
  • 网络interrupt service routine;Isr;ISRS;ISR.C
  1. 后台中断服务程序(IS)和前台主循环之间的数据交换通过事件标志和数据缓冲区来实现。

    The data exchange between the background ISR ( Interrupt Service Routine ) and the foreground Main Loop is achieved by event flags and data buffers .

  2. DSP控制软件主要分主程序、定时器中断服务程序和AD转换中断服务程序。

    The DSP control software is roughly divided into main program , timer interrupt service routine and AD conversion interrupt service routine .

  3. 文中还给出相关的硬件连接、自举表的建立以及ARM端中断服务程序的设计方法和实例。

    It also gives the circuits frame , a boot table building and the design of interrupt service routine in ARM .

  4. 另外本文也简略介绍了ARM微控制器系统硬件接口程序、USB通讯硬件接口和中断服务程序的设计。

    Finally , this paper compendiary introduces the designs of hardware interface routine for ARM mic-controller , hardware interface and interrupt service routine for USB communication .

  5. 最后讨论了基于上述硬件系统的软件设计,主要分为三个部分:DSP的初始化程序、中断服务程序和语音编解码程序。

    Finally , this paper discussed the software system design based on above hardware platform , including the DSP initialization program , the interrupt request service and speech coding .

  6. 中断服务程序实现了电流采样、PID控制算法、换相控制等功能。最后对原型样机进行了软硬件调试、系统性能测试。

    The subprograms provide the functions of current sampling , PID control algorithm and commutation . Finally , soft and hardware debugging of the prototype is implemented and its performance is validated .

  7. 根据热丝TIG焊的时序要求,设计了控制系统的软件,重点介绍了主程序和中断服务程序。

    The software for control system was designed according to the timing requirement , the main program and the interrupt service program were highlighted .

  8. 下位主控制器系统软件采用C语言开发,按照分层模块化设计模式,设计了通讯程序、顶层管理程序、仪器模块程序、接口驱动子程序、中断服务程序等。

    For the software design of main controller system , following layer-dividing modularization design pattern , system managing programs , apparatus module programs , hardware interface driving subprograms , interruption service programs and so on are developed with C language .

  9. 本文详细地介绍了系统在单通道、多通道工作模式下DSP主程序设计、DMA中断服务程序设计及基于PCI总线的驱动程序的设计。

    The paper introduces the main DSP program and the DMA interrupt service program in single channel and multi-channel modes , also it describes the design of PCI device driver .

  10. 主程序负责初始化和键显处理,定时器中断服务程序作为核心程序实现矢量控制算法、三闭环调节器设计和SVPWM信号发生,AD转换中断服务程序为系统保护功能提供基础之一。

    Among them , main program is in charge of initialization and key-display processing , timer interrupt service routine , is designed to implement vector control algorithm , three close-loop regulators and the generation of SVPWM signals as core program .

  11. 以DriverWorks为开发工具开发基于PCI局部总线的设备驱动程序,实现了可以访问PCI设备配置空间、物理内存、I/O端口及实现中断服务程序的PCI设备WDM驱动程序。

    Driver Works are regarded as the developing instrument , WDM device driver is developed based on PCI local bus . Such driver can access the configuration space , physical memory and I / O port of the PCI device and realize the interrupt service routine .

  12. 特别是在设计系统中断服务程序时,创造性的提出了在定点DSP环境下依托硬件平台实现高效数值运算的若干方法,对于满足系统实时性处理要求等方面具有一定的应用价值。

    Especially , in the course of designing system ISR , some measures were put forward creatively to realize efficient numeric algorithm by means of hardware platform of system in fixed-point DSP . There were some value of application for catching up with requirement of system real time processing .

  13. 它由板级支持包(BSP)、操作系统内核及用户选用组件、中断服务程序(ISR)绢成。

    It is specific designed for the application of embedded system , it include the BSP ( Board Support Package ) and operating kernel and user selected component and ISR ( interrupt service routine ) .

  14. 实验目的目的:掌握定时器T0、T1的方式选择和编程方法,了解中断服务程序的设计方法,学会实时程序的调试技巧。

    Aim Objective : To master the timer T0 , T1 of the mode selection and programming methods , to understand the design method of the interrupt service routine , and learn skills in real-time debugging .

  15. 进行了稳定平台系统控制软件设计,该系统软件包括主程序、速率环中断服务程序、位置环中断服务程序和CPLD译码程序,给出了程序流程图并编写了代码。

    A software method is designed , the software of this system includes main program , interrupt service program of velocity loop , interrupt service program of position loop and CPLD decoding program , the code and program flow chart of this software system are given .

  16. 软件设计采用软件流程图的形式分析了主程序、初始化程序、主控程序、ADC中断服务程序、GPIO口检测程序以及显示程序的编写思路,并对软件的可靠性做了相应的分析。

    Software design flow chart of software analyze on main program , initialization procedure , the master program , ADC interrupt service routine , GPIO port inspection procedures and display program , and analyze on reliability of the software .

  17. 中断服务程序(ISR)接收主控模块数据,经判断,若该数据为控制命令,将优先执行,若为心电数据则存放在与滤波程序共享的缓冲区中;

    The ISR ( interrupt service routine ) receives and decides the data from main control module , then execute the preemptive task schedule if the data is commander . And if ECG , will be stored it in buffer which shared by ISR and filtering process .

  18. 典型网络接口控制器分析与中断服务程序设置

    Analyses of network interface controller and the setup of breakage service

  19. 据该框架按所需功能要求重写中断服务程序。

    According to needing function requirements , interrupt service program was rewritten .

  20. 系统软件主要由主程序和中断服务程序组成。

    The system software includes the main program and interrupt service program .

  21. 嵌入式实时操作系统中对时钟中断服务程序的改进

    Improvement of Timer Interrupt Service Routine in RTOS

  22. 实现俄文扩展字符打印的中断服务程序

    An interrupt service routine for printing Russia symbols

  23. 中断服务程序所在的地址。

    The address of an interrupt service routine .

  24. 通信设计中的中断服务程序和信息接收程序的设计

    Design of procedure of interruption service and information reception in the design of communication

  25. 中断服务程序的驻留与应用

    Resident and application of Interrupt Service Routine

  26. 一种MCS-51单片机定时中断服务程序的设计方法

    Method of design program for timer interruption

  27. 其应用程序由主程序、中断服务程序和一些功能模块子程序组成。

    The application program consists of main program , interrupt service program and some function modules .

  28. 优化了中断服务程序;

    Interrupt Service Routin is optimized ;

  29. 软件设计分为:初始化、串行中断服务程序、串行口选择三个模块。

    Software designed divide into three model : initialize , serial interruption service programming , serial port selected .

  30. 分析并设计了驱动电源的主控制程序及中断服务程序。

    Analysis and design of the driving power of the main control program and the interrupt service routine .