenocarcinoma named LA_ ( 795 ) was established in our laboratory .

  6. 目的是为了让校内、校外人仕了解本系最新近况。

    In order to let the public know more about our department .

  7. 惩罚性赔偿本系英美法中的一项制度。

    Punitive damages is a legal system of Anglo - American law .

  8. 本系拥有一支高职称、高学历、高素质的学术队伍。

    The majority of the faculty are in possession of senior professional titles .

  9. 锥体本系缺损时锥体外系的代偿发展

    Compensatory development of the extrapyramidal structures in the absence of the pyramidal system

  10. 本系所的目的是成为教育和研究领域的领导者。

    The Department 's mission is to be a leader in education and research .

  11. 介绍了本系在传感器原理课教学改革方面的一些探索和尝试。

    Some research of our department on reforming the sensor principle lesson is introduced .

  12. 甲、本系年度预算执行之稽核。

    It should audit the departmental yearly budget .

  13. 辞格学可以有三种:修辞辞格学、文化辞格学和哲学辞格学。他本系-英语系-和文理学院院长全表决要辞退他。

    His department-English-and the Dean of Arts and Sciences had voted to dismiss him .

  14. 本系的稳定性高,分析条件易于控制。

    The stability of the system was high and controlling of the analytical condition was easy .

  15. 系秘书给他一张名单,上面有本系需要学生助手的教师的名字。

    Where the secretary can usually give a list of those faculty members looking for student assistants .

  16. 他一到本系工作,我就认识他,已经好几年了。

    I have known him quite well for several years since he first came to work in our department .

  17. 本系入门课程,建立新生对语言病理学的了解与基础。

    This course is designed to provide introductory students an overview of the fields of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology .

  18. 在过去的两年里我一直担任本系英语报的一名编辑。

    In the past two years , I have been an editor for the English Paper of my department .

  19. 用户管理完成了对各系、本系教师信息的录入,修改,删除,查询等基本维护操作。

    User management completes the entering , modifying , deleting , querying and other maintenance operations on each department and faculty .

  20. 院系资料室是图书馆的补充和延伸,以自己特有的馆藏文献为本系的师生服务。

    Being the supplement and extention of the libraries , reference rooms play an important role in serving teachers and students .

  21. Ce3+掺杂的稀土硼酸盐玻璃对Ce3+荧光玻璃本系是一个有益的补充。

    Ce 3 + doped rare earth glasses is a kind of beneficial supplement for Ce 3 + fluorescence glasses system .

  22. 本系所关注的焦点包括了地球本体以及它周遭所包覆的流体,和整个太阳系中的邻居们。

    The intellectual interests of EAPS encompass the earth , its fluid envelopes , and its diverse neighbors throughout the solar system .

  23. 本系通包括事务管理部门,网络通信部门,数据库管理等部门。

    This system has included the business management part , the network correspondence part , the data ank administration and so on .

  24. 本系一直处在了解物质、能源和宇宙动态本质的革命中心。

    Our Department has been at the center of the revolution in understanding the nature of matter and energy and the dynamics of the cosmos .

  25. 基此信念和使命,四十年来,本系在有限环境下,发挥无限之意志,奋斗成长。

    With this belief and mission , School of Dentistry , SD , has strived with undefeated will under limited environment in the last four decades .

  26. 故本系所重视此一趋势,为融合东西方护理照护,鼓励及引发学生对中医护理概念的兴趣,及增加临床照护应用之方式。

    For combination the Medical and Traditional Chinese Medical Nursing , encourage and induce students to Traditional Chinese Medical Nursing interesting , to increase clinical care ability .

  27. 本系具有多种用户管理权限体系,在系统管理员下可以使用以上所有功能,便于产品进行系统的管理;

    This is a competence management system for multiple users , system administrators can be used in all of the above functions , ease of system management products ;

  28. 除了鼓励学生多参与实习及多参与本系的公关广告工作坊的工作之外,浸会大学还希望与香港及内地公关协会有更紧密的接触,以帮助学生学习更专业的操作。

    HKBU also hope to have an even closer contact with the Hong Kong and the mainland PR associations so as to assist the students to learn more professional operation .

  29. 本系所将教学及研究规划广泛的定义为核子、分子、辐射反应和它对社会有益的应用。

    The Department defines its education and research mission broadly as the study of nuclear , molecular , and radiation interactions and their applications to problems of beneficial interest to society .

  30. 本系所的研究目标是透过基础研究和其应用来创造出知识、科技与新的概念,正好与我们的教育目标能够相结合。

    The research mission of the Department – which is to create knowledge , technologies and ideas through fundamental research and its application – is closely intertwined with its educational mission .