
  • 网络the holy family
  1. 一件1528年的神圣家族徽章最新被鉴定为由尼古拉·达·厄尔比诺所创作,标价为27.5万英镑。

    A 1528 plaque of the Holy Family , newly attributed to Nicola da Urbino , is priced at 275000 .

  2. 《神圣家族》是一部论战性的著作,马克思恩格斯通过批判青年黑格尔派的思辨哲学,构建新哲学。

    The Holy Family is an argument work in which Max and Engels constructed new philosophy through the criticizing of the young Hegel parties ' speculative philosophy .

  3. 对《神圣家族》理论重要性的当代性解读

    A Contemporary Explanation on the Theoretical Significance of The Holy Family

  4. 他最出名的作品就是尚未完工的神圣家族大教堂。

    His most famous creation is the unfinished cathedral known as the Sagrada Familia .

  5. 而《神圣家族》的美学思想则接近了科学的唯物史观。

    The aesthetic ideology on the sacred family is closed to scientific historical materialism .

  6. 在《神圣家族》中集中批判了鲍威尔的理论核心&自我意识哲学;

    On 《 Holy Family 》, Marx has criticized the core of Bauer 's theory-Self-consciousness philosophy ;

  7. 《1844年经济学-哲学手稿》是重新解读《神圣家族》的理论出发点。

    Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 is the theoretical starting point of understanding The Holy Family .

  8. 所有这个关于在埃及旅居,神圣家族逃往埃及,为了躲避邪恶君主。

    The whole thing about that , the Egyptian sojourn the holy family goes to Egypt to escape the wicked king .

  9. 唯物主义美学观从萌芽到确立&从《手稿》到《神圣家族》看马克思主义美学思想的发展

    The Aesthetic View of Materialism from Sprout to Establishment & On the Development of Marxian Aesthetic Thought from Manuscript to Sacred Family

  10. 论马克思美学思想的变化&从《1844年经济学哲学手稿》到《神圣家族》

    On the change of Mars s aesthetic ideology & From the manuscript about economics and philosophy in 1844 to the sacred family ;

  11. 《手稿》和《神圣家族》是马克思现实主义文艺思想的最初形态和表现。

    The author of this article has concluded that such comments made by Marx can be regarded as the primitive establishment of Marxist realist literary theory .

  12. 本文的第二章是全文的主体部分,以分析《神圣家族》蕴涵的伦理主题为主要内容。

    The second chapter is the main body of the article , whose main content is to analyze the ethics themes (?) The Holy Family contains .

  13. 通过文本探析发现在《神圣家族》中首次出现的几个概念,成为了马克思一生所关注的主题。

    Through exploration , the paper finds some concepts appeared in The Holy Family for the first time become the themes that Marx concerned about all his life .

  14. 作为《1844年经济学-哲学手稿》基本理论成果的感性活动原则是理解《神圣家族》的理论基点。

    The principle of sensible activity , being the basic theoretical achievement of Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 , is the theoretical foundation of understanding The Holy Family .

  15. 在《神圣家族》中,马克思主要是批判青年黑格尔派的自我意识哲学以论证人民为主体。

    In the " Holy Family ", Marx criticizes the philosophy of self awareness of the young Hagel School in order to demonstrate the idea of people as masters .

  16. 作为马克思和恩格斯合作的第一个成果,《神圣家族,或对批判的批判所做的批判》一书中包含了丰富的哲学思想,具有非凡的理论意义。

    As the first book that Marx and Engels written together , " The Holy Family , or Critique of Critical Criticism . " has a great theoretical significance .

  17. 在《神圣家族》中,马克思批判了自我意识哲学所主张的抽象观念上的道德救赎理论,并主张道德应该建立在现实的物质基础之上。

    In The Holy Family , Marx criticizes the moral redeemed theory of abstract notion proposaled by self-consciousness philosophy and holds the pinion of that moral should build on the basis of material .

  18. 自由思想的实践转向时期,马克思将自由与劳动相互阐释,相继发表了《1844年经济学哲学手稿》、《神圣家族》、《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》、《德意志意识形态》。

    The practical freedom transformation period , Marx put freedom and labor mutual interpretation , successively issued Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts , The Holy Family , Theses on Feuerbach , The German Ideology .

  19. 例如当耶稣和神圣家族逃亡埃及,然后当他们回来时他引述说,我从埃及召出我的儿子来,这是预言。

    For example when Jesus and the holy family run off to Egypt he then quotes to the fact when they come back he says ," Out of Egypt I will call my Son ," the prophecy .

  20. 马克思和恩格斯合作的第一部著作&《神圣家族》,全名为神圣家族,或对批判的批判所做的批判。驳布鲁诺·鲍威尔及其伙伴。

    " Holy Family " is the first book by Marx and Engels , with the full name of " Holy Family , or the criticism on critical of the criticism , to retort Bruno Powell and his partners " .