
  • 网络Cubic surface;Parametric Cubes
  1. 这种三次曲面法具有无需任何待定参数且适应于各种地形等优点,示于若干实际算例中。

    This cubic surface is suitable for any type of terrain as shown in some computation examples .

  2. 反算B-spline三次曲面控制顶点构造义齿几何模型

    Construction of False Tooth Geometrical Model with Anti-algorithm of B-spline Cubic Surface Controlling Vertex

  3. 基于Sturm组计算的三次曲面有理参数化

    Rational Parametrization of Cubic Algebraic Surface Based on Sturm Group

  4. 提出三次曲面拟合法表示到达CCD屏的照明物光与参考光位相差分布,并通过对CCD探测图像数据处理获得物光复振幅分布的方法。

    Presenting the method of stimulant thrice curve to express distribution of phase difference , which formed by object light and reference light that reach CCD , and processing image data detected by CCD , we gain distribution of complex amplitude of object light .

  5. 双三次曲面的应用研究

    BICUBIC B-SPLINE INTERPOLATION SURFACE The Applying Research of Bicubic Patch

  6. 二次与三次曲面存在拼接的条件和算法

    Blending condition and algorithm of surfaces of implicit quadratic and third degree

  7. 双三次曲面在交叉口立面设计中的应用研究

    The Application of the COONS curved-surface in the high-level profile design of intersection

  8. 抛物型直纹三次曲面的设计方法

    Design Method of the Ruled Surface of Third Order

  9. 关于双三次曲面边界条件的改进

    Improvements in the boundary condition of bi-cubic surfaces

  10. 三次曲面的射影生成定义及特征

    Projectively Generated Definition and Character of Cubic Surface

  11. 三次曲面的快速拟合算法

    Thrice curved surface'fast fit algorithm study

  12. 通过弗格森双三次曲面为研究模型来建立最佳的拟合参数。

    At last , through establishing optimal fitting parameters , it is shaped the model of Ferguson bicubic curved surface to surface fitting .

  13. 本文通过严密的数学推导,给出了可适用于任意三次曲面的快速拟合算法。

    This paper , through tight mathematics inferring , gives thrice curved surface ' fast fit algorithm which is suited to arbitrarily thrice curved surface .

  14. 根据已知的力矩特性曲线,分析了利用双三次曲面拟合来创建传动系统所有工况点数据的原理和方法。

    According to known torque curves , the principles and methods for establishing all data in each operation of the driving system was discussed by the theory of 3-dimension fitting .

  15. 首先提出加权系数的有关概念,并分析提供了三次曲面作为核函数的优点。

    In this paper the concept of the weight coefficient to analyse the multisurface function is suggested , and it is proved that the cubic surface as regular function has many advantages .

  16. 其中,针对滤波操作,本文提出了一种基于三次曲面拟合的非均匀采样加权平均滤波器,可以在进行滤波操作的基础上实现数据的均匀提取。

    Because the filtration is the critical role of operator , a weighted average filter with nonuniform sampling is proposed on basis of cubic-fit filtering algorithm . The filter can realize filtering and extract uniform data .

  17. 讨论了根据已知抛物线及平行于该抛物线所在平面的两条异面直线为异线成的直纹三次曲面,并给出了直母线的布线方法。

    The paper gives the detailed discussion on the product of the ruled surface of third order with a known guide parabola and two guide line being paralled to the known guide parabola of the different plane , and presents the method of the guide line being arranged .

  18. 三次曲面的拟合算法在目前已出版的计算机图形学专著和译著中都有详细的讨论和研究,但在曲面方程确定下来以后,如何进行快速的拟合,尚没有一个统一的优化算法。

    Thrice curved surface fit algorithm is discussed and studied in the computer graphics monograph and translation which have been published at present , but when the equation of curved surface has been fixed , how to fit it quickly , there is not a unified optimized algorithm .

  19. 双三次NURBS曲面的G~1连续性条件

    G ~ 1 continuous conditions for bicubic NURBS surfaces

  20. 双三次NURBS曲面生成与分解

    Generating and Decomposing of Bicubic NURBS Surface

  21. 用双三次Coons曲面构造工程曲面的方法

    Construction of Engineering Surface with Double Cubic Coons Surface Patches

  22. 采用双三次Bezier曲面进行双螺杆曲面外形的重建,为利用计算机辅助制造(CAM)提供了好的理论依据。

    A method for reconstructing a shape of twin-screw with a bicubic Bezier surface was proposed , which offers better theoretical foundations for CAM .

  23. 地震分界面的双三次Coons曲面的逼近

    The approximation of seismic interfaces by bicubic Coons surface

  24. 以较为简单的双二次Bezier曲面和较复杂的双三次Bezier曲面为例,对曲面上任意点的不确定性进行了研究,用Matlab编程实现。

    The case of biquadrate Bezier surface and bicubic Bezier surface are studied to estimate error of arbitrary point in curved surface in Matlab .

  25. 文推导了两片双三次Bezier曲面片G2连续拼接的控制顶点之间的12个约束条件。

    Paper [ 1 ] derived twelve restricted conditions between control vertices to C2 smoothly connect two adjacent bicubic Bezier surface patches .

  26. 本文利用计算几何的曲面理论,选择均匀双三次B-Spline曲面,对船体曲面进行了数学表达。

    In this paper the uniform bicubic B & Spline surface is selected for expressing the ship hull surface by using the surface theory of computational geometry .

  27. 针对节点向量为端点插值、内部是单节点情形的2个双三次NURBS曲面,给出了它们之间的G1光滑拼接条件,得到它们的公共边界曲线所要满足的本征方程。

    The G ~ 1 continuity constraints for two bicubic NURBS surfaces with clamped , uniform knot vectors along their common boundary curves are obtained .

  28. 二维非定常流的滑移面计算地震分界面的双三次Coons曲面的逼近

    Calculation of sliding interfaces for two-dimensional unsteady flow the approximation of seismic interfaces by bicubic Coons surface

  29. 确定双三次Coons曲面边界切矢的一种新方法&三点圆法

    A New Method-Three Point Circle Mehtod-to Decide Boundary Tangent & Vectors of Double Cubic Coons Curved Surface

  30. 于是,我们得到以下结论:双三次Coons曲面可以相当好地逼近三维地质结构所具有的诸地震分界面。

    Hence we have arrived at the conclusion that the seismic interfaces of three-dimensional geologic structure can be approximated well enough by bicubic Coons surfaces .