
  1. 本文从语言实际出发,探讨了汉韩条件复句。

    This paper starts from actual language . It discussed Chinese and Korean conditional adverbial clauses .

  2. 第五章主要对汉韩条件复句的语用进行对比分析。

    And so on . The fifth chapter : The main language to Chinese and Korean condition sentence of two or more clauses uses the comparative analysis being in progress .

  3. 从基本意义和引申意义两个方面来来分析韩汉条件复句的语义特征,并找出了它们之间的异同点。

    To analyze two aspects from the basic meaning and extended meaning to the semantic features of the complex sentence , Korean and Chinese conditions , and to identify the similarities and differences between them .

  4. 结果表明,汉语假设条件复句的项目表达顺序为结果→假设条件时,所形成的心理表征中项目发生互换,其结果为假设条件→结果。

    It is easy for the reader to form a suppostion condition → result constant psychological representation while the item order of the Chinese conditional clause of supposition is result → suppostion condition . The items of psychological representation will be exchange .

  5. 本文为了了解韩国留学生汉语条件复句的习得状况,揭示韩国留学生汉语条件复句的习得过程和习得特点,对留学生习得条件类复句的情况做了调查。

    In order to understand the situation of acquisition of conditional complex sentence in Chinese by Korean students , and reveal the process and features of their acquisition , this thesis investigates the use of conditional complex sentences by the Korean students by conducting a survey .

  6. 复句理论是语法界引人注目的问题,而条件句则是复句的一个重要类型。

    It is noticeable in the field of grammar to study the theory of compound sentence , and conditionals is a main kind of all compound sentences , conditionals is composed of single sentence .

  7. 根据关联词语所反映的是充分条件关系还是必要条件关系,可分为假设复句、条件复句以及五条件句;

    According to relation conjunctions reflects , conditionals can be divided into three types : hypothetical compound sentence , conditional compound sentence and unconditional sentence ;