
  1. 做空者已经借入了总部位于北京的中国神舟矿业公司(ChinaShenZhouMining&ResourcesInc.)96%的可借股份,这意味着做空者几乎已借不到用于做空的股票。

    Short sellers have borrowed 96 percent of Beijing-based China Shen Zhou Mining & Resources Inc. ( SHZ )' s lendable supply , meaning there is almost no equity available for short sellers to bet against .

  2. 中国神舟12号载人飞船将于北京时间周四上午发射。

    The launch of China 's Shenzhou-12 manned mission is scheduled for Thursday morning Beijing Time .

  3. 今天下午,中国神舟七号飞船载着三名宇航员通过降落伞在内蒙古大草原成功着陆。贺之!

    China 's Shenzhou-7 spacecraft carrying three taikonauts landed by parachute in the afternoon in Inner Mongolia 's grassland . Congratulations !

  4. 随着中国神舟系列飞船的成功发射、探月计划和深空探测计划的实施,航天器自主生存能力成为新世纪备受关注的关键技术之一。

    Along with the Shenzhou series spacecraft , the lunar exploration project and the deep space exploration Project , the self-surviving performance of the spacecraft is regarded as one of the key technologies in 21st century .

  5. 中国的神舟五号、六号相继上天,世界对中国的空间活动投来了关注的目光,作为国际法学者,我们扪心自问,中国的空间法研究与空间活动同步吗?

    With the launches of Shenzhou 5 and Shenzhou 6 into outer space , China 's space activities draw great concerns from the world .

  6. 作者通过定性研究分析三家报纸对中国发射神舟七号宇宙飞船这一政治事件的报道,分别计算情态表达的频率,从而研究情态取向的特征。

    The author conducted a qualitative study to analyze the frequency of modal expressions of China launching Shenzhou ⅶ spacecraft news event from the three newspapers .

  7. 船是海军援救特遣部队的一部分在2003年和2005年中国发射神舟有人操纵航天任务期间在西太平洋上支援。

    The ship was part of the naval rescue task forces standing by in the West Pacific during the launches of China 's Shenzhou manned spaceflight mission in2003 and2005 .

  8. 法新报道,中国完成神舟7号任务以及首次太空行走后,下一步将着眼于登陆月球以及建设空间站。

    China set its sights on a manned trip to the moon and a space station after completing the Shenzhou VII mission and China 's first space walk , AFP reported .

  9. 2003年中国的神舟五号载人飞船发射成功,航天员杨利伟亲口说他在太空没有看到长城,这件事情在中国社会上引起了不小的轰动。

    In2003 , the Shenzhou V manned flight mission was a greet success , but astronaut Yang Liwei said that he didn 't see the Great Wall in the outer space , which has caused a huge stir in China .

  10. 中国已经宣布神舟七号飞船将于周四晚上发射。

    China has announced that the Shenzhou-7 spacecraft will lift off on Thursday night .

  11. 神舟飞船系列的主要设计师被引述说,中国计划从神舟8号开始批量制造太空飞行器。

    The chief designer of the Shenzhou spacecraft system , Zhang Bainan , is quoted as saying China is planning to begin mass production of the spacecraft starting from the Shenzhou 8 mission .

  12. 2003年10月,中国成功完成了神舟5号的载人计划,成为了第三个拥有这种能力的国家。

    In October 2003 , it became only the thirdcountry in history to independently launch a manned mission int o space on the Shenzhou 5 .