
  • 网络Barcode Application
  1. 条码应用在我国已经走过了二十多年的路程,但大部分应用仍然是一维条码。

    Although the barcode application has been more than twenty years in our country , the most applications are still of one dimensional barcode .

  2. 苏州杰尔特电子科技有限公司是一家提供全方位条码设备和条码应用解决方案的高新技术性公司。

    Suzhou Juert Electronic Technology Co. , Ltd is a high-tech company which can provide full-service barcode equipment and barcode application solutions .

  3. 在论文的工作过程中,查阅和借鉴了国内外关于二维条码应用以及视频点播系统的理念和技术,同时针对具体的产品和项目需求,对本系统按照软件工程开发流程进行了研究与开发。

    The concept and technology of video-on-demand system is consulted . The system is designed in accordance with the software engineering development process and specific product needs .

  4. 经过研究,发现对该类二维条码应用形态学图像处理中的闭操作,能将其转换成连续格式的二维条码,有利于二维条码的定位。

    We used the close operations to handle the dot matrix two-dimensional bar code ; it can be converted into continuous format which make the location much easier .

  5. 电子标签是21世纪最具有发展潜力的技术领域之一,不但可以替代商品条码应用于零售业中,而且在物流跟踪,交通运输等许多行业都能够得到广泛应用。

    Electronic tag is one of the industries with great developmental potential in this century . It has been widely used in logistics and transportation and especially it is to replace the bar code in the retail field hopefully , with its greater efficient function .

  6. CM、GM二维条码技术应用及标准制定

    Technology Application and Standard Preparation of CM and GM

  7. 轮胎行业中条码的应用与安全性实现

    Application of Barcode Technology and Implementation of Security in Tire Industry

  8. 兰州市商品条码技术应用评析

    Discussion and Analysis of Application of Commodity Bar Code in Lanzhou Municipality

  9. 并进一步,做条码技术应用于商品生产流通过程可行性、必要性研究。

    Furthermore , study on feasibility and necessity of carrying bar code technology on food supply process .

  10. 要达到这个目标,必须提高对条码技术应用的认识,加强供应链伙伴之间的密切合作,共同推进条码技术的应用,以提高供应链的竞争力。

    As for this target , we should be raised our skill to understand the barcode technology . It needs the cooperation with the supply chain fellow , advance the application in common and make the supply chain strongly competition .

  11. 现如今在国外二维条码的应用已经十分广泛,而在我国才刚刚使用不久,在一些核心技术上还有所差别。

    Nowadays , the technology of two-dimensional barcode has been applied extensively overseas while it is just used not long ago in our country . And there are differences in some crucial skills between the domestic and foreign two-dimensional barcode .

  12. 实验室仪器双向通讯中条码技术的应用研究

    Analysis and application for the barcode technology of Laboratory equipment intercommunication

  13. 摩托车企业条码系统的应用

    The Application of the Bar Codes System of Motorcycle Enterprises

  14. 从开发带有学生信息的条码证件这个应用角度出发,介绍了在研制开发学生证件过程中条码的码制、代码长度和校验符等设计条件的要求;

    Staring from developing the bar code certificate with students ' messages , the design conditions of the code order , the code length and the proofreader 's mark etc.

  15. 随着现代社会工业化和信息化的迅猛发展,条码技术的应用越来越广泛,对其防伪性的要求也越来越高。

    With the rapid development of industrialized and information in modern society , barcode technology has been applied more and more widely , and its security requirements have become more sophisticated .

  16. 移动端二维条码图像增强及应用研究

    Research on Image Enhancement and Application of Two-Dimensional Bar Code of Mobile Terminal

  17. 条码阅读器与单片机应用系统的接口设计

    Interface Design between the Application System Based on MCU and the Bar Reader

  18. 热转印色带的热转移特性及其在条码印制中的应用

    Thermal transfer property of the thermal transfer ribbon and its using in printing bar code

  19. 条码技术是目前应用最广的一种自动识别技术。

    Barcode technology , which is the most widely used currently , is an automatic identification technology .

  20. 国外的二维条码技术已经处于应用阶段,并已生产出性能较好的二维条码识别系统。

    In foreign countries , 2-D barcodes technology has already been applied in many fields , and they have produced 2-D barcode reader system with good property .

  21. 在条码技术中,条码识别是条码应用的关键技术。

    Among the technologies of bar code , bar code recognition is the key for application .

  22. 商品条码的质量问题已成为制约我国条码进一步推广应用的重要因素。

    The quality problems have become an important factor to restrict the spread of bar codes of commodity in our country .

  23. 本文提出了一种二维条码识别系统新的设计方案,并开发出二维条码的应用系统&防伪证件管理系统。

    The article introduces the new design of two-dimensional bar codes scanner and empolders the application system , namely protecting certificate manage system .

  24. 传统的条码技术在物流、图书管理等领域已经有了较为成熟的应用,二维码作为物联网信息识别中的关键技术,将条码技术的应用拓展到了更宽的领域中。

    The traditional barcode technology has had many mature applications in logistics , books management , and other areas . As the key technology of information identification used in the internet of things , 2D code expends barcode technology to more applications in other fields .

  25. 本文介绍的基于移动终端的二维条码视频点播系统,是在原有的WEB上的视频点播系统的基础上,结合手机二维条码应用而设计开发的供移动终端用户使用的系统。

    It is designed to combine the mobile 2d barcode application based on the original video-on-demand system on web .

  26. 二维条码技术是目前新的信息存储和传递技术之,将二维条码技术与数字水印技术结合可以使二维条码技术的应用更好地进行防伪和防篡改,更加安全广泛的适用于各种领域。

    Two-dimensional barcode technology is one of the new technologies of information storage and transmission . Combining 2D bar code technology with Digital Watermarking technology can make the using of 2D bar code technology has an application on security and anti-tampering better , and more widely applicable to various areas .