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  1. 在伦理判断方面,营销中道义论评价对美国人作出的伦理判断的影响比对中国人作出的伦理判断的影响更显著而目的论评价对中国人作出的伦理判断的影响比对美国人的影响更显著。

    On ethical judgment , deontological evaluation has a greater impact for Americans than for their Chinese counterparts in marketing context and teleological evaluation has a greater impact for Chinese than for their American counterparts in the marketing context .

  2. 企业与地方政府的不断压制,加剧了抗争精英在反抗中的道义感。

    While enterprises and local governments ' continuing suppression on the protests of peasant elites , their struggles are intensified with more and more moral sense .

  3. 最初,研究者在条件推理中使用道义条件句对四卡片问题进行研究,发现道义条件句对解决四卡片问题具有促进作用。

    Initially , researchers used deontic conditions in the study of Wason selection task and found that deontic conditions had effect of facilitation in Wason selection task .

  4. 从此之后,许多研究者都在四卡片问题的研究中采用道义条件句,研究结果表明道义条件句确实能促进四卡片问题的解决。

    Since then , many researchers adopted deontic conditions in the study of Wason selection task , results of these researches showed that deontic conditions indeed facilitated performance in Wason selection task .

  5. 当他在演讲中从道义和理念,转到结尾处的感伤时,他请我们考虑贫困与好战的关系,并为此做些什么。

    As he worked his way from ethos and logos to the pathos of peroration , he bade us think of the connection between deprivation and belligerence , and to do something about it .

  6. 她讲述了拍摄这部电影过程中她在道义上所面临的两难选择。

    She describes her own moral dilemma in making the film .

  7. 在我内心的痛苦中,在道义的疯狂努力中,我憎恶我自己。

    In the midst of my pain of heart and frantic effort of principle , I abhorred myself .

  8. 尽管戴高乐在这一冲突中赢得了道义上的胜利,但却因此而使自由法国与美国在战争中合作的前景遭到破坏,并使他利用美国来抗衡英国的外交战略构想化为泡影。

    De Gaulle did win a moral victory over his rival , but hereafter dimmed the prospect of cooperation between the two countries in the war and bubbled his strategic proposition of contending with Britain by means of America .

  9. 论市场经济中的功利与道义

    Discuss " morality and justice " and the " utility " in market economy

  10. 在生态伦理学理论的诠释中,仍可看到道义论和功利论的思想痕迹以及它们之间的理论冲突与融合在当代的延续。

    We can find the thought imprints and conflicts and combinations of them in modern ecological ethics .

  11. 他们的著作中有很多关于道义是国家间领导权基础的论述,但也有强调物质实力和制度建设的。

    Many of them expound the necessity of making morality the foundation of leadership among states , but some also highlight the role of material power and institution building .

  12. 我珍爱生活中的荣誉与机遇,但更珍视生活中的道义与原则。

    Honor and opportunity in life I hold dear ; morality and principle I hold dearer .

  13. 由于罚金刑是刑罚体系中的一个重要刑种,与其它刑种一样,其报应根据中也必然有道义报应的一面。

    Because the fine is a kind of important penalty in the system of punishment , it ought to have moral basis just like other kinds of penalty .