
  • 网络bar height
  1. 面元法的快速算法与B样条高阶方法综述

    Summary of fast algorithms and B-spline higher - order method in panel method

  2. 华南内陆从杭州横穿江西中部至广西中部存在一条高εNd值的花岗岩带。

    There is a granite belt with higher ε Nd values from Hangzhou through central Jiangxi to Guangxi in the interior of South China .

  3. 用几何独立的B样条高阶面元法进行多体水动力分析,速度势用任意阶的B样条函数近似,物面可以用任意的分片连续函数表示。

    A geometry-independent higher-order panel method is applied to multiple-body hydrodynamic analysis in this paper , the velocity potential is approximated by B-splines of arbitrary order and the geometry is represented by any piecewise continuous functions .

  4. 本生产线采用直流调速、PLC控制、人机界面操作、数设数显,合理配置成一条高精度、高效益的不锈钢纵剪分条生产线。

    The slitting lines have been proved quite successful with high-accuracy and cost-effective mainly due to the appropriate configuration such as : DC control system , PLC , User-friendly HMI , etc.

  5. 据推测,浅部正断层下方有一条高倾角地壳深断裂带,该断裂带向下断至Moho面,向上断至上地壳下部低速层中。

    A high angle fault is explained to locate under the shallow normal faults which extend downwards into the Moho interface and upwards into the low-velocity layer .

  6. 但是随着发光单元间距和单元发光区的增大,宽条高功率LDA的出射光在侧向上仅仅用基侧模来描述是不够的,它还可能包括高阶侧模。

    But with increase of the distance among emitters and the broading of emittering areas , the output light of wide-aperture , high-power LDA supports not only fundamental lateral mode but also high-order lateral modes .

  7. 这将是中国第一条高水准的铁路。

    This will be the country 's first high-standard passenger rail .

  8. 印度目前考虑建造两条高铁走廊。

    India currently is considering two corridors for high-speed trains .

  9. 那条高铁上事故发生的频率越来越频繁。

    Accidents on that highway are happening with increasing frequency .

  10. 本文还设计了一条高动态飞行轨迹来检验所提出的滤波算法。

    A high dynamic aircraft trajectory is designed to test the algorithm developed .

  11. 这条高铁将把两大城市济南和青岛联接起来,是中国首个得到私人融资的高铁项目。

    It is the country 's first high-speed rail project to secure private financing .

  12. 我国农业发展长期以来走的是一条高资源消耗、高环境污染的道路。

    Agricultural development has long followed a high resource-consumed , high environment-polluted road in China .

  13. 在条高生长量上,尿素三种施肥量处理均高于不施肥对照。

    The seedling heights affected by urea fertilizer were higher than these without fertilization treatment .

  14. 圆锥有多少条高?

    How many Heights has a taper ?

  15. 目前该系统己经投入使用,并完成多条高等级公路的检测任务。

    At present , it has been used and completed several highways ' detection tasks .

  16. 采用室内双频激光干涉仪为计量标准,建立了一条高精度室内基线。

    A high-precision base line indoor was build using double frequency laser interferometer as the measurement standards .

  17. 沿着圆柱的一条高剪开,侧面展开是什么形状?

    Cut along one of its heights . What shape can you get when you open up the cylinder 's flank ?

  18. 前门条高密度网孔更有利于设备的通风散热及整体美观;

    The meshes of high density of the front door sealing strip are fit for ventilation and heat emission of the equipment ;

  19. 自近代工业化以来,特别是自第二次世界大战以来,人类所走的发展之路基本上是一条高代价发展的道路。

    Ever since Modern Industrialization , especially after World War II , human being has marched a way of high-cost development basically .

  20. 希望他的脾气能明显好起来,因为从外形看,这是一条高黄的品相极好的缅蟒。

    I hope that his temper could become week , because on the outside , I could say this was a well-condition python .

  21. 某产品一号肋锻件筋条高、隔框多,形状复杂,工艺成型困难。

    There is a product that the forging of rib No.1 with high stiffeners , multipartitions and complicated shape is difficult to form .

  22. 英国政府将出台白皮书对这条高铁的路线和架设成本做出规划。

    A Government White Paper will outline the route and cost of a high-speed rail ( HSR ) line running from London to Birmingham .

  23. 另一种方法是基于边缘不连续性的海岸线提取,利用整条高光谱向量计算空间梯度,比传统灰度梯度表达边缘信息更准确、可靠。

    Another is coastline extraction that is based on the spatial gradient of the whole hyperspectral vector thereby acquires precise and robust edge information .

  24. 2004年4月在伽师强震群区完成了一条高分辨折射地震探测剖面。

    In April of 2004 , a high resolution seismic refraction profile was carried out in Jiashi strong earthquake swarm area , Xinjiang , China .

  25. 首先对纷杂的早期损坏现象进行了归纳分类,又通过对若干条高等级路面的实地调查发现了4种新的损坏现象。

    Phenomenons of the premature failures were summarized , and 4 kinds of new failures were addressed herein through the investigation on a number of highways .

  26. 本研究以β-乳球蛋白为例,设计一条高纯度高产量纯化制备β-乳球蛋白的技术路线。

    Here we took β - lactoglobulin as an example , and design a preparing technical route to purify it at a high-purity and a high yield .

  27. 鉴于以上主要土壤可持续利用的障碍因素,本研究提出3条高密市土壤可持续利用的对策。

    In view of the above the sustainable utilization of the main obstacle factors of soil , this research proposes three sustainable utilization of soil about Gaomi city .

  28. 在2014年的下半年,在成都和乐山之间开设了一条高铁线路,这让游客可以更便捷的来参观游览峨眉山。

    In late 2014 , a high speed railway line opened between Chengdu and Leshan , which made it much more convenient for travelers to visit Mount Emei .

  29. 湿地公园由植物,水和陆地组成,在给予这些元素充分的空间之后,一条高4米的体验之路蜿蜒其中,带给游客和当地居民不一般的体验。

    Then , respectfully around and between these elements , the Path of Experience , weaving up to4m above ground , allows visitors and local residents an extraordinary experience .

  30. 新建贵阳至广州铁路是我国西南山区第一条高标准快速铁路,桥梁座数多。

    The newly-built Guiyang-Guangzhou Railway is the first high standard fast-speed railway in the southwestern mountainous area in China , on which a great number of bridges have been built .