
  • 网络Won Gyun
  1. 称C(G)满足极小条件,如果C(G)中每个元均包含一个原子元。

    C ( G ) is said to satisfy minimal condition if each element of C ( G ) contains an atom .

  2. 运用Flory状态方程理论预测三元均聚物共混体系的相行为

    Simulation of phase behavior in ternary homopolymer blends based upon flory ′ s equation of state theory

  3. 将经过改进的Flory状态方程(EOS)理论,引入到四元均聚高分子共混体系得到四元体系的Flory状态方程。

    Modified Flory 's equation of state theory ( ESO ) was extended to study the thermodynamics criterion (Δ Gm ) of ternary polymer blends .

  4. 运用Flory现代状态方程理论(EOS),对三元均聚物共混体系的热力学函数吉布斯共混自由能ΔGm进行合理简化,并求得其spinodal相图方程。

    The thermodynamic free energy on mixing Δ G m and the spinodal equation in ternary homopolymer blends were obtained by making plausible approximation based on Flory ′ s equation of state theory .

  5. 介绍了用于计算MnO-SiO2二元均相系中组元活度的高阶亚正规溶液(SELF-SReM)模型。

    A SELF-SReM model of predicting the component activities in a homogeneous region of MnO-SiO2 binary system was introduced .

  6. 这里的结论对几乎所有已知的非协调板元均适用。

    Our results are valid for almost known nonconforming plate finite elements .

  7. 除非另有说明,元均表示美元。

    References to dollars are to United States dollars , unless otherwise stated .

  8. 任意两个非交换元均生成p~3阶子群的有限p-群

    Finite p-groups in which any Two Noncommutative Elements Generate a Subgroup of Order p ~ 3

  9. 同步通讯:在数据传送中,每数元均用一指定速度传送的情况。

    Synchronous communication : Data transmission in which each bit is transmitted at a given rate .

  10. 系统各组元均为球面镜,形式简单、结构紧凑。

    Various components are the spherical mirror , the form are simple , and the structure is compact .

  11. 系统的特性可用广义导纳矩阵的形式给出,每个广义导纳矩阵元均是频率和系统几何参量的函数。

    The charateristics of the coupled cavities are expressed in terms of generalized admittance matrices which are functions both of frequency and dimensions of the system .

  12. 剩余格是具备了一定条件的1-广群,为了研究其结构,给出了剩余格的2个特征性质即剩余格中的每个元均为负的;

    Residual Lattice is an 1-groupoid with some conditions . In order to research its construction , two special properties are provided . Every element in the residual lattice is negative .

  13. 通过研究智能面元均化、有源干扰去除、深海多次波去除、按水深切除及深水资料成像等多项处理技术,形成了深海地震资料处理的技术系列。

    A serial of techniques developed through the study includes intelligent bin homogenizing , source interference elimination , deep-sea multiple removal , muting by water bottom and deep water data image .

  14. 针对因不同年度、不同采集因素造成的三维地震资料品质差异大的问题,利用统一网格定义、面元均化、子波整形等技术手段,研究开发了三维地震资料连片处理技术。

    According to the problem of the difference of 3D seismic data quality affected by different acquisition factors , this paper uses generalized grid definition , bin homogenization and wavelet shaping to develop connection technique of 3D seismic process .

  15. 发射和接收阵列阵元均采用成对形式,阵元对内部间距不大于半波长,相邻阵元对间距远大于半波长以支持孔径扩展。

    The transmit and receive array elements are composed of mated element antennas , respectively . The internal mated elements spacing is no more than a half-wavelength and the adjacent paired elements spacing farther apart than a half-wavelength to support extended-aperture .

  16. 在资料连片处理中,应用面元均化技术,解决了不同地表条件和不同年份施工的各区块资料因网格不一、覆盖次数不均匀等带来的质量问题,取得了较好的连片处理效果。

    Some quality problems resulted from different grid and uneven coverage in the data of each block with different surface conditions operated in different years . They are solved by using bin averaging technique in merging processing of data achieving good effect .

  17. 宋代凌迟之刑的使用对元明清均产生了重要影响。

    It had an important influence on later dynasties .

  18. 结果表明:具有超低界面张力的表面活性剂驱和二元驱均能够进一步提高聚驱后采收率,但表面活性剂驱提高采收率效果不明显,二元驱提高采收率的效果较为明显。

    The results of investigation indicate that oil recovery can be enhanced by surfactant flooding and SP flooding further after polymer flooding .

  19. 传统的极限平衡计算和有限元分析均无法描述滑坡的运动学特点和运动过程。

    Either the traditional limit equilibrium calculation or finite element analysis cannot be used to describe the characteristics and process of landslide movements .

  20. 本文对三元非均相共沸物系为研究对象,以残余曲线图为理论基础。

    In this thesis , based on Residue Curve Maps ( RCMs ) theoretical , ternary heterogeneous azeotropic systems were chosen as research object .

  21. 在φ20精馏装置上进行叔丁醇水正己烷三元非均相恒沸精馏,获得了99.9%的无水叔丁醇。

    Ternary heterogeneous Azeotropic distillation of tert . - butyl alcohol - water-hexane is carried out on a φ 20 rectification device . Dehydrated tert .

  22. 肝糖元含量均高于对照组,中、高剂量组与对照组相比分别具显著和极显著差异(P<0.05,P<0.01)。

    The blood lactic acid concentration after exercise in test group was significantly lower than control group ( P < 0.01 ) in high dose group ) .

  23. 研究表明当代大学生的元认知均已达到了中上程度水平,并且在性别、学科方面差异不显著。

    The study indicates that the metacognition 's level of contemporary college students have already reached beyond medium degree and there are no obvious differences between sexual and subjects .

  24. 认为接触强度重合度系数公式及斜齿轮有限元计算均应以动态统计平均接触线长度为依据。

    The formula of the coefficient of contact ratio for surface durability calculation and the finite element calculation for helical gears should both be based on the dynamic statistic average length of contact line .

  25. 称一平面点集F是k-等腰集(k≥3),如果F的任一k-元子集中均含有三个点,使得其中一点到另外两点的距离相等。

    A finite planar set is k-isosceles for k ≥ 3 , if every k-point subset of the set contains a point equidistant from other two .

  26. 通过比较,本文提出的两种土压力计算方法所预测的土压力分布以及土压力系数与模型试验实测结果及有限元模拟结果均吻合良好。

    The predicted results of the proposed two methods , including the magnitude and distribution of earth pressure , show good agreement with the model test and FEM results .

  27. “定期存款的条件为年利6%,存期6个月以上,只要金额1000元,我们均乐意接受”

    " We shall be pleased to receive a fixed deposit for any amount more than $ 1,000 , for a period over six months at the rate of 6 % p.a. "

  28. 在城乡统筹、建立社会主义和谐社会的背景下,我国的社会主义市场经济与城乡二元社会体制均发生了巨大的变化。

    In the urban and rural areas , Chinese market economy system occur to huge change in order to establish next of a socialist harmonious society , with urban and rural society has undergone changes .

  29. 2005年陕西省的旅游外汇收入为4.46亿美元,全省旅游业总收入298.1亿元人民币,均跌出前10位。

    In 2005 , the number of Shaanxi 's foreign exchange is 4.46 billion dollar and it is the eleventh in our country ; the number of Shaanxi 's entire province tourism gross income 29.81 billion Yuan .

  30. 这里材料的厚度和表面等离子体激元的波长均在微米量级,此时波的工作频率同第一种情况的一样,都是微波频段。

    The thickness of material and the wavelength of the surface plasmon polaritons are both micron-sized . And the operating frequency is in the microwave band just as the first part . The similar theoretical derivation was carried on to get the intrinsic equation .