
zé yè
  • Career selection;choose/select an occupation
  1. 她发现自己在将来择业的问题上与父母存在着分歧。

    She found herself in conflict with her parents over her future career .

  2. 高级经理人把工作与生活的平衡作为择业的主要标准。

    Senior managers stipulated work-life balance as their main criterion when choosing jobs .

  3. 那么在你五年级时,有人就上大学给过你择业方面的建议吗?

    And what about when you were in the fifth year , did people give you careers advice on coming to college ?

  4. 乔布斯先生通过对创新的呼吁结束了典礼致辞,倡导大家在择业和生活上都要创新。

    Mr. Jobs ended his commencement talk with a call to innovation , both in one 's choice of work and in one 's life .

  5. 所以,择业是人生中最重要的决定之一。

    So , choosing a job is one of the most important decisions to make in life .

  6. 我大学毕业了,面临择业,但选择很多,所以我需要好好思考思考。

    Now that I have finished university I need to choose a career path ! There are so many options1 that I have a lot of food for thought .

  7. 运用AHP模型对高职毕业生择业决策作定量分析

    Making quantitative analysis for job selection of high vocational graduates by using AHP model

  8. 大学毕业生的择业偏好及其解释&一个基于LMS理论的分析框架

    Career Choice Inclination of the College Graduates & under the Analytic Framework on the Basis of LMS Theory

  9. 运用SWOT组合及其战略分析法,可以使大学生在择业时,能对自己和环境做出理性的分析,从而做出科学的选择。

    The application of SWOT combination and its strategic analysis method enables students in job choice to make a sensible analysis of their own and the conditions so as make a reasonable choice .

  10. 高年级大学生择业的心理准备

    The psychological preparation for career choice of senior students in college

  11. 大学生职业自我概念与择业心理

    College Students ' Occupational Self-Consciousness and the Psychology of Occupation Choosing

  12. 不同群体的择业倾向呈多样性且具有差异性;

    Different groups have their diversity and difference in occupation tendency .

  13. 当今大学毕业生择业心态归因分析

    Analysis of reasons for college graduates psychology in choice of profession

  14. 新形势下高校毕业生如何自主择业

    How to Self-select Jobs for College Graduates in the New Situation

  15. 你觉得自己知道所有关于择业的事吗?

    Do you think you know everything about choosing a career ?

  16. 帮助毕业生树立正确的择业观。

    Helps the graduate to set up the correct choosing profession view .

  17. 摒弃不良心态,树立正确的择业观

    Abandon Unhealthy Psychology & Establish a Correct Conception of Choosing an Occupation

  18. 做好自由择业党外知识分子的工作

    Freedom ; Management of Non-Party Intellectuals Selecting Jobs of Their Own Will

  19. 毕业设计与求职择业问题的建议与思考

    The proposal and reflecting on graduation project and job hunting

  20. 转变大学生择业观念的思考

    Discussion on Students ' Improving the Idea of Obtaining Employment

  21. 高职学生择业行为及意向多角度心理调查及分析

    Psychology Investigation and Analysis for Higher VET College Students ' Job Choosing

  22. 大学生择业价值的心理探析

    Psychological analysis on college students ' values on occupations selection

  23. 大学生职业生涯辅导与择业心理调适大学心理辅导应以生涯心理辅导为本位

    Career Psychological Guidance as the Basis of Psychological Guidance for College Students

  24. 大学生择业需求体系调适初探

    A Preliminary Study on Adjustment of Professional Demand System of College Students

  25. 基于归因理论的大学生择业观研究

    Research in University Students Employment Concept Based on Attribution Theory

  26. 沈阳市区职业学校学生择业心理研究

    Shenyang Cantonal Vocational School 's Students Choose Career Psychology Research

  27. 大学生求职择业方法与技巧

    The ways and skills in finding jobs of University Students

  28. 论大学生择业的价值诉求

    The Value Core of Obtaining Employment for the College Students

  29. 父母在决定孩子的择业方面往往很关键。

    Parets are often crucial in determining their child 's career choice .

  30. 在毕业生择业中要加强思想政治工作

    Strengthening Ideological and Political Work for Graduates to Make an Occupation Choice