
  1. 我的择偶观嘛,第一,要是喜欢我的;

    My view of mate-selecting : first , he likes me ;

  2. 本文是一篇关注当代青年择偶观的文章。

    This paper is a concern to the concept of symmetry contemporary youth article .

  3. 民国时期青年学生择偶观考察

    A Survey on Spouse - selection Idea of Young Students of the Republic of China

  4. 社会学视角下对当代社会门当户对择偶观的再认识

    A New Study on the Concept of Properly Matched Marriage in the Contemporary Society , from the Sociological Angle

  5. 其中,农村女青年的新型择偶观从一个侧面反映了农民价值观的变化。

    Among them , views on choosing spouse of rural young women reflect the changes of farmers ' value .

  6. 第二部分择偶观,考察女研究生择偶的基本态度和择偶行为的特点。

    Part ⅱ, choosing spouse , studies the basic attitudes and behavior characteristics of mate choice for female graduate students .

  7. 中国男人上述择偶观的出现不是偶然的,而是有着深厚的社会基础。

    The incredible way for Chinese men to choose spouse mentioned above is not accidental but with deep social influence .

  8. (注:儿子的择偶观只受母亲年纪的影响,而非父亲)

    ( Take note : Only a man 's mother 's age , not his father 's , influenced his attraction to older women . )

  9. 从择偶观的变迁看择偶标准的时代性&论中国女性建国至今50多年的配偶选择

    On the Epoch Characters of Mate-selecting Standard Viewed from its Changes & Choice Made by Chinese Female in the Past 50 Years since the Foundation of New China

  10. 近代理性主义的当代反思&试论理性主义对当代社会发展理论的影响和科学发展观产生的必然性社会学视角下对当代社会门当户对择偶观的再认识

    On the contemporary reflection of the modern rationalism & on the impact of the modern rationalism on the contemporary society development viewpoint and inevitability of the appearance of scientific Views of development

  11. 艾玛同时也透露了自己的择偶观,她说她喜欢聪明、幽默还能理解她的男人。

    I like men with quick wit , good conversation and a great sense of humour . I love banter . I want a man to like me for me-I want him to be authentic .

  12. 论文第四章对周代先民的一些婚姻观念,如性道德观、贞节观、择偶观、改嫁观等进行分析,力图展现它们的时代特徵。

    Chapter 4 analyzes some marriage concepts of ancient people from Zhou Dynasty , such as the sex morals view , chastity view , spouse chosen view and remarry view etc. in order to emerge their age characteristics .

  13. 在此基础上本文试图树立适合当代青年的择偶观,同时,针对其择偶的新特点,探讨了对他们的择偶进行伦理调适的方法。

    Basing on this , this article attempts establishing the spouse-selection view that suits contemporary young people , at the same time , it is aimed at the new characteristics of their spouse-selection and studies the way that adjusts their spouse-selection ethically .

  14. 文章通过传统的、解放后及改革开放后的女青年择偶观的历史变迁,较准确的把握和总结出农村女青年择偶观变迁的规律和特点。

    This paper analyzes the view on choosing spouse of rural young women such as traditional , post-liberation and reform and opening up view , so we can grasp more accurately and summarize characteristics and law of rural young women in mate selection .

  15. 建立择偶道德规范和伦理调适方法,能够帮助当代青年树立道德的择偶观,引导其加强自我道德修养,从他律走向自律,自觉抵制不道德的择偶行为。

    Establishing the moral rules and ethical adjustment methods can help contemporary young people to build moral spouse-selection view , and guides them to strengthen the self-moral training .