
  • 网络Shenzhou 6;shenzhou-6
  1. 神舟六号飞船主着陆场的医疗卫勤保障

    Medical supports and health care for Shenzhou-6 astronauts in main landing site

  2. 两年之后的2005年,神舟六号搭载两名飞行员驶入太空。

    Two years later in 2005 , the Shenzhou-6 carried two astronauts into space .

  3. 在飞行回来后,杨利伟向共事的科学家汇报了火箭上升过程中的异常振动,后来科学家在神舟六号飞行前解决了这个问题。

    After his return , Yang reported the abnormal vibrations during the rocket 's ascent to fellow scientists , who solved the issue before the Shenzhou VI 's launch .

  4. 2005年乘坐神舟六号飞船进入太空的聂海胜说,他的首次太空之旅要顺利得多,几乎感觉不到振动。

    According to Nie Haisheng , who took the Shenzhou VI craft to space in 2005 , his first trip to space was much smoother , and he did not detect any vibrations .

  5. 神舟六号载人飞船及其技术改进

    Shenzhou-6 Manned Spaceship and Its Technology Improvement

  6. 在此前的两年中,我一直在为备战神舟六号任务积极努力。

    In the previous two years , I was preparing for the mission all the way .

  7. 神舟六号任务号2人多天飞行。这就需要乘员之间配合默契。

    It took several days for both of us to fly in he Shenzhou VI , and it was essential for us to cooperate in harmony .

  8. “太阳神鸟”金饰图案的蜀绣制品于同年搭载神舟六号飞船在太空中遨游。

    Shu embroidery featuring the pattern of the sun bird object in particular , traveled to space with the " Shenzhou VI " spacecraft in the same year .

  9. 在神舟六号升空的筹备阶段,理大纺织及制衣学系也应中国国家航天局的邀请,按局方的严格要求为地面控制中心的工作人员设计可防静电的工作服。

    At the invitation of CNSA , the University 's Institute of Textiles and Clothing has designed anti-static work clothes for CNSA staff at the Control Centre during its latest China Space Mission .

  10. 神舟六号已成功完成两人多天飞行,预计明年发射的神舟七号将实现航天员的舱外行走。

    Shenzhou VI spacecraft has successfully accomplished the flight task of " two astronauts , more days " last year and it is expected that Shenzhou VII will make astronauts ' extravehicular walking possible next year .

  11. 2005年10月,我和战友聂海胜乘坐神舟六号飞船,环绕地球飞行5天,又一次把祖国的荣誉写上太空。

    In the October of2005 , I , together with Nie Haisheng , my comrade-in-arm , flew around the earth for five days . Again , we wrote our great motherland 's honour into the outer space .

  12. 无数航天科技人员都在为加速实现“神舟”六号的发射奉献着自己的智慧和精力。

    Countless space experts are laying down their wits and energy to accelerate the realization of the launch of Shenzhou VI spaceship .

  13. 神舟五号和六号航天员医疗保障的特点及其救护对策研究

    Characteristic of medical support and health care for Shenzhou - 5 and Shenzhou - 6 astronauts at main landing site

  14. 中国的神舟五号、六号相继上天,世界对中国的空间活动投来了关注的目光,作为国际法学者,我们扪心自问,中国的空间法研究与空间活动同步吗?

    With the launches of Shenzhou 5 and Shenzhou 6 into outer space , China 's space activities draw great concerns from the world .

  15. 在中国载人宇宙飞船“神舟五号”、“神舟六号”上面所有的钛合金紧固件均是本企业研制生产的。

    The titanium alloy fastener used in Chinese manned spacecrafts Shenzhou V and Shenzhou VI are all researched and produced by our company .