
  • 网络Chinese cultural heritage;China Cultural Heritage
  1. 中国文化遗产保护理论与实践研究述评

    A Review of the Theoretical and Practical Study on Chinese Cultural Heritage Protection

  2. 武术是历史的几个世纪的附加文化与中国文化遗产的重要且独特组件。

    Wushu is an important and unique component of Chinese cultural heritage with centuries of cultural history attached .

  3. 环球影城度假区还包括了反映中国文化遗产而特别创造的独特体验。

    it will include experiences designed to reflect China 's cultural heritage .

  4. 中国文化遗产日的组织和管理&基于对首届河南文化遗产日的调查和思考

    How to organize and manage Chinese Culture Heritage Day

  5. 这些装饰物是中国文化遗产的一个重要组成部分。

    I see the ornaments are an important part of China 's artistic heritage .

  6. 纪念首届中国文化遗产日朝觐古文明

    Pilgrimage to the Ancient Heritages

  7. 很多学生为表达对中国文化遗产的喜爱而纷纷创建社团,陈哲伦便是其中之一。

    He is one of many students expressing their interest in the country 's cultural heritage by starting clubs .

  8. 直到现在,中国文化遗产中,仍旧受到世界拥戴和引起兴趣的有两方面:艺术和儒家思想。

    Two aspects of Chinese cultural heritage have achieved worldwide admiration and interest down to present time : art and Confucianism .

  9. 中国文化遗产保护研究历经二十多年,积累了相当的理论与实践经验。

    The study on Chinese cultural heritage protection has accumulated a great deal of theoretical and practical experience for over twenty years .

  10. 他们的探险活动,不但以特殊的形式保存了中国文化遗产,而且对中国学术界起了很大的刺激作用,加速了中国学术界的觉醒和进步。

    These activities not only preserved the Chinese cultural heritage in a special way , but also stimulated the Chinese academic circles .

  11. 在艺术表现的范畴中,视觉艺术作为传统表现手段之一,从美学角度直观地体现出中国文化遗产中传统文化的内涵。

    Visual art as a traditional means of artistic representation directly embodies the connotations of traditional Chinese cultural heritage from an aesthetic angle .

  12. 样板戏属于中国文化遗产的一部分,作为一种特殊时代的产物,它值得被研究而不是被盲目崇拜。

    The model operas are part of China 's cultural legacy , an aberration that deserves to be studied rather than blindly idolized .

  13. 2005年“太阳神鸟”已被国家文物局公布为中国文化遗产标志。

    The Sun Bird Object was appointed by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage as the symbol of China 's intangible cultural heritage in2005 .

  14. 中国文化遗产管理部门也表达了对克里斯蒂拍卖行的强烈反对,要求停止拍卖。

    China 's State Administration of Cultural Heritage has also voiced its strong opposition with Christie 's and demanded that the auction be stopped .

  15. 问:在20世纪初,一些美国外交官好像对于拿走大量中国文化遗产没有丝毫不安。

    Q. Some American diplomats at the turn of the 20th century seem to have felt no qualms about taking out huge caches of Chinese art treasures .

  16. 这些特点反映了我国文物建筑保护和文化遗产保护所面临的新的问题。认识、研究这些问题,制订相应的解决方案已成为中国文化遗产保护迫切需要解决的问题。

    How to understand these issues , and to find new way to solve the new problem is so important for the Chinese conservation of cultural heritage .

  17. 经济发展和遗产保育都要求更多的土地和资源,在全球化和现代化大潮冲击之下的中国文化遗产是否能够被保留?

    As economic development and heritage preservation both demand land and other resources , can heritage sites survive in the wave of modernization and globalization in China ?

  18. 中国文化遗产管理局本月反对一个拍卖会,该拍卖会将拍卖颐和园150年前被掠夺的两件中国文物。

    China 's cultural heritage authority has opposed the auction this month of two Chinese relics looted from the Beijing Imperial Summer Palace almost 150 years ago .

  19. 当前中国文化遗产保护的体制不顺、立法滞后、监管不力,缺乏一个有效的权利体系和法律保护机制。

    In today 's China , the system for protecting the culture and heritage is not smooth , and its legislation lags without powerful inspection and effective rights system and legal protection system .

  20. 重阳节登山和清明节扫墓等民俗应当被铭记,因为它们是中国文化遗产不可或缺的组成部分。

    Folk customs like climbing a mountain during the Double Ninth Festival or cleaning the tombs during the Qingming Festival deserve to be remembered as they are integral part of the Chinese heritage .

  21. 柯基生的观点有别于对缠足普遍持有消极看法的学者和历史学家,他说,缠足可以更积极的被看做是中国文化遗产中重要的一面。

    Ko said that contrary to the generally negative view of footbinding among scholars and historians , he wants it to be seen more positively , as an important aspect of China 's cultural heritage .

  22. 通过对首届河南文化遗产日的调查分析,并借鉴法国、印度等国家经验,从文化遗产日的组织、主题、宣传、收费等方面探讨了中国文化遗产日的组织和管理。

    According to the investigation of Culture Heritage Day in Henan Province and the experience of France and India , the paper puts forward some suggestions on how to organize and manage Chinese Culture Heritage Day .

  23. 事实上,除鼠首及兔首之外,西方世界拥有无数珍贵的中国文化遗产。几乎全部来自一个多世纪以前对华战争中对华的抢夺与偷窃。

    In fact , besides the Rat and the Rabbit , there are numerous other valuable Chinese relics scattered over the Western World , mostly looted or stolen during wars against China more than a century ago .

  24. 我们应该用历史的眼光和时代的精神去更好的保留、弘扬和传承优秀的中国文化遗产,继承《论语》精髓,取其精华、去其糟粕,为中国之未来而奋斗。

    We should use a historical perspective and the spirit of the times to better retention , promotion and transmission of outstanding Chinese cultural legacies " Analects ," the essence of its essence , to its dregs , to fight for the future of China .

  25. 简化汉字也是中国文化历史遗产的一部分。

    Simplified characters are also part of our cultural and historical legacy .

  26. 中国自然文化遗产管理现状分析

    Analysis of Current Situation of the Management of Chinese Natural and Cultural Heritage

  27. 中国茶文化遗产景观及法律保护

    Landscape and Legal Protection of Chinese Tea Culture Heritage

  28. 中国民间文化遗产抢救工程具有重要意义。

    It is significant to establish the rescue project of Chinese folk culture legacy .

  29. 对构建中国自然文化遗产地整合保护网络的思考

    Thinking of Establishing the Integrated Conservation Network for Natural and Cultural Heritage Sites of China

  30. 息讼,是中国法律文化遗产中一项重要的内容。

    Interest disputes , is that the Chinese law cultural heritage is hit but important one content .