
  • 网络Conditional equation;uncovered interest parity condition
  1. 模糊微分方程是未知函数及其导数与已知模糊函数或者模糊常数的条件等式,方程解的模糊性是由已知模糊函数或模糊常数所引起的。

    The fuzzy differential equations are a kind of condition equation containing the unknown function its differential and the known fuzzy function or fuzzy constant .

  2. 在现有研究的基础上,定义了一类完全型的区间线性规划,其目标系数和约束系数均可为区间数,约束条件可包括等式和不等式类型。

    Based on the current related researches , a complete style of interval linear programming was defined . All the coefficients of its objective function and constraints can be interval numbers , and its constraint conditions may be equations or inequations .

  3. 该约束条件是由非线性等式和不等式给出。

    Here the constraint is given by nonlinear equalities and inequalities .

  4. 与已有结论相比,给出的条件中不含有等式限制。

    Moreover , compared with the existed results the conditions have no equality constraint .

  5. 所有投资者在四个时刻自动满足市场出清均衡条件,建立模型等式。

    The model by means of the equilibrium condition of market of four juncture is found .

  6. 因为,若将可信度用于等式约束,约束条件常会出现等式约束与不等式约束不相交的情况,即此时无可行解,而区间线性规划问题往往是有最优解的。

    Because with credibility for the equality constraint , it can cause disjoint between the equality constraints and inequality constraints , i.e. no feasible solution , however , interval linear programming problems usually have optimal solution .

  7. 引入非线性互补函数,将内点法中KKT条件的互补松弛条件约束转化为等式约束,并采用牛顿方法求解。

    By leading in the nonlinear complementarity function , the constraints of complementarity relaxation conditions in KKT equation of interior point method are changed into equality constraints and can be solved by Newton method .