
  • 网络China Accelerator
  1. 加入WTO后,中国加速了融入经济全球化的进程,高等教育国际化成为一种必然的趋势。

    China has been accelerating the process of globalization of its economy since its entry into WTO , and the internationalization of higher education becomes an inevitable trend .

  2. 这个系统包含GPU加速算法的一部分在2011AMD中国加速技术竞赛中获得了冠军。

    The part with GPU algorithms of the system has won the championship in the 2011 AMD China accelerated computing contest .

  3. 中国加速南水北调建设工程。

    Construction on water diversion project to accelerate .

  4. 中国加速央企重组。

    China revs up central enterprise regrouping .

  5. 在中国加速现代化的进程中,各民族文化的剧烈变迁是不可避免的。

    In the process of Chinese accelerating modernization , the radical changes of Ethnic cultures are inevitable .

  6. 中国加速追踪产品一个吸引人的地方在于,它可以提供一定的资金保障。

    One beauty of the China accelerated tracker is that it comes with an element of capital protection .

  7. 辛格积极参与了上海的“中国加速”(Chinaccelerator)孵化器项目,该项目对中国和国际创业家都提供支持。

    Mr Singh is heavily involved in Shanghai 's Chinaccelerator , which gives support to both Chinese and international entrepreneurs .

  8. 近年来,日、韩制造业又出现向中国加速转移趋势。

    In recent years , the manufacturing industry of Japan and Korea has been in an accelerating trend of transfer to China .

  9. 在中国加速向市场经济转变的过程中,发展中小企业是一种战略选择。

    It 's an important strategy for China to expedite the SMEs ' development during the process of transforming to market economy .

  10. 全球各地越来越多地意识到中国加速人民币升值、以反映其经济基本面因素的重要性。

    There is an increased awareness around the world of the importance of China accelerating the appreciation of the renminbi to reflect economic fundamentals .

  11. 中国加速生产这些武器的目的是为了抵消美国那独步全球的具有精确打击能力的情报,通信和卫星导航网络。

    China 's push to produce these weapons aims to neutralize America 's web of intelligence communication and navigation satellites capable of unmatched precision strikes .

  12. 在今年早些时候的一次讲话中,保尔森竭力呼吁中国加速其资本与金融市场改革。

    In a speech earlier this year , Mr Paulson eloquently made the case for China to accelerate the reform of its capital and financial markets .

  13. 对推进中国加速引用不可抗辩条款有积极意义,对研究保险的学者也会有一定的参考价值。

    The paper will have long-standing meaning to advance citing incontestable clause post , and will also have definite reference value to the scholars who investigate insurance .

  14. 随着中国加速了在商品、服务和人口等方面全球流动的参与,其以相互独立的卫生世界逐渐了承担了跨国健康风险。

    As China accelerates participation in the global flow of goods , services , and people , it increasingly shares transnational health risks in an interdependent health world .

  15. 与此同时,引入外国机构投资者还可以为中国加速培养出一大批新的专业投资人员,为将来建立起强大的本地化机构投资者队伍奠定坚实的基础。

    A goal would be to rapidly train a new flank of Chinese investment professionals to lay the foundations for a strong domestic segment of the institutional investor industry .

  16. 宇通客车为来往于内陆家乡和蓬勃发展的沿海地区的工人提供运输服务,搭上了中国加速摆脱计划经济的便车。

    As China accelerated out of a planned economy , Yutong hitched a ride by helping to ferry workers back and forth between their hinterland homes and jobs in the booming coastal regions .

  17. 近年来,世界家具制造业在向中国加速转移,中国已经成为世界第一大家具出口国。

    During the past few years , the furniture manufacturing industry in the world had begun to transfer to China at a fast pace , and China has become the largest furniture exporter in the world .

  18. 中国非加速通货膨胀失业率研究

    A Study of Non-accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment in China

  19. 第三,中国应加速金融改革。

    Third , China should accelerate financial reforms .

  20. 21世纪人口迁移将推动中国现代化加速发展

    Migration in the 21st century will propel the modernization in China forward more rapidly

  21. 中国正加速建设几乎连接所有省份的高铁。

    China is moving rapidly to connect almost all of its own provincial capitals with bullet trains .

  22. 中国正在加速向原本由德国和日本制造商主导的工业机器人领域迈进。

    China is moving even faster towards industrial robotics , an area in which German and Japanese manufacturers dominate .

  23. 中国将加速努力发展市场来帮助公司提高投资,应付增加的货币风险。

    China , quickening efforts to develop markets to help firms raise funds or cope with increasing currency risks .

  24. 研究认为,中国正在加速的产业结构调整进程最终是向知识经济迈进。

    The study shows that the accelerated industrial structural adjustment process China undergoing now is ultimately paving to knowledge economy .

  25. 车轮上的美国加速了石油涨价;车轮上的中国将加速地球变暖的进程。

    American on the wheels has increased the oil price , and Chinese on the wheels will speed up the earth warming .

  26. 除非美国或中国增长加速,日本唯一能提高经济增长的便是通过增加国内需求。

    For Japan , unless US or Chinese growth accelerates , the only path to additional growth is through higher domestic demand .

  27. 解放思想既是开启中国社会加速转型新时期的伟大思想号角,也是不断推进中国特色社会主义事业的强大精神动力;

    Emancipation of the mind is not only the great ideological horn , which initiated the new era of speedy social transformation in China ;

  28. 因此,中国应该加速结构调整,大力发展高科技含量、高附加值、低能耗的新兴产业。

    Therefore , China should accelerate structural adjustment , develop the new industry of high-tech content , high additional value and low energy consumption vigorously .

  29. 随着高端汽车销售在美国而且尤其是在中国的加速,越来越多的高端用户开始关注各大厂商的旗舰车型。

    As sales accelerate in the U.S , and particularly in China , more attention is being paid to flagships as an attraction for upscale customers .

  30. 新华社称,面对北方日益增长的水资源需求,中国正在加速进行南水北调大型工程。

    Faced with growing water demands from the country 's parched north , China is speeding up work on its massive south-to-north diversion project , Xinhua said .