
On ethical judgment , deontological evaluation has a greater impact for Americans than for their Chinese counterparts in marketing context and teleological evaluation has a greater impact for Chinese than for their American counterparts in the marketing context .
While enterprises and local governments ' continuing suppression on the protests of peasant elites , their struggles are intensified with more and more moral sense .
Initially , researchers used deontic conditions in the study of Wason selection task and found that deontic conditions had effect of facilitation in Wason selection task .
Since then , many researchers adopted deontic conditions in the study of Wason selection task , results of these researches showed that deontic conditions indeed facilitated performance in Wason selection task .
As he worked his way from ethos and logos to the pathos of peroration , he bade us think of the connection between deprivation and belligerence , and to do something about it .
She describes her own moral dilemma in making the film .
In the midst of my pain of heart and frantic effort of principle , I abhorred myself .
De Gaulle did win a moral victory over his rival , but hereafter dimmed the prospect of cooperation between the two countries in the war and bubbled his strategic proposition of contending with Britain by means of America .
Discuss " morality and justice " and the " utility " in market economy
We can find the thought imprints and conflicts and combinations of them in modern ecological ethics .
Many of them expound the necessity of making morality the foundation of leadership among states , but some also highlight the role of material power and institution building .
Honor and opportunity in life I hold dear ; morality and principle I hold dearer .
Because the fine is a kind of important penalty in the system of punishment , it ought to have moral basis just like other kinds of penalty .