
sān cì qū xiàn
  • cubic
  1. 根据煤样力学性能测试结果,把煤柱应力应变曲线的塑性软化阶段近似为三次曲线,应用煤层塑性软化理论,推导出了顶板弯曲方程。

    According to the tested mechanical performance of coal sample , the plastic softening process of stress-strain curve is thought to be about a cubic curve , and the plastic softening theory about coal layer is used to deduce the inflection equation of roof .

  2. 根据人体的正常生理变化,三次曲线模型是SPSS曲线估计的几个模型中最合适的一个。

    According to the body normal physiological changes the cubic curve model is the best model among several deferent models of curve estimation with SPSS .

  3. 采用B样条三次曲线对原始图像进行拟合,显著提高了检测后的图像质量。

    By means of B cubic spline interpolation , it improves the quality of the detected images .

  4. 三次曲线的切线割点AB线比CD线长三倍。

    Tangental point of a cubic Line AB is three times longer than Line CD .

  5. 具有三次曲线解的Kolmogorov三次系统的极限环

    Limit Cycles for the Kolmogorov Cubic System with a Class of Cubic Solutions

  6. 结果血压平均值与测量时间两个变量适用于Cubic模型,人体受刺激后血压随时间的变化情况符合三次曲线。

    Results SPSS statistics showed that the blood pressure mean and measure time applied to cubic model , the changes of blood pressure answered for cubic curve .

  7. 给出了一类三次曲线,它以Hermite曲线、Ball曲线、Bezier曲线以及Timmer曲线为特例。

    A class of cubic parameter curves are given . Hermite curve , Ball curve , Bezier curve and Timmer curve are its particular cases .

  8. 其中,工业废水呈现非EKC特征,而工业废气与工业固废、二氧化硫则呈倒u型曲线的前半部分,而COD呈明显的三次曲线特征。

    The industrial waste water showed non-EKC characteristics while the industrial solid wastes and industrial emissions ( include SO2 ) clearly showed the characteristics of cubic curves .

  9. 随着实际需求的变化,曲线的绘制方式不断的涌现,如参数三次曲线、B(?)zier曲线、B样条曲线、NURBS曲线。

    With the changes of actual demand and the emergence of a great deal of the ways of drawing curves , such as parametric cubic curves , B é zier curves , B-spline curves , NURBS curves .

  10. 钾素(K2O)积累量随生长发育进程呈三次曲线变化,在优化栽培条件下,每生产500kg块茎需吸收钾素(K2O)449kg;

    Change of K ( K_2O ) accumulation was a cubic curve , and 4.49 kg K ( K_2O ) was required when 500 kg potatoes were produced under optimum cultivation .

  11. 三次曲线管型水力旋流器的速度场研究

    Research on the Velocity Field of the Cubic-Curve Tube Type Hydrocyclones

  12. 三次曲线的液液水力旋流器管形设计

    Tube Style Design of the Three Cubed Curve Liquid Liquid Hydrocyclones

  13. 基于最小二乘法的分段三次曲线拟合方法研究

    Research of Piecewise Cubic Curve-fitting Method Based on Least-square Principle

  14. 平面三次曲线等距线近似求解算法&神经网络算法

    Approximate Algorithm for Calculating Offset Curves of Plane Cubic Curves ANN-based Algorithm

  15. 三次曲线牛顿分类法的研究

    The Coordinate Systems for Standard Equations of Cubic Curves Newton 's Classification

  16. 三次曲线拟合法确定电位滴定终点

    Determination of equivalence volume potentiometric titration by cubic curve fitting

  17. 变参量参数三次曲线的研究及其交互设计

    Study of the Cubic Curve of Changeable Parameters and its Mutual Design

  18. 提出用含控制参量的参数系数矩阵构造参数三次曲线、曲面的数学方法。

    So finally we get the cubic parametric curve with the minimum energy .

  19. 三次曲线的切线割点三维折线图。带有三维效果的折线图

    Tangental point of a cubic 3-D Line . Line with a 3-D visual effect

  20. 空间三次曲线的最佳双圆弧逼近和误差估计

    Approximation of space cubic curve with optimal bi-arc spline and estimation of the error

  21. 二次曲面的共轭径面与特征多边形第二边相切的平面参数三次曲线

    A plane parametric cubic curve that contacts the second edge of the characteristic polygon

  22. 三次曲线的切线割点

    Tangental point of a cubic

  23. 人们通常用有理三次曲线样条来构造整体曲率连续的曲线。

    As for curvature continuity curves , they are usually constructed by means of rational cubic curves .

  24. 多种曲线回归模拟表明:发芽势增加高度符合三次曲线。

    By means of regression simulation of nine curves , germinating potential coincided with three times curves .

  25. 流通股比例与债务比率成三次曲线关系。

    There is a cube relationship between the fraction of tradable shares held mostly by individuals and debt ratio .

  26. 并证明了这种离散化格式对二维抛物弧板和三次曲线弧板等问题也具有超收敛性。

    Finally , superconvergence of the scheme for the flow around a parabolic camber or cubical parabolic camber is verified theoretically .

  27. 采用曲线拟合建模法,用三次曲线对试验数据进行拟合,经检验拟合效果较好。

    With the curve fit model method , the cubic equation is adopted to fit the experiment data resulting in good effect .

  28. 淀粉分支酶活性变化呈三次曲线的关系,前期活性较高,支链淀粉合成能力强,后期逐渐下降。

    Grain with higher Q enzyme activity at early stage had greater amylopectin synthesis ability , which dropped gradually at late stage .

  29. 果实体积的变化与果实发育天数符合三次曲线,相关系数均在0.9以上。

    The variation of fruit volume and the days of fruit development accord with the cubic curve , the correlation coefficient are all above 0.9 .

  30. 对于被测试样,蒸汽压差与透湿量呈三次曲线关系,具有较高的相关性,相关系数的平方为0.719~0.973。

    The regressive equation of the water vapor permeability and the steam differential is cubic equation and the square of correlation coefficient is 0.719 ~ 0.973 .