
  • 网络nerve impulse conduction;conduction of nerve impulse
  1. 末梢端神经干动作电位幅度、时程均小于中枢端,1%普鲁卡因处理神经干,神经冲动传导被阻断。

    Both the amplitude and duration of action potential on the twig end were less than those on the center end . The conduction of nerve impulse was interdicted by 1 % procaine .

  2. 结论:乙醇胚胎毒性对大鼠听觉神经系统有明显影响,听觉神经冲动传导减慢。

    Conclusion : Prenatal alcohol exposure had conspicuous effects on auditory nervous system in rats , by step down nerve impulse conduction .

  3. 脊髓损伤(spinalCordInjury,SCI)由于神经元死亡及其纤维的中断导致神经冲动传导障碍,从而引起的截瘫,其治疗作为医学难题一直倍受关注。

    Spinal cord injury ( SCI ) interrupts conduction of nerve impulses , leading to neurological dysfunction , and the treat is hotspot and difficulty all over the word .

  4. 结论:针刺能有效缩短孤独症儿童事件相关电位P3潜伏期,提示针刺治疗使神经冲动传导加快,大脑对外界信息的认知加工时间缩短。

    CONCLUSION : Acupuncture can effectively shorten the event related potential P3 latency in autistic children , indicating that acupuncture treatment accelerates nervous impulse conduction , the recognizing and processing time of cerebrum to environmental information .

  5. 昆虫神经冲动传导所涉及的生物物理过程看来大致与其它无脊椎动物相似。

    The biophysical processes involved in the conduction of nervous impulses in insects seem to be essentially similar to those in other invertebrates .

  6. 在体内,前列腺素1(PGE1)为调节正常神经冲动的传导及神经微循环所必需。

    PGE1 ( prostaglandin EI ) is needed for regulating nerve conduction velocity ( NCV ) and microcirculation .

  7. NMDA受体是谷氨酸受体的一个亚型,广泛分布于大脑皮质、丘脑、海马、纹状体和脊髓,参与中枢兴奋性神经冲动的传导。

    NMDA receptor is a subtype of glutamate receptors which are widely distributed in the cerebral cortex , hypothalamus , hippocampus , striatum , and spinal cord , and act as an excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system .

  8. 有髓鞘神经纤维冲动传导的计算机模拟

    A digital computer simulation of impulse propagation in the myelinated nerve fiber

  9. 毒气可以减除胆碱酯酶的活性,而这种酶在正常情况下控制着各种神经冲动的传导。

    The gases inactivate the enzyme cholinesterase , which normally controls the transmission of nerve impulses .

  10. 镇痛药:可减轻疼痛而又不阻滞神经冲动的传导、不显著改变感觉器官功能的药物。

    Analgesic : Drug that relieves pain without Blocking nerve impulse conduction or markedly altering sensory function .

  11. 适量的氟有利于预防龋齿、维持钙磷代谢、保持神经冲动的传导,过量的氟是一种全身性毒物,可损害机体多器官系统。

    Appropriate fluorine is beneficial to prevent caries , to maintain nerve tranmission , as well as to support calcium and phosphate of organisms .

  12. 当髓鞘被破坏,神经纤维传导阈值降低,神经冲动传导变慢或被分散。

    When the myelin is destroyed , the nerves misfire , and nerve impulses can be slowed or disrupted .

  13. 它通过电流在中枢和外周神经系统产生治疗性热损伤,以破坏神经纤维而阻断神经冲动的传导。

    It causes thermal lesions of the peripheral and central nervous system by relieving radiofrequency waves , to block nerve conduction of pain signal by the destruction of related nerve fibers .

  14. 乙酰胆碱酯酶(Acetycholinesterase,AChE)是存在于中枢神经系统内的一种水解酶,经典作用是水解神经递质乙酰胆碱(ACh),终止神经冲动的传导。

    Acetylcholinesterase ( AChE , EC ) plays a key role in cholinergic transmission by catalysing the rapid hydrolysis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine into acetate and choline .

  15. 结论视神经损伤后一次性球后注射CNTF在早期加强了神经系统对损伤的反应强度,促进了视神经损伤后神经冲动传导功能的恢复。

    CONCLUSION An retrobulbar injection of CNTF after optic nerve crush can enhance the responses of optic nerve system , improve the recovery of nerve impulse transition .

  16. 感音神经性耳聋(SensorineuralDeafness,简称SND)指病变位于螺旋器的毛细胞、听神经或各级听中枢,对声音的感受与神经冲动的传导发生障碍,所引起的听力下降的症状。

    Sensorineural deafness ( Sensorineural Deafness , referred to as SND ) lesions were located in the hair cells of Corti , the auditory nerve or auditory central at all levels , barriers to voice the feelings and the transmission of nerve impulses , caused by hearing loss symptoms .