
  • 网络SEN;Special Educational Needs;special Education needs
  1. 加强教师了解中、小学的学生和有特殊教育需要及学习困难的学生在不同发展阶段的需要;

    To reinforce teachers'understanding of the developmental needs of primary and secondary school students , including those with SEN and learning difficulties ;

  2. 能够及早发现儿童是否有特殊教育需要是十分重要的。

    Early identification of special educational needs is important .

  3. 特殊教育需要人道主义的关怀和支持。

    Special education need the concern and support of humanitarianism .

  4. 特殊教育需要世界会议:机会与质量;

    World Conference on education for special education needs : access and quality ;

  5. 教育署会尽量安排有特殊教育需要的儿童,入读普通学校。

    Children with special educational needs are integrated into ordinary schools as far as possible .

  6. 高等特殊教育需要也能够培养创新型人才,高等特殊教育是培养创新型人才的重要组成部分。

    Higher special education needs and at the same time cultivates creative talents , and plays an important role in cultivating creative talents .

  7. 研究结果启示我们要加强对随班就读学生的个别化教学,以满足他们的特殊教育需要。

    These findings indicated that one should put more emphasis on the individualized instruction for the students learning in regular classrooms to meet their educational needs .

  8. 教育署亦正为有特殊教育需要的学童,就经延展或修订的主流课程内个别科目或学习范畴制订学习纲要。

    The development of Programmes of Study which are extensions and adaptations of the mainstream curriculum on subjects or learning areas for these children is in progress .

  9. 结果表明,对有特殊教育需要的学生在普通班级随班就读的基本态度上,普小教师持赞同态度的人数百分比明显低于特教教师。

    The result showed that the percent of approving that the students with special needs learned in the primary schools was lower for the teachers in the primary schools than those in the special schools .

  10. 第二部分视障学生的心理特征,包括视障学生的感知觉特征,语言、思维等心理特征的论述,及视障学生的特殊教育需要。

    Visually impaired students in the second part of the psychological characteristics , including the visually impaired sensory characteristics of students , language , ideas , discussion of the psychological characteristics , and the visually impaired students with special educational needs .

  11. 随着教育事业的发展,有特殊教育需要幼儿的入园人数已显著增长,学前随班就读的一体化教育体制已成必须。

    There has been a remarkable increase in the number of children with special educational needs in most regular kindergartens . Along with the development of education , it is necessary to establish a system for preschool children to be included in regular classes .

  12. 可是,尽管这些学生在一段时期内有额外需要,但这并不能认定其要接受特殊教育的需要。

    However , although these pupils had additional needs for a period of time , this should not have required special educational needs to have been identified .

  13. 2-5岁超常儿童在数认知上表现出的发展优势证明了早期超常儿童需要特殊教育,而且需要多元的、可持续性发展的教育。

    On the other hand , there was unique in each of the three number cognitive tasks . ( 4 ) The cognitive superior development in 2-to 5-year old gifted children indicated that the preschool gifted need special education .

  14. 目前,培智学校社会适应课程已不能满足现代特殊教育发展的迫切需要;

    Social adaptation curriculum in schools for mentally retarded children has not met the need of modern special education .

  15. 政府在特殊教育方面的主要政策目标,是支援非政府机构合力帮助有特殊教育需要的儿童融入社会。

    The Government 's main policy objective is to integrate children with special educational needs into the community through co-ordinated efforts by non-governmental organisations with government support .

  16. 目前英国在加强教师职业化的师资培养的改革中,特别强调培养普通教师具有特殊教育技能,并把它作为教师职业化的重要标志,以适应英国特殊教育发展的新需要。

    In England , it is required that the teacher-training institute should train the general teachers with abilities to teach the children with special educational needs .