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  • Three quantities;【煤】Three Class of Re serves [of underground mine]
  1. 基于ODBC的矿山三量资源网络数据库管理系统的研究与实现

    Study and Realization of ODBC-Based Three Class of Reserves Network Database Management System of Mine

  2. 三量合理可采期的计算方法及其应用

    Calculation Methods of Rational Minable Period of Three Quantities and Their Application

  3. 生产矿井三量划分和计算雏议车辆折算系数的分类及算法

    Preliminary Discussion on Classification and Calculation on Three Quantities in Production Mine

  4. 三量:需求量。排配量。库存量。

    Three Quantity : requirement quantity schedule planning quantity and stock quantity .

  5. 浅议加油站三量及其对营销决策的影响

    Impacts of three kinds of volume on marketing decision

  6. 煤矿三量及损失量管理信息系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of the Coal Mine Three Coal Reserves and Loss Management Information System

  7. 特厚煤层矿井三量合理可采期

    To determine the rational recoverable time of the three coal quantities of mine with special thick coal seam

  8. 矿山三量数据是矿井生产的重要资料,如何对其运行系统管理、自动提供转入图形系统以及实现数据的共享极为重要。

    The Three Coal Reserves are very important data in the mine production and how to manage them systematically , import them into graphic system automatically and share them each other is also very important .

  9. 在利用R、G、IR三数值量进行背景分割方面进行了新的探索。

    New explore was carried out to do the background segment by using color characteristics .

  10. 三种量表对FD患者心理状态与生活质量的评价

    Assessment of psychological state and quality of life in patients with functional dyspepsia

  11. 材料与方法用国产GDDTPA三倍量增强MR检查110例临床怀疑脑转移瘤患者。

    Materials and Methods Triple dose home made Gd DTPA enhanced MR scanning was performed in 110 patients suspicious of brain metastases .

  12. 结果:1.围术期认知功能评分的三个量表的术后4个时间段与术前基础值相比,评分差异无显著性(P0.05)。

    The cognitive function scores of the three scales during four time periods after surgery are not distinct different compared with the preoperative baseline ( P0.05 ) . 2 .

  13. 合并FPS一R、NRS和VDS三种量表设计而成的简易疼痛评估尺将是十分适合临床使用的工具。

    A mini pain assessment ruler that incorporates a FPS-R , NRS and YDS would be the most appropriate tool for clinical use .

  14. 方法:采用西方失语症检查量表(WAB)、汉语失语症检查表(CRRCAE)以及语言障碍诊治仪(ZM2.1)对25例失语症的患者进行测评,比较三种量表主要因子间的相关性。

    Method : Twenty five cases with aphasia were assessed with western aphasia battery ( WAB ), clinical rehabilitation research center aphasia examination ( CRRCAE ) and diagnostic and therapeutic instrument for speech impediment ( ZM2.1 ) .

  15. 第三个量,也就是位置向量,这个力,现在我们要,这个距离-,等于dcosα,乘以这个力。

    But now we have a third term , namely this position vector , and this force , and so now we 're going to-get this distance which is d cosine alpha times this force .

  16. 在电路中我们有三个量需要测量。

    There are three quantities in a circuit which we need to measure .

  17. 这三个量值在地震过程中都可以连续记录。

    All three of the values can be measured continuously during an earthquake .

  18. 关于内螺纹中径三球量法的探讨

    Study on Measurement of Pitch Diameter of Internal Thread by Three & ball Method

  19. 同样也可以已知两个量,求第三个量。

    Similarly , when any two parameters are known , the third parameters may be calculated .

  20. 把模型装到天平上的任何支杆或挂绳都将在侧力读数上附加三个量。

    Any strut or wire connecting the model to the balance will add three quantities to the forces read .

  21. 只要已知其中的两个量,我们就可以求出第三个量。

    We are always able to know the third one when we know the magnitudes of the other two .

  22. 职业紧张调查由紧张因素、缓解因素和紧张反应三个量表组成。

    The survey of occupational stress consists of three scale components , namely , stressor , modifier and strain reaction .

  23. 以及气体的摩尔数,就可以得到第三个量,知道压强,温度和气体的,摩尔数就可以推导出气体的体积,这称为状态方程,它建立了状态函数之间的联系。

    All you need to know is the pressure and temperature and the number of moles to get the volume .

  24. 用这两个可观测量和局域的序参量,激发粒子数的涨落作比较时,理论和数值结果表明这三个量都可以用来刻画莫特绝缘态到超流态的转变。

    Analytical and numerical simulation results show that these three quantities could be employed to character the Mott insulator to superfluid transition .

  25. 和他的同事按照美国国家胆固醇教育计划量表成人治疗指引第三版量表评价了志愿者的生命体征和代谢综合征的症状。

    Salas-Salvad ó and colleagues assessed participants'lifestyle and symptoms of metabolic syndrome using criteria from the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III.

  26. 我还采取了进一步的措施,在伤口涂了三倍量的抗生素药膏,经常冲洗,保持清洁。

    I take it a step further and apply a triple antibiotic ointment to the wound , wash it frequently and protect it from dirt and debris .

  27. 因此,为了能自动获得亮度适中、细节表现清晰的图像,只需要对光圈大小、曝光时间、信号增益这三个量进行有效控制便可以实现。

    Therefore , in order to automatically obtain moderate-brightness images , it is only needed that the aperture size , exposure time and signal gain are effectively controlled .

  28. 根据球形压头的压入实验测量三个量,确定与能量相关的表征应变和应力,从而确定金属材料的塑性特性。

    The plastic properties can be uniquely determined after energy-based representative strain and stress have been evaluated by means of the three directly measurable quantities of spherical indentation tests .

  29. 临界对比度与照度(或亮度)的关系称为视功效,这三个量之间的函数关系曲线被称为视功效特性曲线。

    The relation between critical contrast and lightness is referred as visual efficacy and the functional curve of these three variables is defined as the curve of visual efficacy property .

  30. 将术后三个量表的评分较手术前的评分下降≥20%的病例认为是有明显的认知功能改变。

    Cases whose postoperative cognitive function scores of the three scales have decreased ≥ 20 % by comparing with the preoperative ones are considered to be significant changes in cognitive function .