
tiáo shī
  • row replacement;spread manure along a ditch;apply manure in furrows
条施 [tiáo shī]
  • [row replacement] 一种施肥方法,在作物行间靠近作物根处开一条沟,把肥料施入沟里。也叫沟施

条施[tiáo shī]
  1. 在红黄壤和青紫泥中,条施覆土可减少碳酸氢铵的挥发,与过磷酸钙混合施用,48h内的挥发损失量可减少2%。

    The amount of nitrogen volatilized within 48 hrs after application was reduced by about 2 % when the fertilizer was mixed with calcium superphosphate .

  2. 条施条件下DP、BAP含量最低,DP/BAP与BAP/TP比值也相对较低,与对照间的差异不明显.施肥方法对径流中TP含量影响较小。

    Under line application ( LA ), DP and BAP concentrations were low , DP / BAP and BAP / TP ratio were also relatively low , and the difference compared with control was insignificant .

  3. 基肥条施没有对烤烟产质量带来理想的效果。

    Drilling base fertilizer had no optimal effect on tobacco quality .

  4. 条施通常是不必要的,也不是最理想的。

    Banding is not generally necessary nor even desirable .

  5. 施用方法以基施为宜,集中条施或穴施效果较好。

    Drilling base fertilizer had no optimal effect on tobacco quality . It is appropriate to apply base fertilizer with methods of drill applying and hole applying .

  6. 如在美国玉米带的寒冷地区和阿根廷的干旱热带草原地区,条施是磷肥施用的优选方法。

    For example , in colder soils of the American corn belt and drier areas of the Argentine pampas , banding is the preferred method for phosphate fertilization .

  7. 但如该等人士中的一人遵从本条的规定,则就所如此提供的替代详情而言,由本条施加于任何其它人的义务须当作已经解除。

    Provided that if one of such persons complies with the requirements of this regulation the obligations imposed by this regulation on any other persons shall be deemed to have been discharged as regards the substituted particulars so furnished .

  8. 肥料可以随种子一起施在垄上和垄中,也可施在种子的旁边和下面,或者在作物出土后几个星期或几个月时条施在两侧。

    The fertilizer may be placed in a band either over the row , in the row with the seed , side-banded to the side and below the seed , or side-banded several weeks or months after emergence of the crop .

  9. 地表管理和施肥方式能有效地降低磷流失量,其中地表覆膜、秸秆覆盖、肥料条施及穴施分别可降低90.5%、86.5%、80.2%、80.5%的磷流失。

    Surface coverage and deep placement of fertilizer can effectively lower the risk of phosphorus discharged into water body . Film coverage , straw coverage , drill and deep application of fertilizers can lower about 90.5 % , 86.5 % , 80.2 % and 80.5 % of phosphorus loss respectively .