
  1. “天问一号”计划于2021年5月至6月间择机实施火星着陆。

    It is expected to land on Mars in May or June .

  2. IPO市场择机行为对资本结构的影响

    Effect of IPO Market Timing on Capital Structure

  3. 随着行为公司财务研究的深入和发展,一些学者提出了资本结构的市场择机理论(MarketTiming),资本结构与股票收益是其核心内容之一。

    With the development of Behavior Corporate Finance , some scholars put forward Market Timing Theory , the core content of which are capital structure and stock returns .

  4. 翻译公司klcommunications的老板林超伦(kevinlin)表示,中国最初进军英国商界,主要是成立办事处和择机进行收购。

    Initial Chinese excursions into UK business , according to Kevin Lin , owner of KL communications , a translation agency , consisted of establishing representative offices and making opportunistic takeovers .

  5. 就思嘉而言,代表该公司的ipr奥美(iprogilvy)的刘丽恩表示,公司计划择机重返市场。

    Sijia , for its part , plans to return to the market , according to Callis Lau of IPR Ogilvy , which represents the company .

  6. 我国近日将择机发射第五颗北斗导航卫星。

    China to launch fifth orbiter for its own'GPS ' .

  7. 银行家们预计,其他银行也将择机进入中东。

    Others are expected to follow in due course , say bankers .

  8. 股权激励计划市场择机及效应的实证研究

    The Empirical Research on Timing and Effects of the Equity Incentive Plans

  9. 再融资监管政策下的市场择机效应的实证检验

    Empirical Test of Market Timing Effect on Seasoned Equity Offerings under the Regulation Policies

  10. 做有意义的工作的唯一办法是热爱择机的工作。

    And the only way to do great work is to love what you do .

  11. 将继续深入研究,待市场条件成熟时再择机推出。

    Sale of stock in-depth study will continue until market conditions are ripe opportunity to re-launch .

  12. 财政部并未具体说明这种资源税何时生效,只是表示应该择机出台。

    The ministry did not specify when the tax would take effect , saying it should be imposed as soon as possible .

  13. 中国农业银行已于2009年元月完成股份制改造,接下来就是择机上市的等待。

    Agricultural Bank of China was completed in January 2009 the shareholding system reform , the next is to choose an available wait .

  14. 在某些情况中,细菌本身的酶产生了使抗生素丧失活性的能力,抗生素失去活性之后,细菌再择机而动。

    In some cases , enzymes native to the bacteria develop the ability to inactivate antibiotics before they have a chance to work .

  15. 杰克使连接外部直流适配器择机操作,使电流从墙上反而电池。

    External DC jack enables the connection to an optional adapter that will allow the recorder to operate from wall current instead of batteries .

  16. 我国的嫦娥五号探测器将择机实施月面软着陆,开展我国首个地外天体采样任务。

    China 's Chang'e-5 probe is preparing for a soft landing on the moon to undertake the country 's first collection of samples from an extraterrestrial body .

  17. 首先需对无线电环境进行感知和分析,然后自适应地调整发射参数,利用发送间歇或频谱空洞择机通信。

    First , it detects and analyzes the radio environment , and adjusts parameters adaptively . Then , it uses the intermittent or spectrum holes to communicate .

  18. 企业的资本结构选择与企业市场价值相关,市场择机理论系统地阐述了二者之间的关系。

    Capital structure is related to firm market value , and the relation between capital structure and firm value is systematically discussed by the theory of time marketing .

  19. 文章认为:基于企业目前面临的内外部环境,企业应始终贯彻低成本战略,将专业一体化作为优先战略,并择机进行市场渗透。

    Base on the current internal environment and external environment , the article suggests the low cost strategy should be the core strategy . Specialty as the prior strategy , market penetration as optional strategy .

  20. 在运动技能形成的不同阶段,应择机使用,在运动技能形成的分化阶段,利用信息技术进行教学,效果最好。

    At different stages of sports skills formation , we should be optional to use , in the generalization stage , we believe that the use of information technology for teaching , results to the best effect .

  21. 国务院定调中国农业银行改革:面向三农、整体改制、商业运作、择机上市。

    State Council sets Agricultural Bank of China reforms : Be geared to the needs of rural area , peasant and agriculture , entireties is changed to manufacture , commerce operates , chooses opportunity to issuance of stocks .

  22. 那些一下子拿不到西方国家签证的人,则往往选择暂居东欧、拉美和非洲的小国,同时择机搬到他们钟意的最终目的地。

    Those who could not immediately secure visas for western countries often chose to stay in small countries in eastern Europe , Latin America and Africa while they waited for a chance to move to their final intended destination .

  23. 轨道器和返回器组合体将继续在平均高度约200公里的环月轨道上飞行并等待上升器交会对接,着陆器和上升器组合体将择机实施月面软着陆,进行自动采样等后续工作。

    The lander-ascender combination will execute a soft landing on the moon and engage in automatic sampling . The orbiter-returner will continue orbiting about 200 km above the lunar surface and wait for rendezvous and docking with the ascender .

  24. 价值投资的核心是寻找内在价值高于市场价值的优秀公司的股票并择机买入长期持有直到市场价值充分反映了其内在价值时为止。

    The core of value investing is to find the intrinsic value higher than the market value of outstanding shares and to choose the right time to buy long-term hold until the market value fully reflect their intrinsic value so far .

  25. 为了解决这一问题,认知无线电通过使用机会式接入频谱的方式,先主动检测频谱空洞,然后择机使用主用户暂时不使用的频段进行通信。

    Cognitive radio technology targets at a solution for the spectrum scarcity problem by proposing an opportunistic spectrum usage approach . First , it can automatically sense the spare spectrum , which is switch to the frequency bands that are not being used by their licensed users then .

  26. 12月13日,嫦娥五号轨道器和返回器组合体成功进入月地转移轨道,后续将择机实施轨道器和返回器的分离,返回器将于本月中旬着陆在内蒙古四子王旗。

    The orbiter-returner combination entered the moon-Earth transfer orbit on Sunday . When the time is right , the orbiter and returner will separate from one another , according to the CNSA . The probe 's returner is expected to land at the Siziwang Banner in North China 's Inner Mongolia autonomous region in mid-December .