
zhōnɡ ɡuó fǎ zhì shǐ
  • history of Chinese legality
  1. 中国法制史教学模式的困境与对策

    The Predicament and the Counter Plan of the China History of Law Teaching Mode

  2. 中国法制史课教学心得

    Reflections on the Teaching of the Chinese History of Legal System The Art Class

  3. 中国法制史教学探讨

    Teaching of the History of Chinese Legal System

  4. 因此,研究秦汉时期的告奸法,对于人们认识秦汉法律制度以及其在中国法制史上的地位,有一定的促进作用。

    Meanwhile , it makes us learn the role that it plays in the history of Chinese law .

  5. 中国法制史课教学心得中国法制现代化几个问题的思考

    Reflections on the Teaching of the Chinese History of Legal System On the Modernization of Chinese Legal System

  6. 众所周知,唐代法律制度在中国法制史上较有代表性。

    It is well known , the Tang Dynasty law system has the representation in the Chinese legal system history .

  7. 中国法制史色彩斑斓的画卷中,20世纪的前五十年绝对称得上是浓墨重彩的一笔。

    In the colorful legal history of China , the first half of the 20th century is the most excellent period of it .

  8. 然而,囿于纯中国法制史学科的局限,该研究难有突破。

    However , confined to the study of pure law history of China , it is difficult to make important breakthrough in this field .

  9. 唐律作为中国法制史上的经典之作,包含了许多民事法律条款。

    Tang 's law is regarded as the classical creation in the history of Chinese legal system because it includes many provisions of civil law .

  10. 追求技术实现与教学内容的完美结合&以《中国法制史》为例谈如何制作文科课程的网络课程

    The Quest for a Perfect Match Between Teaching Content and Information Technology & A Legal History of China as an Example of Developing Online Courses for the Humanities

  11. 中国法制史是法学专业的专业必修课,是我国大学法学教育的十四门主干课之一。

    " History of Chinese Legal System " is a very important required course of law field and one of14 specialized backbone courses of law science of higher education .

  12. 20世纪上半叶,五四新文化运动传播了西方资产阶级史学理论,在此背景下诞生了一大批有着开阔视野和多元化研究方法的中国法制史学者。

    In 20th century , New Culture Movement introduced western Capitalism history theory , and then quite a lot of scholars with broad views and rich knowledge researched on Chinese legal history .

  13. 纵观中国法制史,在清末修律,中国法律实现近代化以前,历代王朝对罪犯都实行赎罪政策。

    Getting a bird 's eye view of the legal history of China , every Dynasty carried out the atonement policy on the prisoners before the amendment of law in last years of the Qing and legal modernization of Chinese law .

  14. 对于清末律师制度的研究,不仅可以填补中国法制史领域中的一些空白,而且也可以为健全现代法律体系包括现代司法制度提供历史借鉴。

    The research that probes into the lawyers ' system of the late Ch ' ing is not only fills in the gap in the field of Chinese legal history , but also provides us historical lessons that may reinforce the contemporary legal system , including modern judicial system .

  15. 礼与法是中国古代法制史上的两大课题。

    Rites and law are the two major topics in China ancient of legal system and institutions .

  16. 从而全面揭示出金朝法律的作用以及在中国古代法制史上具有的重要地位。

    In deed , the function and the importance of it in Chinese legal system were displayed wholly .

  17. 宁波的法制史尤其是近代法制史是中国近代法制史的重要组成部分,研究宁波近代法制史可以促进对于中国近代法制史的更深入的研究。

    Ningbo legal history , especially modern legal history is one of the most important part in Chinese modern legal history .

  18. 唐代判牍采用骈体,文采绚烂,是中国古代法制史上判文中的一朵奇葩。

    Abundant in splendidness , the court verdicts of the Tang Dynasty takes the form of rhythmical prose style , a wonder in the Chinese ancient law history .

  19. 中国革命法制史中的劳动法规是协调劳资关系、保护劳工的法律规范,是社会主义法律体系的重要组成部分。

    In the legal history of the Chinese revolution , the labor legislation is an instrument to coordinate labor relations and protect labor , is an important component of the socialist legal system .

  20. 在中国革命法制史进程中,哈尔滨解放区的劳动法规建设是连接苏区、边区以及其后的新中国劳动法规的重要一环。

    In the process of legal history of the Chinese revolution , the labor legislation of Harbin Liberated Areas is an important link connecting the labor legislation of Chinese Soviet areas , the border areas and the new china .

  21. 以往学界对中国古代法制史的研究多将视线集中于刑律以及司法精神的演变上来,较少关注女性犯罪、女性犯罪的原因以及国家对犯罪女性的刑罚。

    The research of ancient Chinese history was mostly on criminal laws and the changes of judicial spirit , but was seldom conducted on female crimes , causes of such crimes and penalties the nation promulgated against the committers .

  22. 中国封建农业法制史研究

    Study on China 's Feudal Legal System of Agriculture

  23. 蒙古族法制史在中国古代民族法制史上具有举足轻重的地位,成为自成体系的蒙古法系。

    The Mongolian legal history has an important status in national legal history in ancient times of China and has become Mongolian legal system .

  24. 中国法制史学是研究中国法制史的一门学科,探索中国历史上的法律制度如何传承,实际运行的效果如何,其在维护社会秩序等方面究竟扮演怎样的角色等等问题。

    The legal history of China is a subject of studying Chinese legal history , which explores the inheritance and implementation of legal systems in Chinese history .

  25. 清末修律以及近代法学体系的建立,标志着传统中华法系的解体,是中国法律近代化的开端,在中国法制史上具有重要意义。

    The establishment of the modern legal system and the legal reform in late Qing dynasty marks the disintegration of the Chinese Legal System . It is the beginning of the modernization of chinese legal system , which is also an important significance in chinese legal history .

  26. 《唐六典》是研究中国古代典章制度,特别是唐代典章制度和中国古代法制史的重要的参考文献之一。

    《 Tang Liu Dian 》 is one of the important literature literature in researching Chinese ancient system , especially the system of Tang Dynasty and Chinese ancient legal system history .

  27. 在抗日战争的特定历史环境下,重庆成为中国的战时首都和陪都,众多法学名宿和法律精英荟萃,构成中国近现代法制史上的一大奇观。

    In the specific historical circumstances of the War of Resistance against Japan , Chongqing became Wartime Capital of China , and Alternate Capital , many elite jurists and legal resident celebration of the arts , and constituted a great spectacle of modern legal history of China .