
  • 网络medium scale maps;intermediate scale map;medium-scale map
  1. GIS中不同比例尺地图数据综合问题探讨

    THE Discussion on GIS Data Integration From Differance Scale Maps

  2. 在中、小比例尺地图上编绘地貌要素和水文要素应充分利用卫星像片。

    Satellite photograph should be fully apllied to edit and draw elements of geomorphology and hydrology on middle or small scale map .

  3. 作者通过变焦数据模型原理,探讨如何建立多层存贮结构,将数字地图中的大比例尺地图数据库自动导出小比例尺图形。

    This paper discusses how to establish multilayer storage structure and automatically reduce small scale graph from large scale mapping database by theory of changed-focuses Datum Model .