
shén jīnɡ huí lù
  • neural circuit;neural circuitry
  1. 此外,NMDA-R的功能活性也已经被证明与新生神经元的存活、成熟和神经回路的整合密切相关。

    The function of NMDA-R is correlated with the maturation , survival and neural circuit integration of newborn neurons .

  2. 我们应当利用各种最先进的技术手段(如脑功能成像技术),集中力量,从分子、细胞、神经回路到整体脑功能等一系列水平上展开深入的、开创性的研究。

    We should concentrate our energy , employ every kinds of modern and advanced techniques , including functional brain imaging , to study the brain function in depth at different levels : molecular , cellular , neural circuit , organs , and whole body .

  3. 白腰文鸟嗅叶X区的神经回路与P物质的免疫组化定位

    Nerve Circuit of Area X and Immunohistochemical Localization of Substance P in Lonchura striata swinhoei

  4. 艾默理大学(EmoryUniversity)的温迪·哈森坎普(WendyHasenkamp)和劳伦斯·巴萨卢(LawrenceBarsalou)的研究显示,正念冥想能改变认知控制的指标之一——大脑维持注意力的神经回路。

    Mindfulness seems to flex the brain circuitry for sustaining attention , an indicator of cognitive control , according to research by Wendy Hasenkamp and Lawrence Barsalou at Emory University .

  5. 家鸽视觉系统扫视抑制的伴随放电神经回路

    Corollary Discharge Circuits for Saccadic Modulation of the Pigeon Visual System

  6. 鸟鸣学习记忆神经回路的可塑性

    Plasticity of neural circuits of learning and memory on Birdsong

  7. 视网膜外网状层突触可塑性和神经回路研究:实验及模型

    Synaptic Plasticity and Neural Circuitry in the Retinal Outer Plexiform Layer : Experiments and Models

  8. 飞秒激光随机扫描测控神经回路的方法研究

    Research on Monitoring and Controlling Neural Circuits Basing on Femtosecond Laser and Random Access Scan

  9. 情绪神经回路的可塑性设计了信号放大及处理电路。

    Plasticity of the Emotional Circuitry The amplificatory circuit and transacted circuit of signal are designed .

  10. 人类大脑的很多部分,是由针对特定功能的特定神经回路组成的,

    Many parts of a man 's brain are definite nerve circuits required for quite definite purposes .

  11. 讨论了性类固醇激素对鸣禽发声行为及其神经回路的影响。

    This paper discussed the sex steroid hormone effect on vocal behavior and neural circuits in songbirds .

  12. 丹尼尔列维京:我们都知道大脑喜欢音乐,因为其中有特定的神经回路。

    Daniel Levitin : We know that the brain is musical because there are specific neural circuits .

  13. 这些活动加强了神经回路,使注意力停留在选定的目标之上。

    Those movements appeared to strengthen the neural circuitry for keeping attention on a chosen point of focus .

  14. 伪装长时记忆损害和伪装工作记忆损害存在不同的神经回路,但又有某些功能重叠。

    Feigning long-term memory and working memory impairment has different neural correlates , but we also found the overlapping brain regions .

  15. 在创造思潮难抑之时,维尔马的神经回路图会即时记录下大脑的情况。

    Dr. Verma 's maps of neural circuitry document the brain at moments when it is in a fury of creation .

  16. 视觉和躯体感觉的研究发现,早期的尤其是关键期内的感觉经验活动对于丘脑皮层回路的发育必不可少,关键期后,神经回路的重组很难再被诱导。

    In the visual and somatosensory system , early sensory experience plays a crucial role in the refinement of developing thalamocortical circuits .

  17. 我们典型到我们的大脑已经开辟出特定的神经回路,来解码这类典型。

    And so it turns out we 're so stereotypical , our brains have got dedicated neural circuitry to decode this stereotyping .

  18. 实际上,它们经常通过众多迂回曲折的神经回路彼此通讯,而科研人员在这方面的研究才刚刚起步。

    In fact , the two communicate regularly through a multitude of circuitous loops that researchers have only just begun to map .

  19. 推测左额上回为伪装记忆损害的基本神经回路。

    Our results suggest that the left superior frontal gyrus may act as the basic neural mechanism for feigning memory impairment . 3 .

  20. 当一个记忆提示进来,大脑就会从神经回路中搜索相关片段,并将这些片段如拼图玩具一般组装起来。

    When a memory cue comes in , the brain searches its circuits for related fragments and assembles them like a jigsaw puzzle .

  21. 当我们看到一种颜色时,它会触发大脑中的神经回路,引起下丘脑腺分泌荷尔蒙。

    When we look at certain colours it triggers neurological responses in the brain , and causes the hypothalamus gland to release hormones .

  22. 然而,至于运动学习如何影响个体突触的神经回路以及对大脑的记忆能维持多长时间都是未知的。

    However , how motor learning affects neuronal circuitry at the level of individual synapses and how long-lasting memory is structurally encoded in the intact brain remain unknown .

  23. 研究人员称,即便蛇对大多数人来说不再危险,但这种对蛇的高度戒备却深深印入了人脑的神经回路中。

    This heightened awareness of snakes is embedded in the brain 's circuitry , even though snakes are no longer a danger to most people , researchers said .

  24. 而用于学习和锻炼阅读技巧的媒体或其他技术,在塑造我们脑中的神经回路这一点上扮演了重要角色。

    And the media or other technologies we use in learning and practicing the craft of reading play an important part in shaping the neural circuits inside our brains .

  25. 视觉刺激被光感受器细胞转换成电信号,经由视网膜神经回路传递至视网膜神经节细胞,然后通过视神经进一步向视觉中枢传递。

    Photoreceptors convert the visual stimuli into electrical signals . These signals are propagated through the retinal circuit to the ganglion cells and then to the central visual system .

  26. 研究了基于所建模型的联想式模式学习算法。该算法模型体现了结构自组织、神经回路反响谐振等生理学特征。

    Based on the established model , some associative pattern learning algorithms were put forward , which had the physiological features of structure 's self-organizing and neural circuits ' reverberating .

  27. 将同一神经元的输入和输出曲线进行比较可以看出,经过视皮层内神经回路加工以后,方位调谐曲线的宽度变窄,调谐特性被明显地锐化。

    By comparing the tuning width of the input and output tuning curves , it is shown that the orientation selectivity is sharpened after being processed by the intracortical connection .

  28. 前额皮层、前扣带皮层、杏仁核等及其构成的神经回路的结构与机能差异是情感风格的神经基础。

    The structural and functional difference of prefrontal cortex ( PFC ), anterior cingulate cortex ( ACC ), amygdala , and its neural circuitry formed the bases of affective style .

  29. 大脑海马组织存在由兴奋性和抑制性突触构成的神经回路,这些神经回路是哺乳动物记忆与学习等高级大脑信息功能实现的基础。

    The neuronal circuit of the hippocampus in our brain comprises excitatory and inhibitory synapses , which is related with learning , memory and other high functions in central nervous system .

  30. 接触的新闻越多,大脑就要越发频繁地启动用于略读和多重任务处理的神经回路,忽略用于深度阅读和专注思考的神经回路。

    The more news we consume , the more we exercise the neural circuits devoted to skimming and multitasking while ignoring those used for reading deeply and thinking with profound focus .