
yuán xūn
  • founding father;a man of great merit;hero of great distinction
元勋 [yuán xūn]
  • (1) [hero of great distinction]∶首功;大功

  • 有元勋大劳

  • (2) [a man of great merit]∶有极大功绩的人;立大功的人

  • 开国元勋

元勋[yuán xūn]
  1. 朝鲜宣布下月将发射一枚卫星,纪念建国元勋金日成百年寿辰。

    North Korea announced it would launch a satellite to mark the centenary of fonder Kim Il-sung 's birth next month .

  2. 本周一美国民众庆祝独立日,是为了纪念1776年美国建国元勋宣布脱离英国殖民独立的那天。

    Americans are celebrating Independence Day on Monday-the anniversary of the day the country 's founding fathers declared independence from Britain in1776 .

  3. 陈赓是新中国第一所军事工程学院的建院元勋,其工作在当代中国军事工程技术教育史上是开创性的。

    Chen Geng was the founder of the New China 's first academy of military engineering , and he made a pioneering contribution to military engineering education in contemporary China .