
  1. 如果我们要精挑严选,就需要有足够多的候选人!

    If you want to be selective , you need lots of choices !

  2. 严选自马来西亚砂拉越的天然动洞燕窝,稀少珍贵,质地纯净无污染。

    Made from natural bird nests from the limestone caves in Sarawak which is very precious , pure and non-polluted .

  3. 严选名间乡盛产山药,调和以天然纯正豆浆,浓稠而不腻、口味富层次。

    Meticulously selecting yam of Mingjian Township , and blending with natural pure soybean milk ; thick but not satiating ; the taste has abundant gradation .

  4. 要从改革课程设置,更新教学内容,革新教学方法和严选带教老师等方面加强医学生的道德素质教育。

    Attention should be paid to the curriculum arrangement , renewal of teaching materials , reform of teaching methods and selection of qualified teachers so as to enhance the education of the students ' moral integrity .

  5. 采用国际建材,严挑细选,对产品品质追求至上;

    Using Wanguo product , pick strictly , pursuit of the highest quality of products ;