
tiáo ɡuàn
  • proper arrangement/ presentation;orderliness
条贯 [tiáo guàn]
  • (1) [system]∶一个事情的内部结构,条理

  • 治乱之条贯。--《史记.屈原贾生列传》

  • (2) [sequence;order;procedures]∶做事的顺序或手续

  1. 我们在找条贯穿森林的偏僻小路方面有困难。

    We had difficulty in finding the obscure path through the forest .

  2. 仅当这些设定被搞成批判且条贯的分析的主题时,一种哲学的或科学的政治研究才出现。

    It is only when these assumptions are made the theme of critical and coherent analysis that a philosophic or scientific approach to politics emerges .

  3. 在介绍和论述过程中,本文还运用语义聚合的方法,对纷繁复杂的尺牍专用语作了条贯和梳理。

    In addition , in the process of introducing and discussing , it has used the method of semantic polymerization , having done a birthplace and combs to the numerous and complicated special use of the correspondence .