
shén jīnɡ zhì
  • nervousness;nerve
神经质 [shén jīng zhì]
  • [jumpy;neurotic] 指人的神经过敏、胆小怯懦、容易冲动的性质

  • 如果你喝酒不这么凶,你就不会这样神经质了

  1. 神经质多为先天的。

    Nervousness is often constitutional .

  2. 农村初中男女生在N(神经质,又称情绪性)上存在显著的差异。

    Boys and girls in rural elementary schools have remarkable differences on nervousness ( N ) .

  3. 她对保持房屋清洁有点神经质。

    She became neurotic about keeping the house clean .

  4. 也会对大脑产生不良影响,如焦虑和神经质的行为。

    There are also unpleasant brain effects such as anxiety and neurotic behaviour .

  5. 她显然是一个很神经质的女人,这一点影响了她的事业。

    She was apparently a very nervous woman , and that affected her career .

  6. 她是个极度神经质的人,有人问起她的经历时,她就哭。

    She was a nervous wreck , crying when anyone asked her about her experience .

  7. 马尔科姆是一位才华横溢却又生活失意的外科医生,他妻子有些神经质而且性冷淡。

    Malcolm is a brilliant but frustrated surgeon who is married to a neurotic and sexless woman .

  8. 神经质的人不要看这部电影。

    People of a nervous disposition should not watch this movie .

  9. 她神经质的傻笑把我惹火了。

    Her nervous giggles annoyed me .

  10. 该研究表明,那些寿命最长的人与其他人相比,更加外向、更加活跃,不那么神经质。

    The study shows that those living the longest are more outgoing , more active and less neurotic than other people .

  11. 我是个需要由更稳重的人降服住的神经质的天才。

    I was a temperamental genius in need of reining in by stabler personalities .

  12. 泽尼斯运动俱乐部里的那种神经质的健谈和自以为是的态度从他们身上消失了

    The nervous loquacity and opinionation of the Zenith Athletic Club dropped from them .

  13. 比如说,办公室里杞人忧天的那些人大部分时间可能都在担心会被裁员或解雇。虽然他们真正被裁的几率很小,但是这类有点神经质的员工经常会找同事求教怎样才能避免被裁员。

    A worry wart in an office environment , for example , may spend most of his or her time fretting dismissal .

  14. 亚当:我开始以为苏珊这个人很酷,但接触得多了,才发现她真是个不易察觉的神经质。

    Adam : I thought6 Susan was7 a cool person8 until9 I moved in with her and turns out she 's a major10 closet11 psycho .

  15. 最后是“N”——“神经质”,与之相对的是那些更加稳定平和的人。

    And " N " -- " neurotic individuals , " in contrast to those who are more stable .

  16. NC与人格中的神经质(N)显著正相关,与外倾性(E)和严谨性(C)显著负相关;

    NC was correlated positively with neuroticism ( N ), and negatively with extraversion ( E ) and conscientiousness ( C ) .

  17. 在非抑郁症组神经质因子上,独生子女的得分显著高于非独生子女(p0.05)。

    In Neuroticism factor of the non depression group , The only child significantly higher than non-only child ( p0.05 ) 4 .

  18. 神经质(N因子)、幻想、社会健康、心理健康、内控性、外向性(E因子)、解决问题等变量对高中生挫折感有预测作用。

    Stepwise regression shows neuroticism , dreaming , social health , psychological health , inner controlling , extroversion and solving problem affect the sense of frustration of senior school students .

  19. 与中国常模数据比较:急性青光眼组表示精神质的P评分和表示神经质的N评分高于中国常模及慢性青光眼组。

    In the comparison with the national norm : The P and N scores in EPQ test in the acute glaucoma group were higher than the national norm and those in the chronic glaucoma group .

  20. 在1970年代末期,情报官员告知(其实是误报)一名自尊心极强而且有神经质的特工他的零碎情报已经报告给了白宫(whitehouse),受到高度评价。

    In the late 70s , one agent with abysmal self-esteem and a nervous disposition was told ( falsely ) by his case officer that his intel tidbits had been reported to the White House to rave reviews .

  21. 犯罪青少年的身体健康水平和心理健康主要受神经质(N)和开放性(O)的影响,而宜人性能缓减焦虑和紧张的发生。

    The physical health of young offenders and the level of mental health is mainly affected by neuroticism ( N ) and open ( O ) the impact of mitigation and pleasant performance anxiety and tension from happening .

  22. 杰克是个有点神经质的纽约人,他要去见他的法国女友Marion在巴黎的古怪家人。

    Jack is a neurotic New Yorker meeting his French girlfriend Marion 's eccentric family in Paris .

  23. 本研究结合国内外相关研究,试图探讨笔迹特征与EPQ人格问卷中神经质(N)、精神质(P)、内外向(E)之间的关系。

    Combining with past researches , this research attempts to probe into the relationship between handwriting characteristics and nervousness ( N ), psychosis ( P ), extraversion or introversion ( E ) in EPQ .

  24. 结果:女性不孕症患者EPQ的神经质(N)维度分数高于对照组(P<0.01),表明患者情绪不稳定。

    RESULTS : N scores in EPQ in the female infertility patients were higher than those in control group ( P < 0.01 ), which showed that the patients had emotional lability .

  25. 本文采用艾森克个性问卷和应付方式问卷对急性白血病患者和健康人进行对照研究,结果表明:急性白血病患者N分显著高于健康对照组,提示患者具有明显的神经质倾向,存在人格缺陷;

    Eysenck personality questionnaires and coping style questionnaires were used to study the patients with acute leukemia and health persons . The results showed that N scores of the acute leukemia group were significantly higher than that of the health control group .

  26. 调节过程中,高外倾的FT增加大;神经质的FT增加弱,表情行为强度增强大。

    During a regulation , the FT of higher extraversion greatly went up , the FT of neuroticism weakly increased , and the intensity of expressional behaviors became stronger .

  27. 青少年神经质人格特征与互联网社交、娱乐和信息服务偏好在对PIU的影响上存在显著的交互作用,但与互联网交易服务偏好的交互作用不显著。

    Neuroticism moderates the relationships between internet social , recreational , business service preference and PIU .

  28. 其EPQ的内外向(E)、神经质(N)维度得分也存在差异(P<0.05),个体的社会支持水平越高,心理健康状况越好,且其N得分更低,E得分更高;

    Significant difference was found by EPQ-E and EPQ-N ( P < 0.05 ) . The higher the social support , the better the mental health . The lower the score of EPQ-N , the higher the score of EPQ-E.

  29. 结论FC患者具有明显的内向和神经质、焦虑、抑郁个性,并与负性生活事件有关,更需要得到社会的支持。

    Conclusion FC patients had the personalities of introversion , nervousness , anxiety and depression , and had the relation with negative life events , thus they might need more support from the society .

  30. 《科学报告》杂志提到,研究者们说:因为悲观主义和神经质对于人际交往的构成、质量和稳定性有害,G等位基因和心理失调的联系可能会减少携带者约会的机率或者导致交往失败。

    Writing in the journal Scientific Reports , the researchers said : As pessimism and neuroticism are detrimental to the formation , quality and stability of relationships , this connection between the G allele and psychological disorders might decrease carriers dating opportunities or lead to romantic relationship failure .