
  • 网络Severe allergic reactions;severe anaphylactic reaction
  1. 泛影葡胺引起严重过敏反应1例

    Severe anaphylactic reaction by meglumine diatrizoate : a case report

  2. Ⅱ组有1例发生严重过敏反应。

    Severe allergic response occurred in one case of Group ⅱ .

  3. 头孢吡肟静注致严重过敏反应2例

    Serious allergic reactions in connection with intravenous cefepime : 2 case reports

  4. 阿曲库铵致严重过敏反应2例

    Severe allergic reactions to atracurium besilate : 2 case reports

  5. 其发生的严重过敏反应和肝肾损害亦可导致患者死亡。

    The severe anaphylaxis and renal and hepatic injuries might cause death of patients .

  6. 人血白蛋白注射液致严重过敏反应

    Severe allergic reactions to human serum albumin injection

  7. 对于全世界的变态反应学家而言,诊断和管理严重过敏反应是一个非常值得关注的问题。

    The diagnosis and management of anaphylaxis is a major concern for allergists worldwide .

  8. 碘化油和丝裂霉素介入治疗致严重过敏反应2例

    Serious allergic reactions after interventional therapy with iodinated oil and mitomycin : 2 case reports

  9. 禁忌已知的严重过敏反应的活性物质或任何辅料的产品。

    Known severe hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients of this product .

  10. 硫普罗宁口服致严重过敏反应

    Oral tiopronin-caused severe allergic reaction

  11. 目的总结食物诱发的严重过敏反应的临床特征及治疗策略。

    Objective Anaphylaxis induced by food allergy is very common in clinical practice , which shown various clinical manifestations , and emergent treatment was necessary .

  12. 对黄热病疫苗,他会有严重过敏反应,连床都下不了,更别说什么出国了。

    He could have a severe reaction to the yellow fever vaccine , and he won 't be getting out of bed , let alone leaving the country .

  13. 结论食物诱发的严重过敏反应常为多器官系统混合症状,强调首选肾上腺素的重要性。

    Conclusions Anaphylaxis induced by food allergy shows systemic symptoms , which multiple organs involved , the importance of epinephrine subcutaneous injection as the initial therapy should be emphasized .

  14. 她说她在2008年曾有过一次特别严重的过敏反应。

    She said she had suffered a particularly bad reaction in 2008 .

  15. 但一些病人对该药有严重的过敏反应。

    But some patients have a severe allergic reaction to the drug .

  16. 经常规预防用药后,未出现严重的过敏反应,无治疗相关性死亡者。

    No severe hypersensitivity reaction was observed , no treatment-related death occurred .

  17. 验尸官说是死于严重的过敏反应

    According to the coroner , cause of death was severe anaphylaxis .

  18. 严重的过敏反应可伴随给药而来。

    Severe allergic reactions may accompany administration of the drug .

  19. 静脉滴注艾迪注射液致严重过敏性反应

    Severe allergy during intravenous infusion of Aidi

  20. 严重的过敏反应(敏症)招致休克和威胁生命的呼吸困难。

    A severe allergic reaction ( anaphylaxis ) can produce shock and life-threatening respiratory distress .

  21. 在意识到勒梅有严重的过敏反应后,这对年轻的情侣迅速打电话报警。

    After realizing Myriam was having an allergic shock , the young couple called 911 .

  22. 当他们接近电子产品产生的磁场时一些严重的过敏反应就会产生。

    Severe symptoms occur to them when they find themselves close to any electromagnetic field .

  23. 警告:此产品含有蜂王浆,会造成严重的过敏反应。特别是对于哮喘和过敏症患者,罕见情况下可致死亡。登录以后可看到完整内容!没有账号?

    Warning : This product contains Royal Jelly , which has been reported to cause severe allergic reactions and in rare cases fatalities especially in asthma and allergy sufferers .

  24. 斯丁斯默和同事在《梅奥诊所学报》上撰文说,这名妇女出现了严重的过敏反应,她的咽喉肿大,并有痉挛和呕吐的症状。

    Writing in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings , Steensma and colleagues reported that the woman had a severe reaction & her throat swelled up and she had cramps and nausea .

  25. 这种类型的治疗必须只能进行密切监督下,由一名医生,因为风险,它可能导致严重的过敏反应所谓的过敏性休克。

    This type of treatment must only be carried out under close supervision from a doctor because of the risk that it may cause a serious allergic reaction called anaphylactic shock .

  26. 亚硫酸盐会导致一小部分人产生严重的过敏反应,极端情况下甚至会致死,因此酒瓶上都标有相应的警示文字,但亚硫酸盐不会引起头疼。

    Sulfites cause very severe allergic reactions in a small number of people , even death in extreme cases , which is why there 's a warning on the bottle , but sulfites don 't cause headaches .

  27. 结合文献复习,作者认为:严重的鱼精蛋白过敏反应发病急骤,临床表现严重。

    The authors suggest that serious anaphylactoid reaction to protamine happen rapidly and dangerously .

  28. 没有观察到威胁生命的严重反应和药物过敏反应,病人耐受良好。

    No life threatening severe side effect and allergic reaction occurred in this clinical trial .