
  1. 近几年来,由于办学体制和招生制度的改革,高中生的构成层次较为复杂,有的学校正式生、择校生、自费生、借读生混合编班,人为地增加了教学难度。

    In recent years , because of the reform of the system of enrollment in the high school , students are of complex levels , including formally-admitted , school-selecting and money-paying students , thus increasing the difficulty of teaching .

  2. 择校现象是一种普遍的社会现象,在中国择校生、择校费成为世界罕见、中国特有的现象。

    School selecting , as a common social phenomenon , its related " school selecting students " and " school selecting fees " are rare in the world but unique in China .

  3. 义务教育择校治理政策执行过程是以中央政府主导,以区域(地方政府)推进为基础,以择校乱收费、跨区域择校生等为治理重点的行政执行过程。

    The process of School choice governance policy in Compulsory education is administrative implementation process , which guided by central government , relied on the regional ( local government ) propulsion , focused on the " School choice arbitrary charges "," Inter-regional school choice students " and other phenomenon .