
tè shū ér tónɡ
  • Special children;exceptional children
  1. 论特殊儿童家长参与学校教育

    Research on Parents of Exceptional Children Participating in School Education

  2. 特殊儿童音乐治疗机制、功能及实施原则

    The Mechanism , Functions and Practicing Principles of Music Therapy for the Exceptional Children

  3. 再论如何激发特殊儿童学习动机:特殊儿童学与教的心理学研究(II)

    The Second Comment on How to Inspire Special Children s Learning Motivation & ARCS Model and Its Application in Special Education ;

  4. 在桑杰里拉班萨里的黑,大B是Debraj萨海,为特殊儿童偏心的老师。

    In Sanjay Leela Bhansali 's Black , Big B is Debraj Sahai , an eccentric teacher for special children .

  5. 一方面,特殊儿童需要特殊关注。

    On the one hand , special children need extra attention .

  6. 试论特殊儿童心理学研究的特点与方法

    On the characteristics and methods of researches on special children psychology

  7. 随班就读是特殊儿童社会失调后的调整;

    Classroom integration is an adjustment for children with special needs ;

  8. 特殊儿童家长对早期教育的重要性认识不够;

    Parents ' awareness of the importance of early education is inadequate ;

  9. 特殊儿童回声性言语的语用功能

    The Pragmatic Functions of Echolalia among Children with Special Needs

  10. 成长记录袋在特殊儿童学习评价中的应用

    The Application of Portfolios in Learning Assessment of Children with Special Needs

  11. 特殊儿童个案研究资料收集的方法

    The methods of collecting data in case study researches on special children

  12. 特殊儿童接受学前专业机构教育人数少;

    Very few children can entry the preschool educational institution ;

  13. 随班就读对特殊儿童的激励与控制;

    Classroom integration is encouragement and control to children with speical needs ;

  14. 学前特殊儿童转衔教育研究综述

    Review of Study on Transition Education for Preschool Special Children

  15. 试论特殊儿童的人力开发

    On the Development of Special Children 's Mentality and Psychology

  16. 论社会工作在我国特殊儿童教育中的介入

    On Social Work Intervention in Special Education for Children with Limited Abilities

  17. 游戏治疗在我国特殊儿童教育实践中的运用

    On the Application of Play Therapy in the special education in China

  18. 动态评估在特殊儿童评估中的应用

    Application of the Dynamic Assessment in the Assessment of Children with Special Needs

  19. 对特殊儿童家长参与学校教育的思考论全纳教育中的家长参与

    Consideration of Parental Involvement in Special Education in China

  20. 特殊儿童与正常儿童时间认知机制的实验研究

    The Experimental Research on Temporal Cognitive Mechanism in Special Children and Normal Children

  21. 我国特殊儿童心理学课程建设的现状及其对策

    Current Situation and Strategy of Psychology Curriculum Construction for Special Children in China

  22. 成渝地区特殊儿童家校合作的调查研究

    An Investigation on Home-School Cooperation of Children with Special Needs in Chongqing and Chengdu

  23. 本研究对上海辅读学校教师和特殊儿童家长的家校合作观进行了比较研究。

    The study compared teachers ' perception of home-school cooperation with that of parents .

  24. 普通小学教师对特殊儿童接纳态度的研究

    A Study of Regular Primary School Teachers ' Accept ance of Special Needs Children

  25. 不过在最近几年学前特殊儿童的转衔教育也在开始倡导和开展一些工作。

    But then the transition education of the preschool children is sparkplug and developing .

  26. 世界各国普遍开始重视特殊儿童的早期教育。

    Countries in the world are paying attention to early education for disabled children .

  27. 随班就读是特殊儿童在正常群体中实现社会化的手段;

    Classroom integration is a way to the socialization of children with special needs ;

  28. 0-6岁特殊儿童教育体系建构策略研究

    A Study on Construction Strategies of Education System for Special Children Aged between 0-6

  29. 特殊儿童家长选择学前教育机构的调查研究

    An Investigation on Choices Made by Special Children 's Guardians of Organizations for Preschool Education

  30. 为特殊儿童而进行的特种教育。

    Special educational provisions for exceptional children .