
  1. 新车污染物排放标准的严化趋势

    The Trends of Strengthening New Motor Vehicle Emission Standard

  2. 严化机动车污染物排放标准的探讨

    Approach on Strictly Establishing Motor Vehicle Emission Standards

  3. 美国,欧盟和澳大利亚已经同样严化了安全标准,因此,接下来的协同监察便是水到渠成的事。

    S. , the European Union and Australia have similarly stringent safety standards , so coordinating inspections seemed like a natural next step .

  4. 在资料调研的基础上,通过对美国、欧洲和日本机动车污染物排放限值的严化过程分析,讨论了我国严化机动车排放标准的紧迫性。

    Based on investigation of literatures on motor vehicle emission regulations abroad , the historical and existing vehicle emission regulations and standards of the United States , European countries and Japan were demonstrated and discussed .

  5. 犯罪化、处罚的早期化、严罚化和国际化,是当今世界范围内的刑事立法动向。

    Criminalization , early and severe punishment , and internationalization are all trends in the criminal legislation around the world .