
  • 网络Chief Executive
  1. 拉根上周访问了澳门,并会见了澳门特首何厚铧(EdmundHo)。

    Mr Lagon visited Macao last week , where he met the territory 's chief executive , Edmund Ho .

  2. 澳门特首何厚铧(edmundho)昨日向立法会通报了澳门特别行政区的相关措施,以解决有关对抗性反应,并缓解中央政府的忧虑。

    Edmund Ho , Macao chief executive , yesterday told legislators about steps the Chinese special administrative region would use to address a backlash and ease concerns of Beijing politicians .

  3. 曾俊华(JohnTsang)此前为行政长官办公室主任,在香港特首直接领导的三大政府高官中是唯一的新面孔。

    John Tsang was previously director of the chief executive 's office and is the only new face to join the triumvirate of senior officials who work directly under Hong Kong 's leader .

  4. 场景三:香港特首曾荫权(DonaldTsang)本周表示,北京将支持在香港以多种形式发行人民币债券。

    Exhibit C : Hong Kong chief executive Donald Tsang says this week that Beijing will support the issuance of renminbi-denominated bonds in the city in various ways .

  5. 他说:我们必须关注社会影响和社会成本,而不仅仅是私人利益和私人成本。经过与唐英年(HenryTang)的激烈角逐,梁振英上月被1200名委员组成的选举委员会选为新任特首。

    We will have to look at social implications and social costs and not just private benefits and private costs , said Mr Leung , who was chosen last month by a 1,200-member election committee in a hard-fought contest with Henry Tang .

  6. 第二位特首曾荫权(DonaldTsang)在任期最后的几个月里,日子也过得不安稳,他被指从香港富豪那里收受好处,包括曾经搭乘他们的私人飞机。

    Its second , Donald Tsang , limped through his last months in office after allegations that he had received favours from local tycoons , including flights on their private jets .

  7. 香港特首曾荫权(DonaldTsang)表示,支持有关香港和上海交易所彼此交易对方上市股票的提议,并证实正在进行相关谈判。

    Donald Tsang , Hong Kong 's chief executive , has endorsed proposals to begin trading Hong Kong and Shanghai-listed shares on each other 's exchanges , and confirmed that talks are under way .

  8. 保普选、反占中大联盟得到了香港特首梁振英(LeungChun-ying)的支持,并在香港各个地区设立了签名站,签名活动计划到8月中旬结束。

    The alliance has been endorsed by Leung Chun-ying , chief executive , and has set up signing stations across the city that it plans to run until mid-August .

  9. 外界将目前的情况与1998年进行了比较,当时的财政司司长、现任香港特首曾荫权(DonaldTsang)投入150亿美元以维护钉住汇率机制,并驱离押注于港元贬值的投机者。

    Comparisons have been made to 1998 when the then financial secretary and now chief executive of Hong Kong , Donald Tsang , spent $ 15bn to protect the peg and drive away speculators betting on a devaluation .

  10. 上周,英国外交大臣HugoSwire在议会对香港问题进行质询时出席作证,认为被中央严格管控的特首选举有总比没有好。

    UK Foreign Office minister Hugo Swire suggested the strictly-controlled election offered by Beijing could be better than nothing at all , as he gave evidence to the parliamentary inquiry on Hong Kong last week .

  11. 香港特首曾荫权(DonaldTsang)宣称,坚定领导和果断行动的时代已经到来,他雇了一名一流的美国烟草业游说人士,来戳穿有关香港空气质量的无端谣言。

    Declaring that the time has come for firm leadership and decisive action , Donald Tsang , Hong Kong 's chief executive , hires a top US tobacco industry lobbyist to put an end to baseless rumours about the territory 's air quality .

  12. 香港特首梁振英(LeungChun-ying)称此次事故为孤立事件,并向记者保证香港仍然是一个强大的海上枢纽。梁振英说,从周四开始,香港将进行为期三天的哀悼。

    Hong Kong leader Leung Chun-ying , who called the accident an ' isolated incident ' and assured reporters that Hong Kong remained a strong maritime hub , said the city would mark a three-day period of mourning starting Thursday .

  13. 不过,该机构目前正在调查香港前特首曾荫权(DonaldTsang)。调查的起因是有人指称他曾乘坐企业高管的游艇和私人飞机,以及他似乎就一套顶层大宅与当地一位大亨达成了一笔对自己有利的交易。

    But now it is investigating the city 's former chief executive , Donald Tsang , for allegedly traveling on yachts and private jets owned by top business executives and for what appears to have been a sweetheart deal with a local mogul for a penthouse apartment .

  14. 通常情况下,香港特首拨打的电话都会得到回复。

    The Hong Kong chief executive normally gets his calls returned .

  15. 有这样的前车之鉴,新任特首现在应该已经感受到了压力。

    This history should have the new chief executive already feeling nervous .

  16. 特首在什麽情况下可以直接致电外国元首;

    In what circumstances may the CE call a foreign head of state ?

  17. 身为特首,应该向中央反映意见。

    As the chief executive , he should reflect the views to beijing .

  18. 我们希望一人一票选特首。

    We want one man , one vote for the chief executive elections .

  19. 你估计特首系未来一年可唔可以达到呢个目标?

    Do you think CE can achieve this goal in the coming year ?

  20. 她的任命印证了特首强政励治的方针。

    Her appointment is in line with the chief executive 's motto of strong governance .

  21. 昨晚八时,梁锦松正式向特首请辞。

    At8pm last night , Mr Leung formally submitted his resignation to the chief executive .

  22. 特首以健康理由辞职。

    The Chief Executive cited problems with his health as the main reason for his resignation .

  23. 这是首场在两名均得到北京首肯的候选人中展开真正较量的香港特首选举。

    It was the first Chief Executive election to feature a genuine contest between Beijing-sanctioned candidates .

  24. 政务司司长是下任特首的理想人选。

    The chief secretary was an ideal candidate to be the territory 's next chief executive .

  25. 我决定不参与七月的特首补选。

    I have decided not to take part in the by-election of the chief executive in July .

  26. 现在最早的选举人将有权通过直选选举特首是2017年。

    The earliest voters would be entitled to elect the chief executive by popular vote is now2017 .

  27. 然而,人们对于香港特首候选人如何提名存在意见分歧。

    However , there are divisions over how the candidates for the post are to be nominated .

  28. 阿尔诺与中国文化部长以及香港和澳门的特首呆在一起。

    Arnault is there with the Chinese cultural minister and the head of Hong Kong and Macau .

  29. 港府昨日宣布新任特首的任期只有两年。

    The Hong Kong government announced yesterday that the new chief executive will serve only a two-year term .

  30. 还有不到两周,特首曾荫权就会发表他上任后的首份施政报告。

    In less than two weeks , Chief Executive Donald Tsang Yam-kuen will present his first policy address .