
  • 网络hPa
  1. 讨论了台风风场与中心气压,台风移速,台风多数r0的关系。

    The relation ship among the wind field , central pressure , movement speed and parameter r_0 , of typhoons , is also discussed .

  2. 利用AMSU-A温度反演资料能够清晰地揭示热带气旋的暖心结构、地面风速和中心气压与250hPa温度距平的关系,以及强降水的落区等。

    The retrieval of temperatures from AMSU-A soundings is able to clearly reveal the warm-core structure of the cyclone , surface wind speed and sea-level central pressure in relation to the 250-hPa temperature anomaly and a surface area of strong precipitation .

  3. 中心气压在这个阶段达到最大;

    Gas pressure of core reaches maximum in this stage ;

  4. 加工中心气压锁止可交换分度工作台设计

    The Design of The Exchangeable Graduated Table That Locked by Pressure Transmission On Machining Center

  5. 非热成风涡度的变化与热带气旋中心气压变化有较好的一致性。

    Non-thermal wind vorticity variations and the TC central pressure changes are in a better consistency .

  6. 作为金融活力中心气压计的首次公开发行市场最为明显。

    The loudest sucking sound has been in the market for initial public offerings , a crucial barometer of financial wellbeing .

  7. 另外,过半的模式模拟结果显示未来北半球气旋中心气压将有降低的趋势。

    Moreover , more than half of the models showed that cyclone center pressure over the North Hemisphere would decline in the future .

  8. 导出了热带气旋范围内中心气压与风场、环境气压场之间的关系式。

    In this paper , the relationship between the central pressure , wind field of a tropical cyclone and environmental pressure has been obtained .

  9. 根据华南沿海近31年热带风暴及台风的天气图,分析统计出该海区不同纬度处台风中心气压、台风移动速度的长期概率分布。

    According to the Typhoon Weather chart of 31 years in South China sea , the long term probability distribution of Typhoon center pressure and Typhoon center moving speed is analysed for different latitudes .

  10. 在本文中,台风各个因素(中心气压下降,最大风速半径等)被视为独立的随机变量。

    The parameters of historical typhoons ( central pressure deficit , radius of maximal wind , distance from typhoon center to a coastal point , forward speed , location of typhoon center ) were considered as independent random variables .

  11. 快速升温段:四个主要因素(热压温度、含水率、目标密度和目标厚度)对温度和气压的变化有着一定的影响,中心气压是上升的;

    During the stage of a rapidly increasing temperature , four main factors ( MC , the temperature of hot-plates , target density and thickness ) affect temperature and gas changes , and gas pressure of core is ascending ;

  12. 通过对全球地面温度与西北太平洋热带气旋的分析表明:随着全球气候变暖,西北太平洋上热带气旋的频数减少,极端中心气压增加、极端最大中心风速减小,即热带气旋强度减弱;

    Through the analysis on the global surface temperature and tropical cyclone in the Northwestern Pacific , it is shown that accompanying the global warming there are decrease in frequency and maximum central wind speed and an increase in minimun central pressure .

  13. 在空心锭外表面与喷嘴内表面之间的环形区域,靠近壁面气压较低,在两壁面之间的中心部分气压较大。

    In the annular region between the hollow spindle external surface and internal surface , the air pressure of region near wall is lower , the pressure is higher in the central part between two wall .

  14. 选择初始中心海平面气压960hPa作为强、弱气旋的分类标准,则11个较强气旋平均路径误差12h减小了13%,12h以后的预报误差减小率维持在20%以上。

    If a central pressure of 960 hPa is selected as the demarcation between strong and weak TCs , the mean track error reductions for the 11 strong TCs range from 13 % at 12 h to over 20 % after 12 h.

  15. 陆龙卷中心的地面气压如图7.26所示。

    The surface pressure at the centre of the tornado is shown in Figure 7.26 .

  16. 初始台风环流是由台风中心海平面气压与最大风速所确定的一个模型环流。

    The initial typhoon circulation is a bogus pattern determined by the central surface pressure and the maximum wind speed of the typhoon being predicted .

  17. 与此对应,中央北极区及气候冰岛低压中心海平面气压在降低,而再往南区域海平面气压在升高。

    Meanwhile , the sea level pressure in the center part of the northern polar region and the region where the climatic Icelandic low exist decreases , but in places farther southward it increases .

  18. 北半球夏季大气活动中心与海平面气压场的气候基本态及变率特征

    Study on climate base state of northern summer atmospheric action center and SLP with its climate variability