
  • 网络tough love
  1. 如今,一向以严厉的爱充当紧缩政策堡垒的IMF也已经有了这一重要认识。

    The IMF , a bastion of tough love austerity , has come to this important realisation .

  2. 所以他们称其为“严厉的爱”

    but that 's why they call it " tough love . "

  3. AZUZ:在CapitalPrep,有些情况下是严厉的爱,是吗?

    AZUZ : In some cases in Capital Prep , it 's love , isn 't it ?

  4. 是来自于亚洲家长的严厉的爱吗?

    Is tough love by Asian parents the answer ?

  5. 土星带来的挑战和我们个人的“严厉的爱”的学习经验。

    Saturn creates our personal challenges and " tough love " learning experiences .

  6. 中国需要比这更加严厉的爱。

    China needs tougher love than this .

  7. 欧洲需要向美国学习,用“严厉的爱”重振汽车工业。

    Europe needs to learn from the way that the US reinvigorated its car industry : with tough love .

  8. 我们的教练对我们很苛刻,多年后,我才意识那是他对我们严厉的爱。

    Our coach was very harsh on us . I only realized years later that he was practicing tough love .

  9. 所以,冒着看上去非常冷漠的风险,我可以给你的最好建议就是“严厉的爱”。

    So at the risk of seeming insensitive , the actual best advice I can give you is tough love .

  10. 这只雌性袋鼠表现出了让人诧异的人类情感:对子女严厉的爱。

    In an uncannily human-like show of emotion , the female appears to dish out some tough love to her offspring .

  11. 美国汽车业一些效率高的工厂开始重新招聘了,这一实例展现了“严厉的爱”的优点。

    The US sector , where efficient plants are hiring again , is an object lesson in the virtues of tough love .

  12. 记得早些时候曾当我们谈到土星,以及他如何讲授业,原因和影响我们,“严厉的爱”式的生活经验。

    Remember earlier when we talked about Saturn and how he teaches us about karma , cause and effect , and " tough love " style life lessons .

  13. 有时候,有些配偶对伴侣的爱和忠诚是如此盲目,以至于对到底什么是身体虐待不管不顾,而仅仅认为那是一种对孩子“严厉的爱”。

    Sometimes these spouses are so blinded by their love and devotion to their partner that they shrug off what is definitely physical abuse as just being " tough love . "

  14. 从第一集节目起,严厉的爱就展开了。爸爸和孩子们住进农民家,院子里有山羊,床单上还爬着毛茸茸的蜘蛛。

    The tough love starts in episode one , when Dads and tots go off to live in peasant homes with everything from goats in the courtyard to hairy spiders on the bedclothes .

  15. 严厉的爱(以激励人上进、勇于对自己的行为负责等方式表达的爱与关心,而非仅仅对其怜悯和纵容)。

    Tough love means care and concern which is expressed by encouraging a person to make an effort and to take responsibility for his or her behavior rather than simply by sympathy and indulgence .